Maize South High School
November 2022
A message from Principal Ms. Becky Sailor
Greetings Mavs!
It has been a great first six weeks of the school year. As we come off of our fall Homecoming festivities and parent teacher conferences, it was great to see so many parents at conferences and students engaged in all of the activities last week.
Upcoming change in the school day - Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Our fall College and Career Readiness Day is Wednesday, October 5th. Please refer to the district wide email regarding more details for your student and their attendance expectations next week. Wednesday will still be an early release schedule.
Freshmen will report to Maize South High for the PreACT assessment. Following the assessment, students will have shortened Block 3 and Block 4 classes.
Sophomores and their parents need to pre-select an activity as detailed in the September 22nd district communication. Sophomores have a total of five activities to choose from and need to make their selection through Skyward Family Access by October 3rd. Sophomores who choose to go on a college visit, job shadow, or a community service project will not report to Maize South High on October 5th. Sophomores who choose the Essential Skills Workshop or the Academic Contract Completion (study hall) will report to Maize South High on October 5th.
Juniors will report to Maize South High for the ACT WorkKeys assessment. Following the assessment, students will have shortened Block 3 and Block 4 classes.
Seniors will NOT report to Maize South High. Seniors are encouraged to use this day for college visits, college application, and/or job shadowing. Seniors will have the opportunity to sign up for a one-hour block at our Apply KS: FAFSA/Application completion event held at the Maize Career Academy. Seniors who are enrolled in dual credit courses taught at MCA by WSU Tech or Hutch Community College will be expected to attend classes. WSU Tech classes will also take place at the Grove and Webb campuses for seniors enrolled in block program courses.
Mavs Up!
Becky Sailor
Stay Connected
Visit our school website at
Connect with Ms. Sailor at or 316-462-8000.
Maize South High School is located at 3701 N. Tyler Rd. in Wichita.
Follow Us
Website: Counselor’s Corner
Facebook: MSHS Counseling Center
Twitter: @MavCounseling
Upcoming Events
Oct 3: ASVAB Registration week. Click HERE to sign up for the ASVAB Test!
Oct 3-7: Anti-Bullying Awareness Week
Oct 5: 7a-11a - ACT WorkKeys Test (Juniors); PreACT Test (Freshmen), Apply Kansas (Seniors)
Oct 6-7: PSAT/NMSQT Pre-Administration sessions during Encor
Oct 7: College Visit - Jr & Sr. Students to Wichita State University, Black & Yellow Day
Oct 10: 6p-7:30p, Maize Career Academy - FAFSA Completion Event (seniors & parents)
Oct 10-11: PowerPrep ACT, MSHS Lecture Hall - 6:30pm, Click HERE to sign up!
Oct 12: PSAT Test, MSHS Lecture Hall - 7am-12pm
Oct 14: End of Term 1
Oct 14: Coffee with Counselors - Junior Edition
Oct 17: No School
Oct 18: Term 2 Begins
Oct 18: Futures Fair
Oct 19: Newman Advanced Standing meeting for Term 2 classes
Oct 20: Deadline for Term 2 Schedule Changes
Oct 21: College visit to HCC
Oct 22: ACT @ MSHS
Oct 24: Balfour will be here during Encor to hand out ring packets to the sophomores and senior announcement packets to the seniors.
Oct 25: ASVAB Test, Lecture hall - 7-11am
Oct 26: ACT WorkKeys Make Up Test Date (Juniors)
Oct 31: Balfour will be here to take class ring and senior announcement orders during all lunch blocks and in the evening from 7-8:30pm
10/31: The Cost of College Attendance, Maize Career Academy - 6:30pm
Nov 1: Balfour will be here to take class ring and senior announcement orders during all lunch blocks and in the evening from 7-8:30pm
Nov 1: Fall AP Test order deadline
Nov 2: Career Expo
Important Information
ACT registration and payment is all done through When registering for a testing center, please remember that Maize South High School is in Wichita; students can, however, take the test at any available site.
To help improve your ACT score, consider the ACT PowerPrep class on September 26 and 27 at Maize South High School. Cost is $75. Registration is online HERE. Deadline to register is 10/3.
Need a transcript sent to a college? The Maize school district uses the digital service If you have any questions, feel free to contact our registrar at 462.8008 or refer to our website, the Counselor’s Corner, where you can find PDF instructions.
College & Career Center
Fall is a busy time in the College and Career Office. Seniors are applying for college admission and for the FAFSA, while underclassmen are beginning their search for the perfect post-secondary experience.
During the month of September:
We hosted the Fall College & Career Fair where over 500 participants were able to visit with college representatives, military representatives, and community partners regarding future internships and available scholarships.
We hosted the FAFSA/Scholarship Information Session for students grades 11-12 and their parents.
We also visited Butler Community College and the University of Kansas.
In October, we will host our Apply KS event, our FAFSA Completion event.
Apply KS! - October 5th from 8:00 - 2:00p in the Maize Career Academy. We are asking all seniors to sign up for a one-hour time slot giving them the opportunity to speak with college, apprenticeship, and military representatives. It is our intention that seniors will ask their questions, moving them one step closer to making a decision. The event will be held at the Maize Career Academy located at 11700 W. 45th St. N. Parents are welcome.
