Hembree Highlights
August 2, 2024

September 6, 2024
Message from Ms. Lahey
Greetings Hembree Families,
This week was a short week, but a very difficult one. Whenever there is a tragedy that occurs in a school it makes us all feel so many emotions. School should always be a safe place. We understand that these events can raise concerns about the safety of Hembree Springs. When these tragedies occur there can be an increase in online threats in our schools. Hembree Springs has not received any threats. If a threat does occur, we take it very seriously. Hembree continually stays vigilant about student safety. All doors are locked and alarmed at all times. In addition to locked doors, we are very careful about who we buzz in the front door. Parents, please help us by not opening the door for others. I know it is easy to hold the door open for the person behind you, but we need to check everyone's identity before we allow access to the building. Thanks for understanding and helping us stay safe.
Attendance Goals
Did you know that attendance is counted on our school report card for the state? Please help us meet our goal of 95%. Please see the graphic below to view what 95% looks like for each student.
Please join us online for our Title One information meeting on Tuesday September 10th at 6:30 PM. Information for the meeting is posted below.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Nancy Lahey
Important Dates
9/10 PTA Reflections Workshop @7:10-7:40am (Cafeteria Stage)
9/10 Annual Title I meeting @6:30-7:30pm on TEAMS (General PTA meeting to immediately follow)
9/11 PTA Reflections Workshop @7:10-7:40am (Cafeteria Stage)
9/17 Shake Shack Donation Day “Spirit Night” 10:30am- 10:00pm
9/18 PTA Reflections Workshop @7:10-7:40am
9/19 PTA Reflections Workshop @7:10-7:40am
10/8 Title I ELL Parent Workshop @7:40-8:40am
10/18 PTA Trunk or Treat @5:30-7:00pm (outside playground, trunks, costume parade)
Please take our quick 2024-26 Excellence Survey!
HSES PTA is working hard to earn our 2024-26 National PTA School of Excellence designation, putting another feather in our achievement cap. But more importantly, we want to create transformative and long-lasting improvements! We want Hembree Springs Elementary to be the best it can be.
One of the first steps is the PTA School of Excellence Survey filled out by our wonderful parents. We had 36 parents fill it out at the Back to School Picnic -- thank you! We're hoping to get 150.
This survey takes less than 5 minutes to fill out -- I can attest because I timed it. The survey results are anonymous and will be used to determine areas for growth and engagement programs for the year. Please give it to us straight -- BE HONEST when you're ranking each question's answer. It will help us improve!
Here's the link bit.ly/3WUHZ9T
En Espanol: https://forms.gle/RAWEuta9rRNbPhqv6
We Need You, Dads!
We would love your SUPPORT! We are looking for adult male role models to volunteer as a Dad’s Club Mentor, serving as a group mentor to our Hawks boys in grades 3rd-5th. The purpose of the Dad’s Club program is to provide students with an additional adult who will encourage them to feel good about themselves, make positive choices, positively connect with one another, and give back through various actions of helping others! The mentors will meet as a group with the boys every Friday before school from 7:10-7:40 am. It’s okay if you’re not available every Friday. Any time that you have is greatly appreciated! If interested or if you have additional questions, please reach out to Shannon Reynolds (School Counselor) at 470-254-9456 or reynoldssn@fultonschools.org. Thank you for your support!
Copy Team Volunteers Needed
One way to support our dedicated teachers and staff is by easing their workload, and we have a fantastic opportunity for you to do just that! We're looking for parents who have some time to make copies for our amazing teachers. You just need a few hours one day a week, and you can come any time during that day when it is convenient for you. If you can spare a few hours one day a week and want to be part of this rewarding volunteer opportunity, please get in touch with Julie Burnley at jkburnley@gmail.com to express your interest or ask any questions.
Una forma de apoyar a nuestros dedicados profesores y personal es aliviando su carga de trabajo, ¡y tenemos una oportunidad fantástica para que usted haga precisamente eso! Estamos buscando padres que tengan algo de tiempo para hacer copias para nuestros increíbles maestros. Solo necesita unas horas un día a la semana, y puede venir en cualquier momento durante ese día cuando sea conveniente para usted. Si puedes dedicar unas horas un día a la semana y quieres formar parte de esta gratificante oportunidad de voluntariado, ponte en contacto con Julie Burnley en jkburnley@gmail.com para expresar tu interés o hacer cualquier pregunta.
