Mustang Minute '24-'25
Medway High School's Bi-Weekly Newsletter

October 27, 2024
Fall Update
With the end of Quarter 1 coming up this Friday, it’s a busy week here at Medway High School. The first quarter serves as a valuable snapshot of student progress so far, and many students will be completing final assessments and projects. We’re also aware that early action deadlines for college applications are approaching for our seniors. It can be an overwhelming time for all, so please remember that our school counselors are available for academic or mental health support if needed.
We’re proud of how well our students are adapting to the new cell phone policy. Their increased focus and dedication in the classroom have been evident, and we’re optimistic that this will continue to support their growth and learning outcomes.
This fall has also been filled with memorable learning experiences beyond the classroom. Our AP Environmental Science students recently visited the Seacoast Science Center in Rye, NH, where they explored marine ecosystems firsthand. Last Wednesday, Psychology and AP Psychology classes enjoyed an in-school field trip, with Dr. Sean MacEvoy from Boston College presenting on Sensation and Perception. AP Government and Politics students had the chance to explore the John Adams Courthouse in Boston, home to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial and Appeals Courts. English III classes also participated in a service trip to Medway Community Farm, where they gained hands-on experience and insight into sustainable farming practices. Last week, our band students attended a performance by the University of New Hampshire’s Wind Ensemble and Big Band, enjoying a high-quality collegiate concert experience.
As the fall athletic season wraps up, we want to commend our student-athletes for their hard work and determination. Special recognition goes to our football team and senior players, who have shown remarkable resilience over their high school careers. Last Thursday’s game was a great success, with strong support from both our student section and the community. On stage, we’re looking forward to the debut of our fall play, Alice in Wonderland, next Saturday.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support!
John Murray
MHS Newswatch
Parent-Teacher Conferences- November 7th
Scheduling Begins on Tuesday
We are pleased to invite you to our Parent-Teacher Conferences, scheduled for Thursday, November 7th, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Families can sign up for five-minute appointments with each teacher to discuss student progress, grades, successes, and challenges.
The scheduling process consists of two parts: Registration and Scheduling.
Step One: Registration
Opens on Tuesday, October 22nd
Before scheduling an appointment, you must first register your student(s) on the appointment scheduling site. To do so:
Click the “REGISTER” tab and complete the registration form. You will need to create a username and password for future access.
Once registered, add your child(ren) by clicking the "Add a Student" button. Enter the required information and click “Insert New” to add more than one child.
Step Two: Scheduling Appointments
Begins on Tuesday, October 29th, at 8:00 a.m.
After registering, you can proceed with scheduling appointments for each teacher. To do this:
Starting October 29th, log back into your account at http://medwayhs.schoolappointments.com/.
Click the calendar icon next to each child’s name to begin scheduling.
Select the teacher(s) you wish to book appointments with and click "View Calendars." Hold the Ctrl (PC) or Command (Mac) key to select multiple teachers and view their availability at the same time.
Choose available time slots by clicking on them, then click "Book Appointments" to save your selections.
If no suitable times are available, or if you’re unable to find a mutually convenient time, the system allows you to request a callback or an email response from teachers. They will honor this request within one week.
Important Deadlines:
Registration begins: Tuesday, October 22nd
Scheduling opens: Tuesday, October 29th, 8:00 a.m.
Both registration and scheduling close: Tuesday, November 5th, 11:00 p.m.
Helpful Tips:
Early registration and scheduling are highly recommended, as time slots fill up quickly.
Please note that registering does not automatically guarantee an appointment.
The appointment scheduler can be found at http://medwayhs.schoolappointments.com/.
We look forward to connecting with you during these conferences!
Our first public MEPTO meeting of the new school year will take place on 10/28 beginning at 6:30 in the Memorial School cafeteria. We will be joined by Dr. Pires and Mr. Peri, who will provide a district update. The school principals will be in attendance to share updates as well.
