Hilltop Headlines
October 6, 2024
Serving this Week
Elders: Arlan Bamsch, Gordon Pittsford
Organist: Brittany Mahn
Offering Assistants: Mark Breckenridge, Eva Froude
Greeters: Dianne Buchhorn, Ginger Magers
Hilltop Cafe: Darlene Zinsmeyer
Donut Pickup: Mark Breckenridge
Golf Cart: Pam Miller
Audio: Brenda Schroeder
Presentation: Clay Braun
Tech Director: Cody Stephens
Elders: Michael Zinke, Martin Warnasch
Greeters/Offering Assistants: Linda LaRochelle, Mike Litterst, Peggy Lemanski, Ruby Kinard
Hilltop Cafe: Lindsey Rochner
Golf Cart: Benny Lemanski
Connections Coordinator: Josh Hobratsch
Presentation: Kathryn Klein
Camera: Chad Winkler
A Return of Our Blessings
Offerings/Electronic Giving for this week:
Home $12,031.63; General $13,101.90; Pam Hight Scholarship Fund $2,000; Cemetery Fund $5; Annual Fund $600.15; Camp Zion $5; Braille $5; Women of Wisdom $25; Youth Ministry $38; Capital Campaign $425.09
Attendance: 8am - 205; 10:45 - 284
10% of General Funds go to the following organizations: TX Dist LCMS, CHS Round Rock, Water Mission, Camp Lone Star, Brookwood in Georgetown, Faith in Action, Rev. John H. Kieschnick Endowment: $1,455.76
From Your Pastors
Dear Zion family –
It’s an action-packed weekend at Zion! On Sunday, we’ll welcome 26 new families into our family of faith. Please make plans to join us immediately following the 8 am service in the lobby to meet and greet our new members, enjoy some great fellowship, and feast on some sumptuous breakfast tacos.
We’ll also be honoring the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League this Sunday. Since 1942, the LWML has engaged in life-changing mission work all over the world. You can learn more by visiting lwml.org.
The news reports of the wreckage left behind in the wake of Hurricane Helene are devastating. One news report explained that the damage from the storm was so severe that you can see where people are still struggling under power outages all the way from space. We are partnering with three districts that are part of our church body, the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, to provide desperately needed relief dollars to affected areas. After both services, you'll have an opportunity to give to the victims of this historic hurricane in a door offering. You can also give online here.
In worship, we’ll kick off a new series called “Give | Save | Live” where we’ll be looking at what God has to say about our finances. This weekend, we’ll look at one of the most famous givers in all of history in a story from Mark 12:41-44:
Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling His disciples to Him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on.”
This poor widow turned out to be extraordinarily generous. How can we become extraordinarily generous? Find out this Sunday in worship. We worship at 8 am in our beautiful historic sanctuary, at 10:45 am in our wonderful worship center, or online at zionwalburg.org.
Your pastors love you!
– Pastor Zach, Pastor Kevin & Pastor Kyle
Sanctuary Bible Class Sunday, October 20—Dr. Jerry Kieschnick
Topic: Seven Myths of Estate Planning and what the Bible has to say about some of these myths.
Myth #1:
“I’m not wealthy enough to consider planned giving.”
Myth #2:
“Our estate plan was completed thirty years ago so we should be OK.”
Myth #3:
“I’m too young to think or talk about death and dying. Maybe I’ll be ready for that someday but not right now.”
Myth #4:
“If I don’t have a will, my family will be able to figure it out.”
Myth #5:
“Charitable estate planning advisors only want me to include the church in my plan, not my family.”
Myth #6:
“No need to make a list of what I own. My family will be able to find it all.”
Myth #7:
“It’s too depressing to make plans for my funeral service. I’ll let my kids make those decisions.”
New Member Welcome - This Sunday
We are blessed to have 26 families in our current New Member Class. We’ll be officially welcoming them Sunday, October 6 at 9 am in the lobby. Before Bible class at 9:30 am, please take a few moments to share in some refreshments and welcome the newest members of our family of faith.
This Sunday (October 6) is LWML Sunday. This years theme for Lutheran Women in Mission is Ready To Serve, Luke 1:38.
Zion LWMLs will also be hosting the Capitol Zone LWML Fall Rally this Sunday afternoon for lunch and a meeting. Our speaker is Pastor Craig DuBois from Grace, San Marcos who will share about his relationship with the Lutheran Church of Uganda and Hope Lutheran Church and School in Bufuula, Uganda, Africa.
All women are invited to join the two LWML Lutheran Women In Mission groups that meet monthly at Zion. Evening Circle meets the second Monday, and Faith Circle meets the second Thursday from 10-noon. Contact the church office for more information.
