Granger School 2021-22 School Year
Quick Reference Resource
Overview of Granger ISD
Granger Independent School District is a public school district established in 1887. The district serves pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade students. Granger High School is classified as 2-A by the University Interscholastic League.
Mission Statement
Granger Independent School District will provide students with a quality education which enables every student to graduate high school with advanced skills for future success.
The 2021-22 School Year Calendar
Aug. 18 Begin1st 9 weeks - Ends Oct.8
Sept. 6 School Closed/Student & Staff Holiday
Oct.11 School Closed/Student & Staff Holiday
Oct. 12 Student Holiday/Teacher In-Service
Oct. 13 Begin 2nd 9 weeks - ends Dec. 17
Nov. 22-26 Student Holiday
Nov. 22-23 Teacher Comp Days
Dec. 17 Early Release 1:00
Dec. 20-Jan. 3 Student Holiday
Jan. 3 Teacher In-Service
Jan. 4 Begin 3rd 9 weeks - Ends March 11
Jan. 17 School Closed/ Student & Staff Holiday
Feb. 21 School Closed/Student & Staff Holiday
March 11 Early Release 1:00
March 14-18 Spring Break School Closed/Student & Staff Holiday
March 21 Begin 4th 9 weeks - Ends May 27
April 15 School Closed/Student & Staff Holiday
May 27 Early Release 1:00
May 28 Graduation
In Every Issue
Gourmet Popcorn: $3 each or 2 for $5 (all year)
White Cheddar
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownie: (all year)
Small $1
Regular $2
8x8 pan $10
9x13 pan $20
Chocolate Bars $1 until gone
School website link to schedules: https://www.grangerisd.net/209087_2
Doors open at 7:00 a.m.
Morning Bell rings at 7:55 a.m.
PK & K @ 3:20 p.m.
Grades 1-4 @ 3:25 p.m.
Grades 5-12 @ 3:40 p.m.
Bus Schedule:
Morning Pickup: Between 6:50 a.m. and 7:20 a.m.
Afternoon Routes: Depart campus at 3:50 p.m.
Lunch Schedule:
PreK 10:40-11:15
K 10:45-11:15
1st & 2nd 10:55-11:25
3rd 11:15-11:45
4th 11:05-11:35
5th 11:20-11:50
JH 11:45-12:15
HS 12:35-1:05
Library Fixed Schedule:
Mr. Irisawa 9:40-10:25
Vanek 12:20-1:05
Chapman 9:40-10:25
Repa 12:20-1:05
5th Grade 2:00-2:45
Spurbeck 9:40-10:25
Steffeck 12:20-1:05
Michalik 9:40-10:25
Marek 12:20-1:05
Pre-K 2:00-2:45
Sessums 9:40-10:25
Ivicic 12:20-1:05
5th Grade 2:00-2:45
Testing: Tentative Testing Dates
January 26 TSI Reading and Math Class (10th, 11th and 12th graders who request to retake)
December EOC Retakes
December 7-English 1
December 8-Biology and US History
December 9-Algebra 1 and English 2
February 21-April 1K-12
April EOC and 5/8 Reading and Math STAAR
April 5 English 1
April 5 Grades 5 and 8 Math
April 6 Grades 5 and 8 Reading
April 7 English 2
May EOC and 3-8 STAAR
May 3-6 Algebra 1, Biology, US History
May 5 Grade 8 Science
May 6 Grade 8 Social Studies
May 10 3-4 and 6-7 Math, 5 and 8 Math retakes
May 11 3-4 and 6-7 Reading, 5 and 8 Reading retakes
May 12 Grade 5 science
June EOC retakes
June 21-24 Algebra 1, Biology, and US History
June 21 English 1, 5 and 8 Math Retakes
June 22 5 and 8 Reading Retakes
June 23 English 2
Class Sponsors:
Seniors: Lisa Repa, Tracy Terry, Quinlan Kubacak, Anissa Lopez, Pedro Rivera, Ernest Valdez, Brenten Drummond, & Devyn Gaswint
Juniors: Seth Terry, Lyndsey Reed, Kody Kuhl, Ryan Gonzales, Tony Matta, Emily Polanco, & Alyssa Wade
Sophomores: Carol Samaneigo, Marcella Martin, Jolene Volek, Michelle Bassett, Chuck Bassett, & Kyle Popovec
Freshmen: Jimmie Baker, Eric Johnson, Jennifer Lane, Brent Holubec, Chaston Kubacak, & Sierra Holly
School Board:
Tommy Filla, President
Daryl Stefek Vice President
Sandra Carpenter, School Board Secretary
Roman Ramirez, Member
Peter Reese, Member
Jeanette Welles, Member
Shane Wagner, High School Principal
Jennifer Cundieff, Elementary Principal
Stephen Brosch, Athletic Director
Andrea Dolan, Technology Director, Cybersecurity Coordinator
Amber Thorsen, Director of Special Programs/Guidance Counselor
Tawnya Shirocky, Director of Curriculum, Accountability and Testing
Sandi Dunn, Director of Finance
Michael Abbott, Director of Operations
Counselor Corner
See her for special programs offered, graduation plans, and college and career guidance.
