May 3, 2024
Superintendent's Message:
Music education reached a significant milestone in the Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) this year, thanks to additional state funding for music and the collaborative efforts of CUSD and the Carlsbad Educational Foundation (CEF). Every elementary school within the district now has a full-time music teacher on its campus, offering weekly music classes to students.
Whether it’s supporting elementary music - or helping CUSD fund 40 other programs that benefit every student, every day - CEF is always here, partnering with Carlsbad Unified to provide elevated learning opportunities for all of our students.
CEF is a nonprofit organization that has supported educational programs for our school district since 1983. But that is only the beginning. The district’s partnership with CEF exerts a powerful impact far beyond any one program, as CEF brings to the table perspective and involvement with Carlsbad business, industry, and community.
“We like to say that CEF is the ‘special sauce,’” says CEF’s CEO Laura Pitts. “We are nimble. We are not subject to the many rules and restrictions that govern public school funding. We can act quickly, and we can identify where some additional funding can enhance or extend existing programs to better serve all students.”
Through CEF, community business partners share their expertise with our students. For example, ViaSat provides coaches for Science Olympiad, Nordson Corporation employees provide support for Robotics, and local business owners share entrepreneurial endeavors with the Student Leadership Council. Our Career Pathways programs gain valuable information on local workforce needs, and our students learn about careers through internships, job shadowing, and classroom presentations.
Districtwide, CEF funds art and science lab supplies at all middle and high schools to give students hands-on experiences. It also funds field trips, STEAM programs, musicals, music coaches, and the purchase and repair of musical instruments.
CEF also runs a robust scholarship program for graduating seniors who are furthering their education. Last year they awarded $71,000 to 14 seniors for college expenses.
In addition, CEF collaborates with the district and our teachers to determine priorities. CHE Principal Kimberly Fuentes, who serves on CEF’s Board of Directors, says, “When determining whether a particular project or proposal should be funded, CEF always solicits the district’s perspective. Is it in line with the district’s goals? Does it duplicate (or conflict with) an existing program? Will it inadvertently cost the district money, or undue work?”
CEF offers teachers the opportunity to seek grants for special programs or materials needed in their classroom. A committee of CEF and district staff meet, evaluate the grants, and decide which ones will be funded. The process is driven by teachers and administrators at the school sites.
CEF manages the after-school child care at all nine elementary school sites, as well as after-school enrichment programs and summer classes. The income from these programs covers CEF’s administrative costs so that all philanthropic donations go directly to supporting programs at the schools.
We are immensely grateful to the Carlsbad Educational Foundation, and its community of supporters, for its unwavering support of exemplary programs benefiting the students of Carlsbad Unified School District.
This year's Gala to Benefit Students, featuring Yachtley Crew, will be held on May 18 at the Omni La Costa Resort. All are invited to join us to have a fun evening that supports Carlsbad Unified’s students. Visit their website for more information:
CUSD Board Meeting Wrap Up
Special Board Meeting - May 1, 2024
The following items were discussed and/or decided at the May 1, 2024 Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees:
- Board Study Session - Facilities Workshop - Information/Discussion
More information, including slide decks and copies of approved resolutions, can be found here or by clicking the button below.
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Carlsbad Unified School District
Location: 6225 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA, USA
Phone: 760-331-5000
Twitter: @CarlsbadUSD