Mountain View Weekly Update
September 20, 2024
Announcements & Updates
- On September 27 and 30, Mountain View staff will be administering both a Mathematics and ELA assessment to all students at Mountain View using the LinkIt! online testing platform. The district has been using LinkIt! since 2015; students have multiple years of experience with this platform. Each year, we administer three rounds in both ELA and Mathematics , with the data from each round being used in various ways, from providing information about student progress, to evaluating our programs. To create a more formal testing atmosphere, we will have all the students remain in their homeroom to complete the assessments, which is consistent with the administration of the New Jersey Student Learning Assessment in the spring. Note that a revised bell schedule will be in place, with all students taking the LinkIt! From 8:30 - 9:45, and the normal class schedule resuming thereafter.
- The STEM lab (Mr. Jorgensen's classroom) is open for students before school, from 8:00 - 8:30, for morning study hall. Students reporting to the STEM lab do not need to sign in at the Main entrance; instead, there is a sign-in at the entrance to the lab. Note that students will not be permitted to enter the building and go to the STEM lab after 8:20, and once capacity reaches 25 students, the lab will be closed.
- The after-school Den Hour, from 3:30 - 4:30, begins on Tuesday, October 1. To sign up, students should use the link on Mrs. Toth's Google Classroom. The Lions' Den will be available after school Tuesday through Thursday for students wishing to complete projects, homework, and classwork, and for those students assigned by their teacher to complete missing work.
- The Mountain View Middle School "Year at a Glance" calendar, which was included in Back to School Night folders, will be updated periodically and reshared as needed. Several 8th grade events have been added. Please click here to access the calendar electronically.
- The first meeting of the Mountain View Middle School Middle School Superpowers Parent Book Club will take place on Thursday, September 26 from 9:00 - 10:00 in the Lions' Den. The discussion will center around the Introduction and Chapter 1 - Super Flexibility. A virtual option will be available for parents who are unable to attend in person. For more information, and to sign up, please see the flyer and link below. For parents that were unable to attend the Back to School Night presentation, author Phyllis Fagell's slides are attached below as well.
Student Council Pink Out 2024 - Shirt Orders due September 24!
HSA Happenings
Fall Enrichments!
Enrollment Opens on the HSA website
Wednesday, September 25 at 7:00 p.m.
Reminder: Your HSA membership must be current to enroll in Enrichments. If you have not updated your membership this year, please visit our website here.
For enrichment-related questions, contact
Mark your calendar
- 9/24: 8th gr Morris County VoTech presentation
- 9/26: Mid-marking period progress report templates mailed (gr 5-7)
- 9/26: Parent Book club meeting (9:00 a.m.)
- 9/27: Advisory
- 10/3: School closed in observance of Rosh Hashanah
- 10/4: 7/8 "RA Friday"