Pine Street Press
November 2024

Principal's Corner
Pine Street families,
After our fun Halloween celebrations last week, it is hard to believe we are almost a third of the way through the school year already. Next Friday is the last day of the first Trimester and Monday, November 18th is the first day of the 2nd Trimester. We are excited to see all the progress our students are making already.
Next week, Monday, November 11th, Pine Street Elementary will be hosting our annual Veterans Day Assembly to honor all the Veterans in our community and in our lives. Parents, family and community are welcome to join this assembly which starts at 10:00 in the Pine Street gym.
As we begin the busy holiday season, the month of November is always a time to reflect on the things we are thankful for. As a staff we would like to pass along our thanks to each of you. Your partnership and support is greatly appreciated as we work together to help all our students succeed. Thank you!
Happy Thanksgiving to our Pine Street students and families.
Your partner in education,
Robyn Robinson
Principal, Pine Street Elementary
Upcoming Dates
November 11: Veteran's Day Assembly
November 15: Last day of Trimester 1
November 22: Report Cards posted
November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break
December 23: Winter Break Begins
January 6: School Resumes
January 20: No School - Teacher PD
Food Drive
Hand 2 Hand is a local organization that makes sure students who have food insecurities at home have something to eat over the weekend. The Pine Street Student Council is hosting a food drive to help them deliver even more food to more students in the area! If you have any non expired and non perishable canned goods, pastas, cereals, or food that can be appropriate for a student snack please send them in with your child.
Veterans Day Assembly
No School
ROARS Winners!
Congratulations to our October ROARS Winners!
Each month we recognize students for displaying positive behavior in their classroom and throughout Pine Street Elementary with our ROARS award, Recognizing Outstanding Achievement in Respect, Responsibility and Safety. The winners for the month of October are
Madison Bredin, Kennedy Lynch, Jaxson Horvath, Leo Smith, Elijah Barnum, Lexi Ramon, Eastin Modreske, JR Tilman, Rowan Augistin, Mila Goeree, Selina Haynes, Kaelynn Gortsema, Lily Wiersma, Everett Verhulst, Mariana Perez Martinez, Audra Kemp.
In the Classroom
Our art room is on the lookout for donations of empty paper towel rolls! These simple materials can be transformed into amazing art projects and creative endeavors by our students. If you have any rolls to spare, we would greatly appreciate your contribution. Your support helps foster creativity and innovation in our classroom. Thank you for helping us bring art to life!
Intramural Volleyball
Capturing Kids' Hearts
This month, students will be learning all about teamwork through their Capturing Kids' Hearts Leadworthy lessons. According to CKH, teamwork is the ability to work in unity with others towards a common a goal. For us to learn how to become team players, it is important that we learn to listen, encourage our peers, and to invite and allow others to contribute their talents and skills.
Kids Read Now
Hearing and Vision Screening
Cold Weather
As the weather gets colder please remind your child to bring their cold weather gear! Unless it is significantly below freezing or raining the students will be going outside. It is highly encouraged that your child brings cold weather gear.
Daily Snack
Please remember to send a healthy snack with your student every day! Students who don't have a snack often come to the office for one and our emergency resources are quickly dwindling.