Rising TIDE
Legacy Magnet Academy: August 25, 2023
Catch the Wave of Innovation
Hello Legacy Families!
What an amazing first full week! Our teachers and students dove right into learning, and it has been a blast seeing all that they are doing already!
Next Friday 9/1 is a minimum day, with school dismissing 12:40 for all students (including athletes), and Monday 9/4 we will be closed in observance of Labor Day.
Thank you to our entire Legacy TIDE for completing Data Confirmation in such a timely manner. We were the FIRST High School to have 100% completion!!! Woot woot!
Our Legacy Apparel Store is now open! Shop using the link below.
We have our first Restaurant Night of the year coming up next week... mark your calendars now! See below for details.
We appreciate your ongoing support of Legacy Magnet Academy and look forward to a wonderful year as we partner together to deliver the best program to our students!
Thank you!
Take care and stay safe,
Dr. Harrison, Principal
Marissa Sanchez
Hi, I’m Marissa Sanchez a senior here at Legacy passionate about entrepreneurship and marketing. In my free time, I love to bake, create jewelry, listen to music, play my ukulele, and most of all spend time with my family and friends. After high school, I plan to attend a four-year university. Hopefully, I will attend my dream college, USC, and major in business and minor in marketing. The past three years at Legacy have always stressed the importance of working with others through group work and collaborative learning environments. My experience here has allowed me to further understand the importance of forming connections with those around you and how communicating to create strong relationships with colleagues allows you to bring the best of multiple ideas and opinions to create amazing results. In the future, I want to be able to truly learn and explore more about my passions and interests wherever I move on to next. I can't wait for future experiences yet to come supported by the knowledge I've gained here at Legacy, whether that be in college, future jobs, or future explorations I go on. In 10 years my passion/goal would be to start my own business. I want to take the skills and lessons learned here at Legacy and apply them to my own business in the future. I personally love and am very interested in the cosmetics field and hope to one day own my own cosmetics company combining my love for cosmetics and entrepreneurship into one!
Mateo Martinez
Hi, my name is Mateo Martinez, I’m part of the first graduating class at Legacy. I’m passionate about both academics and volleyball. I’ve gotten to know many great people here at Legacy and I often find myself spending time with my friends whenever I have free time. After graduating high school, I plan to study Biology at Washington University in St. Louis. After being at Legacy for my entire high school career, I’ve gained a solid foundation of knowledge, critical thinking skills, and a passion for learning. Legacy Magnet Academy has inspired me to approach challenges with an open mind and a willingness to explore innovative solutions. For a new high school, Legacy truly is different in an eye-opening way. In all honesty, I have changed my future plans too many times. I really want to study Bio, but it could change last second to psychology, or maybe college is just out of the question. I don’t think anyone can truly be sure about their future, I’m just gonna let my life continue and see what happens.
LMA in the Spotlight
***Please note, this event is open to Legacy FBLA student officers ONLY.
Senior Sunrise
Tug of War
TIDEPool Tutoring
We are changing up TIDEpool tutoring this year! Our middle schoolers will be able to receive academic help from our High school tutors! To become a tutor you must be in High School. Applications to become a tutor are now open, and you must get a teacher recommendation as well. It is a great way to get community service hours for clubs like NHS or CSF!
Club Interest Meeting
Class Color Spirit Day
New Gym/TIDE Shack
Social Media & Website
YouTube Channel
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1)Go to your parent portal CONTACT SCREEN and assign each contact "general and emergency" or "emergency only."
2) Be sure in every contact's screen, you have entered a cell # and email.
3)Any person you assign "general and emergency" will receive ALL school communication such as Weekly Principal's eNewsletters and automated telephone communication. This change also allows you to select the type of communication you prefer: email, phone, text, or all three if you prefer.
*The "type" of communication you select must have a corresponding cell, email address, etc. entered.
Legacy Magnet Academy
Email: lmainfo@tustin.k12.ca.us
Website: https://www.tustin.k12.ca.us/legacy
Location: 15500 Legacy Road, Tustin, CA, 92782 USA
Phone: 714-430-2088
Facebook: facebook.com/legacymagnetacademy
Twitter: @MagnetLegacy