May 2024 District Newsletter

May 2024
The school year is flying by and the end of the school year is just around the corner. We have a lot to catch up on so keep reading! In this newsletter:
- Board News
- Student Celebrations
- Upcoming Events
- Family Corner
Board Corner
Meeting Recap
You can catch up on our recent Board meeting in the April 22, 2024 Board Corner Report (doc). The full minutes from the March meeting will be posted on the district website after they are approved the next regular meeting on May 20, 2024 at Wilmington Middle School.
Our Students are Shining!
WHS Outstanding Student!
Congratulations to WHS student, Peyton Pence! Peyton received the Outstanding Student Award* for Clinton County at the 41st Annual Exceptional Achievement Award ceremony on April 24th. Peyton's nominator shared that Peyton is a true joy and blessing all around. Peyton is always quick to say hello and greet his friends with smiles and hugs. Even on his hardest day, Peyton is still smiling and laughing. He is working hard to learn job skills that will prepare him for his transition to work life and always gives 100% in all that he does.
We are #HurricaneProud of Peyton and consider ourselves fortunate to have him as a WHS student.
*The Outstanding Student Award acknowledges outstanding achievements of school-age children and youth with disabilities in the Region 14/Hopewell Center region.
Staff Exceptional Achievement Award
At the same event, WHS teacher Sue Mapes was honored with an Exceptional Achievement Award. Sue has worked in our district for a number of years. This year Sue has served as a long-term sub in our MH classrooms at both the Middle School and High School. Congratulations on a well-deserved honor, Sue!
WHS National Honor Society 2024
Congratulations to the newest members of our WHS National Honor Society. For names of this year's inductees, view the program attached below. We are #HurricaneProud of these outstanding students!
Phi Delta Sigma 2024
Congratulations to the newest members of Phi Delta Sigma, the Wilmington High School Scholastic Honor Society sponsored by the Scholastic Achievement Council. Phi Delta Sigma is the High School's 1st academic achievement honor society. Each year, deserving students from all four grades who meet rigorous academic standards are recognized during a Spring convocation.​ Students can qualify each year during their high school experience. The requirements are reconsidered each year by the Scholastic Achievement Council and in collaboration with WHS teachers and administrators.
Congratulations to our newest PDS members! You'll find all the student names in the program linked below.
WMS National Junior Honor Society
Congratulations to the 39 new members inducted into the Linda Floyd Chapter of the WMS National Junior Honor Society! New members were formally inducted on May 1st. Check out the program below for a list of this year's inductees.
PLTW Students Earn Silvers at State!
Congratulations are in order! Oliver McDermott and Jon Custis, seniors in the Great Oaks Engineering Program at Wilmington High School won a silver medal at the Skills USA State Competition on April 9th in the Battlebot Division. The students designed their Battlebot chassis and weapon in Fusion 360, a CAD software program. The students 3D printed their parts and installed electronic devices and other hardware in order to make the robot worthy of fighting in an arena. Oliver McDermott participated in the Ohio Bots League competition the Winter Brawl at Lakota East High School in January. Michael Brown and Jon Custis teamed up and joined Oliver McDermott in the Ohio Bots League Spring Reckoning competition at Scarlet Oaks in March. The students had to repair their Battlebots between rounds after suffering damage in the ring. In between competitions, the students took the opportunity to redesign their Battlebots.
For the Skills USA competition, Oliver McDermott and Jon Custis teamed up and had to submit documentation of their design process over the course of the season, resumes, and of course their Battlebot had to compete in the arena. Only 2 students were allowed to participate in Skills USA, but there were 3 boys who pioneered the Wilmington Battle Bot program. Congratulations!
Thank you to Ronda Smucz, Great Oaks/WHS PLTW teacher for providing these opportunities for our students to learn and shine!
Kindergarten Parent Orientation
WCS will be hosting 2 more information nights for incoming kindergarten parents - 1 in person and 1 virtual event. Use our online parent orientation form to register for one of the sessions below:
- May 7, 2024 (In-Person), 6:30 p.m.
- May 14, 2024 (Virtual), 6:30 p.m.
Additionally, there will be a kindergarten student orientation on August 12, 2024. More information will follow as the date approaches.
If your child will be 5 on or before August 1st, then they are eligible to enter Kindergarten. For enrollment information visit wilmingtoncityschools.com/kindergarten.
Upcoming Events
This Month at WCS...
Check our May 2024 Events (doc) and grab your calendar! Please remember to double check the building calendars on the website before heading out in case there are updates.
Staff Celebrations
In May, we celebrate some of our hardworking staff members.
- May 1: National School Principal’s Day
- May 1-7: National Physical Education and Sport Week
- May 3: School Lunch Hero Day
- May 6-10: National Teacher Appreciation Week
- May 6: Ohio School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
- May 8: National School Nurses Day
- May 18: National Speech Pathologist Day
Family Corner
We thought we would share a smorgesboard of resources for parents on May awareness topics. (Links and content from external sources are not under the control of the District.)
- Asian & Pacific Island Heritage Month (asianpacificheritage.gov)
- Military Appreciation Month (uso.org)
- National Mental Health Awareness Month (NAMI.org)
- Skin Cancer Awareness Month (skincancer.org) and CDC.gov/cancer
- National Foster Care Month (fosterandadopt.jfs.ohio.gov)
- International Water Safety Day (internationalwatersafetyday.org)
- Bike Safety Month (nsc.org - National Safety Council)