Monday, Oct 28, 2024, 06:30 PM
Francis J. Burke Memorial Elementary School, Cassidy Lane, Medway, MA, USA
Mustang After Hours Academic Support
One week left in the term, this would be a great time to alert your students about drop-in support available for all. The Mustang After Hours Academic Support program is available on Tuesdays and Thursday for one hour hour after school in the cafeteria.
Alice In Wonderland Tickets
Alice in Wonderland will be presented on November 2nd at 2pm and 7pm.
Tickets are now on sale! Tickets will need to be bought through this link only. No cash door tickets will be available.https://www.onthestage.tickets/show/medway-high-school-theatre-program/663102099b3f890e3fb44719 Tickets are general seating and will be first come first serve.
Senior Halloween Parade 10/31
On October 31st, the senior class will be participating in their annual Halloween costume breakfast and parade. The seniors will meet in the cafeteria at 8:15 for a special breakfast and will then parade through the school in their costumes. Mr. Augusta will send info to students with costume guidelines.
Seniors will change out of their costumes during the announcement period and be ready for class for second block (D).
We will begin the day with Flex block for all so that class time is not impacted. See schedule below.
MHS Presidential Election
On Monday, November 4, MHS students will have the opportunity to participate in a Mock Election during their regularly scheduled lunch. Although there are more matters up for election this year, the student ballot will feature the presidential race, U.S. Senator for Massachusetts, and the five Massachusetts ballot questions. To participate, students will simply check in during their normally scheduled lunch and complete a ballot (which will be electronic) outside the cafeteria.
To inform students about the basic issues in this year's election, students in AP US Government and Politics have created informational campaign websites, as well as an informational bulletin board in the main lobby. Based on recent polling which indicates the topics voters are most interested in this year, students conducted research on the candidates' policy positions and condensed it for display.
School Counseling Updates
Little-Known Secrets of Paying for College Webinar
We're excited to announce that Medway High School is hosting The College Funding Coach® via Zoom webinar on October 28th at 6:30 PM. This event is for any family wanting to learn how to pay for college.
“On average, tuition tends to increase about 8% per year. An 8% college inflation rate means that the cost of college doubles about every nine years.” https://finaid.org/savings/tuition-inflation/ . Planning for these expenses has become essential. Some families have children attending college next year, and others have years to plan, but the fears of tackling these monumental and rising costs are the same.
The College Funding Coach® is here to help families figure out HOW to pay for it and still retire one day. You'll discover strategies that may enable you to qualify for financial aid, sources for scholarships, and strategies for maximizing your wealth and minimizing your tax exposure, giving you greater cash flow for funding a college education.
This interactive workshop, Little-Known Secrets of Paying for College, teaches parents the rules of the game when it comes to paying for their child’s education. Please join Medway High School on October 28th @ 6:30 PM. This is information you can't afford to miss! Please take a look around our website, The College Funding Coach®, for helpful resources and information.
To receive your link to join, please Register Here.
Family Event: Student Executive Functioning
Dr. Alex Hirsberg will be presenting to parents and caregivers on how to support student executive functioning on November 6 at 7:00 PM via Zoom. This information webinar will help parents and caregivers better understand how they can support their students to organize their mind and their backpacks in order to achieve academic success. For more information see the link below.
UPCOMING EVENTS (through Thanksgiving)
October 31 Senior Breakfast Parade
November 1 End of Qtr. 1/Grades Close
November 2 Alice in Wonderland
November 5- No School Election Day
November 7 Parent Teacher Conferences 6pm-8pm
November 11 Veterans Day (Observed) No School
November 13 Qtr. 1 Grades posted
November 13 National Spanish Honor Society Induction, 3 pm - 4 pm
November 13 Ring Night, 4pm - 5pm, Library
November 18 Athletic Advisory Committee Meeting- 6-7:15 pm- Guidance
November 21 Winter Season Meet The Coach Night-HS Auditorium 6-7 pm
November 25 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm, National Honor Society Induction, Auditorium
November 27 Half Day Pep Rally
November 28-29 Thanksgiving Recess - No School