Elementary SEL Counselor: Mary Beth Wagner
She advocates for the health needs of students by offering instruction that enhances awareness of mental health and social/emotional needs. (SEL - Social Emotional Learning)
School phone number to speak with the counselors:
Club Sponsors
HS Cheerleaders: Lyndsey Reed & Quinlan Kubacak
JH Cheerleaders: Devyn Gaswint
HS/JH Student Council: Alyssa Wade
FCA: Kody Kuhl, Mari Buenostro, Tracie Niskern
FCCLA: Jimmie Baker
FFA: Brent Holubec
NHS: Jennifer Lane
Newspaper: Michelle Bassett
One Act Play: Tracy Terry
The Locker: Jolene Volek
Meet the Teacher
Jr.-Senior High Faculty:
Lion's Share
The online store is a place to purchase a variety of items to support your student and school. Items such as lost charger replacements and fundraisers can be found here. Purchases may be picked up at the school.
The site and technology purchases are managed by the technology director. Other fundraising items are managed by the club sponsoring the fundraiser.
Library Policy & Procedure
Library Director: Donna Griffis
Students in grades PreK-5th are given a book bag. Please do not discard.
Book Checkouts:
Pre-K-1st grade: one book
2nd grade: two books
3rd-12th: three books
*Renewals are allowed unless the book is reserved or new.
*All books are due in two weeks. Overdue books are to be returned before additional books can be checked out.
*Chromebooks & Calculators due end of the school year.
*Late fees are not charged, but students will be charged a replacement cost for lost or badly damaged items.
*Refunds are given for items found in good condition and returned by the last day of school within the same school year.
*Students are encouraged to look over books/equipment before checking them out. Please report any damages at the time of check out to avoid unwelcome charges.
*If a student is moving, all items must be returned to the library.
*Items are not to be checked out and borrowed by anyone other than the student whom it has been issued to.
*Damage fees or replacement costs will apply to calculators, as well as Chromebooks not covered under insurance.
Tips to Ease Back into School
*Return the Chromebook acceptable use policy signed by student and parent/guardian.
*Return the Free or Reduced lunch forms to the cafeteria manager or school secretary. For elementary, to the cafeteria manager, secretary or homeroom teacher.
*If purchasing insurance for Chromebook, please pay in the library or secondary office. Don't forget to get a receipt!
**Designate an area at home which is safe from pets and small children for school backpacks, library books, calculators, as well as Chromebooks & chargers.
Child Nutrition
Cafeteria Manager: Marlana Sustaita
Granger ISD will provide breakfast & lunch every school day to ALL students at no cost. The USDA issued guidelines that allows schools to offer meals to all students at no cost for the 2021-2022 school year. Please fill out the application to determine eligibility for free or reduced lunch so we can continue offering all students meals.
Link to Free & Reduced Lunch Application:
Cafeteria Pricing:
Breakfast: Free
Reduced Breakfast: Free
Reduced Lunch: Free
Pre-K-4th Lunch: Free
5th-12th Lunch: Free
Adult Breakfast $2.50
Adult Lunch $4.25
To pay online for meals, snacks, or beverages:
Link: https://www.grangerisd.net//index.php?pageID=13303
- Medications MUST be brought to the health office by an adult. Children are not allowed to carry any medications to school themselves.
- If your child is going to carry “rescue medications” (i.e. epi-pen, inhaler), his/her physician must fill out an authorization form to do so. The Health Office must be aware that the child has a medication with him/her. Forms are available in the Health Office.
- If you are going to bring any medications for your child to take at school (prescription and non-prescription), a form must be filled out before the medication can be given. Forms are available online as well as in the Health Office.
- If your child will be taking any medications daily for more than 4 weeks, a physician’s signature is required.
School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
The purpose of a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is to bring together individuals and groups from the community to address issues affecting the health and well-being of the children and youth living in our community. The council will address the continued implementation of a coordinated health program including health education, physical education, health services, nutrition services, counseling, a healthy school environment, staff health promotion, and family/community involvement.
