Freedom Park Faculty and Staff Newsletter - December 4th
Essay Scoring Due December 1st - ELA Teachers
PreK Budget and WSO
Mid Year Conference
Take Charge of Your Professional Development - Upcoming Courses
Please sign up on Business Plus. Pick a course any course. Email Dr. Singh and let her know you plan to attend so that you can receive TKES credit. Remember we all need professional learning hours for TKES/LKES this year. https://eo.rcss-k12.org/ifas7/emponline/
Utilizing Technology to Enhance Student Achievement 12/14
Teaching is a Team Sport Getting the Most Out of PLC 12/7 and 12/14
Rigorous Teaching and Learning 12/18
Best Practices in Writing Instruction 12/07
Effective Instructional Strategies to Enhance Student Achievement 12/05 and 12/11
Techsetter News
Think TKES - Standard 3 Instructional Strategies
Evidence of effective use of strategy:
- Teacher asks probing questions (to both volunteers and non-volunteers) to develop deeper understanding of content.
- Teacher’s cues/prompts and questions require students to restructure information or apply knowledge. Teacher gives appropriate wait-time after asking questions.
- Teacher models and teaches identifying cues/prompts for understanding content, i.e., key words, organizational structure.
- Teacher and students use questions and cues/prompts to link to prior and current learning.
- Students effectively pose their own questions and develop cues/prompts to support their learning.
You may already have a version of this - https://rcboe-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/singhti_richmond_k12_ga_us/ES_BqIatL7VJuTggdIA0hxcB2qsgiCcsJesSbiQGBRwncA?e=df4fe4f5e67448ea9f8f4eb17afc6a03