This event will provide students assistance while they complete college application(s).
If you have not applied to a college, you will need to bring:
your charged Chromebook
know your Social Security Number
a credit or debit card if you plan to apply to a four year college
Seniors are also encouraged to sign up for a FSA ID which is the first step in completing the FAFSA.
If you have already applied to a college and have been accepted, come to the commons with your acceptance email.
This will be a great event for seniors to celebrate their accomplishments, prizes, gift cards, and a photo opportunity with friends.
FAFSA Completion Event - students & parents are invited to attend
Monday, October 10th 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Maize Career Academy
Required items include:
Bring your charged Chromebook
FSA ID (we will assist you if this step is not completed)
Social Security numbers for student and parent
2021 tax information
Alien registration number if you are not a U.S. Citizen
Current bank information
Future’s Fair
Tuesday, October 18th is another opportunity for juniors and seniors to attend the Future’s Fair. Colleges throughout the midwest will be in attendance along with apprenticeship programs and all branches of the military. Registration is now open, a separate email has been sent to all juniors and seniors.
Registration will open soon for the Tuesday, October 25th test day. Juniors and seniors will have the opportunity to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The ASVAB is a multiple choice test used to determine qualifications for various careers. Taking this test does not obligate you to join the military; however, for those who are undecided about their future, this test is a great resource to assess your skills and interests.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about college and career. I am happy to help you or refer you to someone who can help. Please email me at
Fall Sports
Volleyball in Hays
Mavs took second in the season opening tournament
Volleyball vs. Newton
Maize South vs. Wichita Southeast
Soccer vs. Valley Center
Tri County Soccer
Cross Country
Important Upcoming Dates
Oct. 14- End Term 1
Oct. 17- NO SCHOOL: Professional Development
Oct. 18- Start Term 2
From the Attendance Office
If you need your student released during the school day, please contact the attendance office at 316-462-8000 as soon as possible so we can get a pass to them. The more advanced notice we have, the easier it will be to ensure your child is able to leave on time.
School Year Reminders
- Because students are not allowed to bring balloons or glass items on the bus, the Maize school district will not be accepting any flower, candy, cookie, or balloon bouquet deliveries to students.
- If your student is going to be tardy to school, please call the office. They are allowed three parent excused 1st block tardies per year, after that they are subject to detention.
- When a student is absent, it is the responsibility of the parents to call the attendance office within 24 hours to verify the reason for the absence. Please be sure to provide a doctor's note to the front office when your child has seen the doctor, dentist, etc., these visits won't count against your child's attendance. Medical notes can also be faxed to 462-8001.
- If you need to pick up your child from school during school hours, please call the office with the time your child needs to be released. They will receive a pass ahead of time and can check themselves out at the requested time. The exception to this, is lunch time. If you wish to check your student out for lunch, a parent must come in and sign the student out. Parents are not required to sign students back in.
- We have a "closed lunch" policy. Students will be expected to eat at school and NO OUTSIDE FOOD may be brought in or delivered.
- If your child is absent and will require homework, please email the teacher.
Thank you for your help with this. We appreciate it!
Driver's Education
USD 266 Maize offers Online Driver Education each term during the school year. The online
driver education program strives to prepare students to become knowledgeable and respectful
of the law; to learn basic driving skills; and to develop a responsible attitude toward driving.
The instructors will provide critical experience to students; involve parents in the process, and
foster cooperative interaction with others in the driving environment. Students should be
studying the Kansas Driver Handbook and be ready to take a handbook test at the start of the
course. Students that have a Kansas Permit that is valid through the course dates will be
exempt from taking the handbook test. More detailed information on Online Driver Education
can be found on the high school website, (click on Counselor then Driver Education).
Online Driver Education 2022-2023: Both the Student & Parent/Guardian must attend the
enrollment night in order to be in Online Dr. Ed. Each term class is limited to 50 students.
Enrollment packets may be picked up in the counseling office or downloaded off the high
school website.
- Term 2 October 17th Student/Parent Enrollment Night 6:00pm MHS Commons
- Term 3 January 9th Student/Parent Enrollment Night 6:00pm MHS Commons
- Term 4 March 6th Student/Parent Enrollment Night 6:00pm MHS Commons
**Both the Student and one Parent/Guardian will be required to attend the enrollment
meeting. Please bring your enrollment packet, a writing pen, corrective eye wear (if needed)
and any type of Kansas Permit/License you already have to the Enrollment Meeting**
Parking Permit for MSHS
2022-2023 MSHS
Assistant Principal A-G
Assistant Principal H-O
Assistant Principal P-Z
Athletic Director
Attendance Secretary
Accounting/Athletics Secretary
Discipline Secretary
2022-2023 MSHS
Counselor A-B
Counselor C-H
Counselor I-P
Counselor Q-Z
College and Career Advocate
If you would like to speak with someone in the main office during the school day, you may call (316)462-8000.