The SHAC meets 4 times per each school year.
Contact: Erica Moczygemba, RN
#For The G
Jr. High Athletics page: Schedules
Athletics Home page:
Show your pride sportswear! This fundraiser goes on all school year to purchase at your convenience.
Fan Gear:
#Grit & Grind
Stephen Brosch - Athletic Director
Andrea Dolan
Brenton Drummond
Jennifer Fudge
Ryan Gonzales
Sierra Holly
Eric Johnson
Chaston Kubacak
Kody Kuhl
Anissa Lopez
Tony Matta
Carol Samaniego
Jolene Volek
Alyssa Wade
#one in a milLION
UIL Alignment 2021-22
Granger ISD is classified by the UIL as 2A, and the district alignment for athletics is as follows:
Region 4-Football District 13: Bartlett, Burton, Milano, Snook, GRANGER, Iola, Sommerville
Region 4-Volleyball District 25: Bartlett, Buckholts, GRANGER, Holland, Milano, Rosebud-Lott, Thorndale, Thrall
Region 4-Basketball District 27: GRANGER, Hearne, Holland, Milano, Thorndale, Thrall
Region 4-Baseball District 27: Bartlett, Bremond, GRANGER, Hearne, Holland, Milano, Rosebud-Lott, Thorndale, Thrall
Region 4-Softball District 27: Bartlett, Bremond, GRANGER, Holland, Milano, Rosebud-Lott, Thorndale, Thrall
Region 4-Track & Field District 27: GRANGER, Hearne, Holland, Milano, Thorndale, Thrall
Region 4-Cross Country District 27: GRANGER, Hearne, Holland, Milano, Thorndale, Thrall
Region 4-Tennis District 25: GRANGER, Hearne, Holland, Milano, Thorndale, Thrall
1. Join the PTO and/or SHAC.
2. Support Band & Sports Boosters.
3. Ask the Cafeteria Manager if help is needed for special luncheons. (Thanksgiving, fieldtrips, etc.)
4. Fundraisers: Either volunteering or supporting by purchasing and advertising to others.
5. Elementary: Help with parties, field day, field trips, ask the teacher.
6. Secondary: Send a box of tissues or sticky notes to each teacher. Ask the teacher.
7. Library: Help with Book Fair and Family Events. Support your student by encouraging them to participate in offered reading programs. (AR, Library sponsored events, teacher assignments.) Donation ideas: box of tissues, hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray or wipes, reading incentive prizes.
8. Simple ways to help:
*See trash lying on the school grounds? Place in trash can.
*Don't take students on vacations during scheduled school days. Every day counts for student and teacher success!
*If possible, don't wait until right before school is out to call the school informing your child will have a change of plans for after school pickup.
*Talk to your students. Check on their learning progress and school related issues. Examples: Do they have overdue items from the library or unpaid charges in the lunch room? Do they know where the Chromebook charger is and are they charging the device every night and bringing it to school? *If it is a test day, did they bring their calculator and laptop? Did they wash their PE clothes? Does the elementary student have a weekly folder or anything parent needs to sign or see? What is one thing they learned today?
*On PE day for elementary students: remember no boots or slip on shoes. Preferred daily footwear is tennis shoes.
*Please don't send any students to school in flip flops.
*Acts of kindness, compassion, and patient understanding help make the day better for everyone.
When visiting the school, be sure to have your driver's license or form of ID ready to check in at the High School and Elementary offices. Pandemic safety: Call head to see the latest in pandemic protocols. (512-859-2173) Thank you for your understanding.
Friendly Reminders
*There is a $30 replacement cost for lost or damaged laptop chargers.
*Barcodes on school issued property must not be removed.
*No stickers placed on Chromebooks or calculators.
*All students are issued a laptop which will reflect on their library status. Students Pre-K-4th will keep their issued laptop in their homeroom.
*PLEASE return library books. The average cost to replace a book is $15, sometimes more, for each book borrowed. This hurts students when resources are taken from them.
*Regular school board meetings are the second Wednesday of each month. For information from the meetings, please refer to the school website, under Board of Trustees, then Agendas & Minutes.
*Sometimes things happen beyond Granger ISD control. Please look at the school website, Twitter, Facebook and take calls from the school for any unforeseen schedule/event changes.
Granger ISD
Email: dgriffis@granger.txed.net
Website: grangerisd.net
Location: 300 North Colorado, Granger, TX, USA P.O. Box 578 Box 578
Phone: 512-859-2173
Facebook: facebook.com/GrangerISD
Twitter: @Granger_Lions