New Field ES Weekly Updates
Week 22: February 5-9, 2024
Progress Reports Thursday, No School Friday - Valentine's Day Next Week!
Dear New Field families,
Valentines Day is Wednesday, February 14. Please help us celebrate in healthy, inclusive ways that support kindness between all of our community members. Here are some guidelines for our upcoming Valentines Day Celebrations:
Show your Love for New Field:
Students and staff are encouraged to wear red to show our love for New Field
Cards and Valentines Notes:
If you choose to send Valentines, please make sure that all students in your child’s classroom receive a Valentines Day card
Healthy Snacks:
Please remember that we are a healthy school and follow CPS Snack Policy. Please do not send candy, cupcakes or other sweets to school. Here are suggested food items per the CPS Snack Policy. You can find the complete list on our school website or Facebook page.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support in encouraging healthy habits and maintaining a health school environment for our students!
Mrs. Conrey Callahan
Principal, New Field ES
- 100th Day of School - Thursday, 2/8
- Third Quarter Progress Report Distribution (student backpacks) - Thursday, 2/8
- Healthy Student Market - Thursday, 2/8
- No School, Teacher Planning Day - Friday, 2/9
- Valentine's Day: Wear Red & Share HEALTHY treats - Wednesday, 2/14
- PAC Meeting, teacher-led math workshop - Thursday, 2/15
- No School, Presidents Day - Monday, 2/19
- Pajama Day - Tuesday, 2/20
- Kindergarten Grad Photos - Wednesday, 2/21
Attendance Matters: Every Day Counts!
Your child's daily attendance in school matters! Each day we learn something new, gain progress towards grade level standards, build meaningful friendships and explore new interests.
While our average daily attendance is better than in school year 2021-2022 we are still lagging behind our daily averages from last year, 2022-2023.
- Attendance is the best indicator of post-secondary success
- Attendance directly impacts a child's access to grade level learning
- Attendance is our most weighted metric on our state of Illinois School Report Card and the CPS school report card
Unfortunately our average daily attendance for January 2024 fell below 90% at 88.89%, the lowest rate of attendance in over two and a half school years.
- 38 students increased their average daily attendance by at least 0.5% - they will receive certificates and a prize tomorrow!
- Students that have above 95% attendance in February will be able to participate in a school wide incentive! February's incentive is cookie decorating during lunch periods!
Here are some things you can do to help with attendance:
- Students should not miss more than 15 school days in a year to stay on track for grade level progress
- Keep track of your child's attendance using ASPEN Parent Portal
- Only miss school for illness or urgent family matters
- Schedule appointments for before or after school
- If you must have an appointment during the day, you can seek an early dismissal or bring your child back to school when the appointment concludes
- Take vacations during scheduled breaks from school
- Build consistent routines - Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day. Help your child maintain daily routines, such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s sleep.
- Set a regular bedtime schedule.
- Help your child relax before bedtime with a story, instead of the stimulation of television.
- Provide children their own alarm clock. Teach kids to set and use their own alarm clock or clock radio. HINT: Second and Third graders are taught to use an analog clock around this time of year. This is great practice at home!!
Healthy Student Market is THURSDAY!
Healthy Student Market
Healthy Student Market is Thursday, February 8!
New Field distributes free, healthy groceries to families. Please bring a reusable bag for your groceries. Each family is eligible for one grocery bag of goods.
Thursday, Feb 8, 2024, 02:30 PM
Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Reminders
Drop off and pickup can be a hectic time. This is why we have a staggered arrival and dismissal schedule.
As adults, it is important that we model positive community, healthy conflict resolution and safe pedestrian practices for our children. They watch and learn from our choices and behaviors.
Please keep these important guidelines in mind:
- Walk to school as often as possible! We are a neighborhood school which means we are walkable for most families. Walking is great exercise, a wonderful opportunity for discussion/observation and super helpful for our environment!
- When driving, use car seats when applicable and follow guidelines on height and weight recommendations for children sitting in front seats.
- When walking, cross at crosswalks only
- Do not double or triple park on Morse Ave. This increases dangerous vehicular behavior
- Follow traffic rules. Do not pull a u-turn or make an illegal turn near school grounds
- Remember that over 580 young children are entering and exiting school grounds. Model calm and respectful conflict management should it arise.
Would you like the opportunity to share your ideas and plans for improving New Field? Join the Local School Council for the 2024-2025 school year!
See Jennifer Nelson (2nd Grade Teacher) or Sue Briggs (our School Clerk) for a candidate form packet. The deadline to submit your packet to New Field is 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 8th. Please feel free to email Jennifer Nelson at with any questions about becoming a candidate. Thank you!