Mexico 59 Board of Education Update
October 17, 2023
President's Comments
January Employees of the Month
- Kate Daino is a Guidance Counselor at the Mexico High School. This is Kate's first year with the district.
- Jameisha Reid is a Paraprofessional at Eugene Field Elementary School. This is Jameisha's first year with the district.
District Donations
Per Board Policy KH: All gifts accepted will be reported to the Board of Education, publicly announced and appropriately acknowledged. The donor will be officially thanked in the district's name.
- Altrusa donated $100 to Special Olympics
Consent Agenda: Items of Interest
Items approved in Consent Agenda
Tyler Technologies Discontinuance of Recurring Services: The District currently uses Tyler Technologies SISK12 for its student information system. Infinite Campus purchased Tyler Technologies. SISK12 will be discontinued by 2024. The Board approved the Infinite Campus agreement on January 17, 2023. This discontinuance stops our services with SISK12.
Approval of PowerSchool TalentEd Quote: TalentEd is used for employment application services.
Approval of Roof Bid: Due to the hail storm we had several months ago, we have several roofs that need to be repaired. Our insurance will be covering the costs, but the Board of Education must approve the bids. The district will receive reimbursement from MUSIC for the roof repairs. The District's insurance provider, MUSIC and Grayco worked together to facilitate the bid process.
Reports & Presentations
Hawthorne offered the building share this month. Mrs. Lehnen and Mr. Balsamo offered the presentation to the board. Areas of focus included instruction, student behavior, culture, and communication. The full presentation can be viewed here or in the livestream at the five-minute mark.
Bulldog staff are encouraged to read their Individual Building Reports as well:
Strategic Plan/CSIP Presentation: Each month, district administrators share an update on the strategic plan. This month, Anna Richardson, Technology Director, shared about CSIP Goal 7: Provide exemplary monitoring of all technology systems/resources of the district. Anna's presentation is at the 31-minute mark on the livestream.
Board Candidate Filing: Mrs. Brown, Mr. Louder, & Mrs. Stephens terms are up. We will have two 3-year terms and one 2-year term open. Filing ended on December 26, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. There will be an election on April 2, 2024 for our Board Candidate Filers.
- We have three that have filed for the three-year term (in order of filing): Michelle Stephens, Jennifer Gore, and Chris Williams
- We have one that filed for the 2-year term; Lennette Brown.
Filers for School Board Candidates will be placed on the April 2, 2024 Ballot in order of filing.
New Business
The board approved the hiring of the following individuals:
- Tiffany Hooker, Paraprofessional
- Kaylyn Pruitt, Paraprofessional
Informational personnel items were also offered to the Board.
Approval for Tuition Rates for 2024-25: Per Policy DFI, The Mexico School District School Board recognizes that there are situations where nonresident students and residents who are not otherwise entitled to free education may be allowed by law to attend the Mexico School District or district programs on a tuition basis. In these situations, the Board will set tuiton in an amount that, minimally, recoups the costs of the program and meets any applicable legal requirements. The superintendent will make recommendations to the Board annually to set tuition rates for the following year. The Board seta all applicable tuition rates no later than February 1.
Discussion of Public Comment Policy: A board member requested to discuss the district's public comment policy. The discussion is available in the livestream at the 45-minute mark.
Assistant Superintendent Comments
Strategic Plan/CSIP Update - Student Performance on State and Local Assessments will Continue to Improve (CSIP 14).
Superintendent Comments
Paws for Progress Bond Update (CSIP 1)
Mrs. Chastain updated the Board on the Paws for Progress Bond that will be on the April 2, 2024 Ballot. A stakeholder meeting will be held on February 1. It was mentioned that HVAC is one of the items on the bond, and HVAC systems are currently having trouble keeping up with the extreme temperatures, resulting in school cancellation.