All Stars Wanted
Each week the PE department will choose 4 All Star Athletes (2 students & 2 staff members). If your student enjoys hiking, swimming, baseball, softball, football, biking, etc. Please email a picture to marzetti@fultonschools.org.
Ms. Marzetti
PTA Reflections Contest Kicks Off Sept. 6
The PTA Reflections Program is kicking off Sept. 6 and this is a great chance for your budding artist/writer/photographer/actor/orator to show off their skills.
This year's theme is "Accepting Imperfection," a great mantra we could all take to heart! The kickoff marks the official start when students can begin to work on their submissions.
Workshops are scheduled in the HSES Cafeteria from 7:10 to 7:40 a.m. Sept. 10, 11, 18 and 19. These are interactive sessions for students and parents. Students can start brainstorming and working on their projects with guidance and support from other volunteers.
Each year, over 300,000 students in Pre-K through grade 12 create original works of art in response to a student-created theme. This 50+ year-old program helps them explore their own thoughts, feelings and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful in school and in life.
This year's theme of "Accepting Imperfection" came from contest winner Paige Opaska, an 8th-grader from San Antonio, Texas, who said it is a reminder to herself that mistakes are welcome because they are a part of being human.
"Our flaws are as much a part of us as our strengths, so being imperfect should be perfect enough for us.”
The submission deadline is Oct. 9. Students can advance from school level to county, state and national until a final winner is announced. Categories include: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts. Students submit their original works of art in one or all of the available arts categories and participate in the appropriate division for their grade: Primary (Pre-K - Grade 2), Intermediate (Grades 3-5), Middle School (Grades 6-8), High School (Grades 9-12), Accessible Arts* (All grades welcome).
The PTA is looking for volunteers for workshop dates in 30-minute increments. Sign up at the link here:
Shake Shack Donation Day 9/17
From Title I
Join us on September 10th for our Annual Title I Meeting @ 6:30pm on TEAMS. https://bit.ly/4czMICF
Title I September Family Engagement
Families! YOU are your child’s first and most influential teacher. As such you have so much to offer your student! To encourage family engagement at home, we are offering family engagement Thursdays. Each week there will be (1) activity to do at home to be completed prior to Friday. We’ll list the activities for the month in Hembree Highlights and offer reminders via social media. Your student will have the opportunity to receive a *bonus* Hawk’s ticket for participating (look out for more details from your teacher) We’ll include tips and tricks to get the conversation started and reinforce learning from the school day. Please spend anywhere from 10-20 minutes with your child engaging with them around their day at school and encouraging their social and emotional skills. We’ll also encourage you to practice other skills inclusive of Math and ELA. Please feel free to reach out to me Lucy Gilbert, Title I Parent Liaison (gilbertl2@fultonschools.org) with any questions.
¡Familias! USTED es el primer y más influyente maestro de su hijo. Como tal, ¡tiene mucho que ofrecer a su estudiante! Para fomentar la participación familiar en casa, estamos ofreciendo participación familiar los jueves. Cada semana habrá (1) actividad para hacer en casa que se completará antes del viernes. Haremos una lista de las actividades del mes en Hembree Highlights y ofreceremos recordatorios a través de las redes sociales. Su estudiante tendrá la oportunidad de recibir un boleto * extra* de Hawk's por participar (esté atento a más detalles de su profesor). Incluiremos consejos y trucos para iniciar la conversación y reforzar el aprendizaje de la jornada escolar. Pase entre 10 y 20 minutos con su hijo, involucrarse con ellos durante su día en la escuela y fomentando sus habilidades sociales y emocionales. También te animaremos a que practiques otras habilidades, como las matemáticas y Arte del Lenguaje en Ingles. Por favor, siéntase libre de comunicarse conmigo Lucy Gilbert, Enlace de Padres del Título I (gilbertl2@fultonschools.org) con cualquier pregunta.
Wrestling Team
Bus Transportation Information
Lunch Visitor Sign Up
We will begin to welcome lunch visitors the week of September 9th. Due to limited capacity, we ask that you sign up using the links below. Please do not sign up for the year to allow the opportunity for many families to visit. Thanks for understanding.
1st grade
2nd grade
3rd grade
4th grade
5th grade
From PTA
Stay connected to HSES
Want to know all the great stuff happening at school? Be a part of the PTA's Facebook page, The Hawk's Nest. We post a few times a week, and it's a closed group that our school families and teachers can participate in.
Previous Newsletters
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902