Irvington Weekly Newsletter
October 11, 2024
Picture Day Information
Picture day is Wednesday, October 16. (Retakes will be December 5.) If you would like to order pictures, you may do so here.
Message from Ms. Blum
Attention 5th grade families: Please read this letter for upcoming information about the lottery for middle schools and upcoming open houses.
Boiler Maintenance
This week and next, the district's boiler maintenance team is conducting routine maintenance on our heating system. While the temperatures look reasonable next week, the mornings can be chilly in our building. Please send your child to school in layers to ensure their comfort at the beginning of the day.
Lost and Found
As the weather cools and coats are worn and shed daily, we wanted to remind our community about Irvington’s Lost and Found. Lost and Found is located at the bottom of the east stairwell on the cafeteria level. There you will find a rack of clothing and several bins of water bottles, lunch boxes and other odds and ends. If you need access to the lost and found during school hours, please check in with the office. After school, you can ask a school staff member to let you into the door on the east side of the blacktop. We also routinely bring the lost and found out during drop off and pick up to help reunite lost items and will announce those opportunities in this newsletter.
PTA Mission, Vision, and Values Engagement Session
The first opportunity to engage on our PTA mission, vision, and values revisit will be Monday, October 14, from 1:00-2:30pm in room 109. Please come and make sure your voice is heard! If you want to be involved but cannot make the meeting, please email ptapres@irvingtonschool.com, and we'll keep you on future communications.
PTA Meeting October 21 <REPEAT>
Please save the date for the next PTA general meeting on Monday, October 21, 5:30-7:30pm! This meeting will feature special guests Mr. Greer and Rachel Oh, the principal and PTA president of Harriet Tubman Middle School respectively. We’ll also hear a new proposal for sound panels in the cafeteria, an amendment to our 2024-2025 field trip budget, and host an engagement session on our mission, vision and values. Please plan to come!
Upcoming Events
Monday, October 14: PTA mission, vision, and values meeting, 1:00-2:30pm, in room 109
Tuesday, October 15: Irvington fall garden work party, 2:30-4:00pm
Wednesday, October 16: Picture day
Thursday, October 17: ELD/Title III information session, 2:30pm
Monday, October 21: PTA meeting, 5:30-7:30pm
Wednesday, October 23: Early release day; students dismiss at 11:50am
Thursday, October 24: Pastini restaurant night, 11am-8:30pm
Friday, October 25: Spirit day (pajamas)
Friday, October 25: Movie night, 6:15pm
See it all at a glance here: https://www.irvingtonschool.com/