KES 2023 August Newsletter
Building a Community of Belonging
Welcome to the New School Year from Cristy and Kweon
At the beginning of each month, you will receive a KES Newsletter with current information about our programs and curriculum, including Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), and grade level updates. Additionally, a 'Calendar of Events' will be included to ensure you are well informed of the meetings as well as exciting and enriching activities and celebrations taking place at school.
The purpose of this communication is to provide you with important information that will help your family plan for the beginning of school.
Please join us in welcoming our new staff members!
Brian Cuzzi to General Music
Sarah Faby to 4th Grade
Meredith Fontalvo to ENL
Joseph McCarthy to Aide
Kindergarten Visitation and New Family Orientation: August 30
Next week on Wednesday, August 30, we will be welcoming our new students at the Kindergarten Visitation (9:30am) and New Student Orientation for Grades 1-5 (12:00pm). Please contact the Main Office at 763-7700 if you have questions regarding either of these events.
Class Placement:
During the week of August 28, your child’s teacher assignment will be posted on your Parent Portal Account on Infinite Campus. You will receive a district email communication asking you to check your account when the information becomes available.
Please see your Parent Portal Account on Infinite Campus for pick-up and drop-off times at the designated bus stops. Please call Transportation Department directly with any questions regarding bus stop locations and times. 763-7237. We strongly encourage all children to take the bus to and from school.
First Day of School: Wednesday, September 6.
Arrival on the 1st Day of School:
· Kindergarten and all new students (grades 1-5) will be met at the lower sidewalk entrance, busses and cars and escorted directly to their teachers on the Lower Plaza or classrooms. Kindergarteners and new students should wear their Name/Bus Tags for the first two weeks of school.
· 1st grade students will meet their teachers on the Lower Plaza. Staff members will assist all 1st graders in connecting with their teachers.
· 2nd grade students will meet their teachers on the Playground Blacktop (Kickball). Staff members will direct all 2nd graders to this location.
· 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will go directly into the building via the Lower Plaza doors and to their classrooms. Staff members will be assisting students to the second floor of the building and directing them to their classrooms.
Parents/Caregivers walking their student to school will be greeted at the sidewalk entrances by members of our staff. From that point, students only will be escorted or directed to their teacher or classroom. For the safety of all our students, parents/caregivers will not be permitted on campus during arrival.
Daily Arrival:
The building opens for students beginning at 9:08 a.m. Students enter through the Lower Plaza doors. The Lower Plaza doors lock at 9:15 a.m. Students who arrive after 9:15 a.m. should enter at the Main Entrance and stop in the Main Office to receive a late pass to bring to their classroom teacher.
A.M. Drop-Off:
A car drop-off point has been established on the school driveway to ensure the safe arrival of all children at school. After turning into the school driveway, please pull forward to the designated drop-off location near the Lower Plaza area. Staff members will be at the location to greet students.
· There is no parking for any reason in the main circle driveway during arrival.
· Parents should remain in their cars and students should exit curbside.
Walkers: Students should walk (enter campus) from the lower sidewalk to the building without parent escort; parents should remain at the entry to lower sidewalk area.
For the safety of all students, staff, and visitors, we respectfully request that you refrain from using cellphones and drive slowly and cautiously while on or near school grounds.
Safety is our top priority, and therefore, we must ensure that each student is accounted for at the ending of each day in accordance with what you have planned.
Please complete and submit the Daily Dismissal Form (see "button" with link below) by Thursday, August 31.
Change of Dismissal Plans:
Any change to what has been submitted on the KES Daily Dismissal Form requires a note explicitly stating the alternate plan (i.e., pick-up, playdate, After School Activities, Elev8, biking home). Please try your best to have dismissal plans arranged in advance of the start of the school day. However, if the need arises to change dismissal plans after the start of the school day, you need to call the school by 12:00 p.m. to ensure that the information is relayed and followed. You must follow up with an email as we are required to have written documentation.