Wurstbraten 2024
Wurstbraten is fast approaching, and your help is needed! This event provides opportunities to meet new friends and catch-up with many Zion members. Making sausage is always more fun when lots of people are involved. On Saturday, November 2, we need volunteers, starting at 7:00 a.m. There are also MANY opportunities November 1-5 to help. Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex and Lobby or click the button below. Please take the time to sign up, even if you can only commit to a few hours and BRING A FRIEND!
All Women are Invited!
Attention Zion Ladies! Have you ever wondered if you are having a stroke or a heart attack? Heidi Tyler, Nurse Practitioner with Austin Heart in Round Rock, will be on Zion's Campus Monday, 10/14/24. She will discuss women's heart concerns regarding strokes & heart attacks, as well as the prevention & guideline recommendations for Hypertension (HTN), Dyslipidemia, Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), & Coronary Artery Disease. Please join us in Zion's Parlor at 6:30 p.m. Hosted by Zion's Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) Evening Circle.
Voters Meeting 10.20.24
The next regularly scheduled Voters Meeting will be held Sunday, October 20 at 1:00pm in the Worship Center. Childcare will be available in the Gym. Lunch will be provided at Noon in the Lobby. Come learn more about what is happening at Zion and be a part of the decision-making body of believers.
Blood Drive
Join us on Sunday, October 20th, from 9am-1pm, as we partner with We Are Blood to host a Fall Blood Drive! The blood mobile bus will be on campus and you can sign up here for a donation time: https://www.wrbdonor.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/65621. There is a blood shortage across Central Texas, so let's fill up all the slots and help our neighbors! Walk Ins are also welcome!
Pillowcase Palooza
Zion is collecting new or gently used pillowcases during October. There will be containers for the pillowcases in the Narthex and Worship Center Lobby. These pillowcases will be made into dresses for girls in Africa by fellow Lutherans and delivered by the Orphan Grain Train Organization. Please do not bring white, black, or gray pillowcases. If you have any questions, you can ask a member of LWML Evening Circle or Joy Cowan.
Zion Prayer Calendar
For the week of October 6-12 pray for:
October 6 - Bd of Trustees
October 7 - Pre-School classes
October 8 - Pre-K classes
October 9 - Kinder classes
October 10 -1st grade classes
October 11 - 2nd grade classes
October 12 - 3rd grade classes
Confirmation Reunion
A big thank you to the Confirmation Reunion Committee and all that helped make last Sunday a special day - the greeters at the front door, the Church Service, and the fellowship and meal in the gym. It was great to see old friends and share our faith in our Heavenly Father together.
-Horace Schneider, Class of 1950
Church Worker Appreciation Month
Dear Zion congregation,
October is Church Worker Appreciation Month. We want to encourage members to show their appreciation to church workers personally. Please be encouraged to show them your appreciation. These are a few easy to show your appreciation:
-write them a letter of encouragement
-make their family time essential in the church schedule
-cook them food or bake a dessert
-purchase a gift card
-take their family our to eat
-watch their kids for a day
Thank you for your consideration,
President Newman and TX District LCMS
Thank You
Thank you for all the prayers, cards, visits, & meals during my surgery and ongoing recovery. It is so very comforting for me and for my family to know & feel those prayers surrounding us and the physical signs of them! Thank you Zion. Joy Cowan
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Attention, High School Students!
High Schoolers who want to share their faith with friends have a new resource available to help them in "Spiritual Conversations: Sharing Life, Faith, and Jesus with Friends".
The key to helping friends on their spiritual journeys is to listen well, so we can recognize where they are and respond graciously. In seven lessons, "Spiritual Conversations" gives students practical tools for talking to friends about the most important things: life, faith, and Jesus. But students won't simply watch and listen. They will put new skills into action by interacting with one another and evaluation through role-play conversations.
Schools, classes, small groups, and youth groups can all benefit from this easy-to-implement - and fun - resource. Visit lhm.org/schs to access a whole library of self-guided resources.
Sermon Schedule
Oct. 6
"Fit to Be Tied"
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler
A strong knot in the right place holds everything together. God made Jesus to be the "Master Point" to bind all people to Himself through faith. (Genesis 30:8)
You can listen to The Lutheran Hour on KLBJ on Sunday mornings at 7 a.m. or online at lutheranhour.org, through a mobile app, and on new media platforms like Spotify, iHeartRadio, Amazon Alexa, Google Home and Sirius XM satellite radio.
Pastors: Zach McIntosh, Kevin Hintze and Kyle Borcherding
Interim Principal: Suzan Winkelman
Church Office Hours: 8am-4pm Monday-Friday
Church Phone: 512-863-3065
School Phone: 512-863-5345 Fax 512-686-5807
6001 FM 1105, Georgetown, TX 78626