P.M. Pick-Up Location:
When picking up children at dismissal time, park in the lot across the street from the school or on Huntville Road in the designated spots and walk to the “Art Room A” entrance (double doors closest to Huntville Road). Doors will be open from 3:35-3:45 p.m.
Early Pick-Ups:
Children picked up early from school will dismiss from the Main Office; you may not pick-up your child between 3:15 p.m.-3:35 p.m.
Walkers are those students who are not assigned to a school bus and/or live within reasonable distance (1 mile) from school. These children are dismissed between 3:30-3:45 p.m. at the lower sidewalk.
· Written excuse is required by New York State Law each time a child is absent or late. The excuse should be sent with the child when he/she returns to school or on the day of lateness. In addition to the specific dates, the reason for the absence or lateness should be stated in the note and signed by a parent or guardian.
· Parents are requested to call the school attendance line (763-7705) on the first day of each absence. If a child is absent and no call is made, the school will attempt to contact the parent. This is done for the safety and protection of the child.
We will continue implementing our breakfast program for elementary students. Please see the details below about our breakfast program:
· Students who participate will enter the building during arrival time (beginning at 9:10 am) and go directly to the cafeteria.
· “Grab and Go” breakfast bags will be available. Sample items include a bagel, muffin, or breakfast bar along with a fruit with a choice of milk.
· Students will bring their “Grab and Go” breakfast to eat in their classroom during the morning routine.
· Monthly Menus are available on the website.
Breakfast costs $1.75. To see if you qualify for the Free and Reduced Priced Meal program (breakfast and/or lunch), please refer to THIS LINK.
The KES cafeteria has a lunch program that provides a healthy entree, a vegetable, fruit, and a drink (low fat or skim milk that is antibiotic and hormone free or juice). Students may purchase hot or cold lunch as well as snacks through an automated meal pay system. You can find information about the MyPaymentsPlus, menus, and Free and Reduced Priced Meal Program applications using THIS LINK.
School Supplies:
School supply lists can be found using this link: KES 2023-24 School Supplies
Safety Drills:
We will be practicing evacuation/fire and lockdown drills at the beginning of the school year. Teachers will prepare their class in advance for the drills. We will notify families each time we conduct a drill.
2023-24 KES Family Handbook
Dear KES Families,
We would like to take this opportunity to share with you the 2023-24 KES Family Handbook. (Link below)
We hope this helps you gain greater understanding of the policies, practices, procedures, and services that makes the school run smoothly and safely, and thus assist you in becoming an integral part of our school community. We trust that this handbook will provide you with answers to questions you might have or the resources necessary to find those answers. Please do not hesitate to call us if that is not the case.
At KES, we continue to search for ways to facilitate ongoing communication between the home and the school. This handbook will be updated yearly, so if you have any suggestions, corrections, or comments, please contact the school’s main office at 763-7700.
KES P.A.W.S. Expectations: Respect, Responsibility, Kindness and Safety
KES' expectations derive from our KES PAWSome Pledge.
At KES we...
Practice Respect
Accept Responsibility
We Choose Kindness
Safety Comes First
KES is PAWSome!
Explicitly teaching these behaviors helps students to understand what is expected to create a positive environment. Our school expectation matrix linked below displays P.A.W.S. expectations across school settings. At the beginning of each school year, and throughout, classroom teachers facilitate the process of identifying respectful, responsible, kind and safe expectations with students. These expectations are reinforced with a classroom system to recognize positive behaviors as students demonstrate them. Similarly, expectations are taught, reviewed and positively reinforced in special classes, lunch and recess, and on the buses.
Written communication will be sent home from the classroom teacher when a student is experiencing a particular challenge in meeting the expectations. We know that the home and school connection is critically important to supporting our students. Additionally, we believe in teaching students how to learn from their mistakes and use positive reinforcement to guide them in modifying their behavior.
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
Cristy Harris, Principal and KES Dignity Act Coordinator 763-7700 or charris@klschools.org
Kweon Stambaugh, Assistant Principal (designee) 763-7705 or kstambaugh@klschools.org
Jessica Fulton, Social Worker (designee) 763-7669 or jfulton@klschools.org.