September Newsletter

September 5, 2024
Principal's Corner
Hello Eisenhower Families!
It has been wonderful having students back in the building and we are looking forward to an amazing school year!
Things to know or remember
For the safety of our students and team it is really important that each visitor checks in at door one. In order to enter the building or pick up a student you will need to scan your ID. Visitors will wear a sticker badge to indicate they have checked in with office staff and that they are okay to be in the building.
End of day
If you need to communicate a change regarding how your child(ren) will go home, it is really important that you call the office at 763-506-2300 prior to 3:00 pm to make sure we can get the message to them in time. Dismissal is an extremely busy time of day for our office staff. If you are picking up your child(ren) early, we will need you to be at school by 3:30.
We do prefer that families go through the car pick up line as it is easier to supervise students when there are less people on the sidewalks. When in the pick up line, stay in your vehicle and move forward whenever possible. It is also important to remember to always turn right out of the parking lot. All of these things will help keep the line moving.
If you choose to pick up students on the sidewalk in front of the building and walk with them to your car, you are absolutely welcome to do so. Please park in a designated parking space and stand by the blue benches on the left-hand side as you are looking at the front of our school. Remember to always take the crosswalk to and from the parking lot to model safe habits for students and to keep foot traffic from crossing in front of our pick up line. We all need reminders sometimes, particularly when we are in a hurry, so please be courteous if a staff member or a safety patrol kindly asks you to use the crosswalk.
Finally, our goal is to always partner with parents and guardians. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child(ren)'s classroom teacher(s) if you have a question, a concern or a suggestion. We appreciate any and all feedback.
We are looking forward to a great year filled with learning and growing.
In partnership and appreciation!
Lillian DeRung
Picture Day
Picture day will be September 25th during the school day. More details and how to purchase pictures came home with the students or you can purchase them online.
Bus Tracking Information
Real-time bus information through FirstView app.
Anoka-Hennepin families can check where their bus is - live - through a transportation app called FirstView. The app monitors regular school bus routes in real-time. Best of all, it's free for parents/guardians and students to use.
When logging in for the first time, on the bottom of the page, click "Login with SSO". Choose Minnesota and Anoka-Hennepin and click "Continue". Enter your Anoka-Hennepin username and password. That should get you to the map of the bus(es) for your child(ren). If you need help with your Anoka-Hennepin username or password, please reach out to the help desk at 763-506-4357(HELP).
Absence Info
Parents/guardians can share online when their student is going to be absent or arriving late through the My Student Information tile via A-HConnect or in the ParentVUE mobile app. You can still call the school absence line at 763-506-2306 and leave a message, this is simply a convenient alternative.
Report student absences daily prior to 9:30am to avoid receiving an unverified email and phone call.
Hike for IKE
Our biggest PTO fundraiser of the year has started!
Register or login at FUNDHUB Here!
Register your student, share the page, and start working toward fun incentives!
All profits from the Hike for Ike support Eisenhower Elementary including events, field trips, purchase of supplies, and playground upgrades.
Please help us reach our goal and plan to celebrate the new school year with us on the Eisenhower lawn!
Hike Celebration
Friday, Sept 27th from 5-7pm
Entry to the event is free for all and will feature a walk-a-thon and games (with prizes).
Food will be available for purchase.
Volunteers will be needed for games and prize distribution! Please consider signing up!
Please join the Eisenhower PTO in room #124 (art room) starting at 6:00pm on September 12. Please enter through door #2. This meeting is a great way to learn more about our school and PTO plans for the year. This meeting will review the budget for the school year and our fundraising plans through 2024. All meetings held in person and online at https://meet.google.com/fxy-nrvy-fia
Online back to school information
Back to school verification is now available online. It's important that each family completes the verification process. Anoka-Hennepin Schools needs confirmed contact information for each student to ensure schools have access to emergency contact information and information releases for the safety of students.
Login to A-HConnect to complete back to school forms for the upcoming school year.
- Please go to ahschools.us and in the top right hand corner, click on Login
- Click on My Student Information
- Click on Online Registration at the top
- Choose from the drop down under Please select the online packet you would like to begin, choose 2024-2025 Back to school Verification
- Begin Registration
- If nothing has changed, please just continue through to the end and click submit
If you need help finding your login/password, call 763-506-HELP for assistance.
Social Work
Every Meal is a completely free and voluntary program that families can enroll in to receive nutritious, delicious, and relevant meals weekly. Meals will be sent home in your child's backpack every week when school is in session. Families can receive up to one meal bag per child. If you would like to receive an Every Meal bag, please fill out this form: Every Meal Electronic Enrollment Form or call School Social Worker Josie Gall.
If your family would benefit from receiving items such as toiletries, personal hygiene items, and more, please fill out the form below:
Basic Needs Request
If you have any questions, please reach out to our social workers:
Josie Gall josie.gall@ahschools.us or 763-506-2369
Nici Higby nicole.higby@ahschools.us or 763-506-2370
Volunteer News
Have you completed your 2024/2025 Volunteer Paperwork?
Anoka-Hennepin School District #11 requires that all volunteers complete a Volunteer Application and Criminal History Release Form. These forms need to be completed each school year and at every school you will be volunteering at, for example Eisenhower and Northdale Middle School.
Volunteer Opportunities
Weekly Student Folders for Trimester 1 - Volunteers will sort/count and assemble all flyers to be sent home with students. (You must complete the volunteer application and background check first).
Cafeteria Assistance Breakfast or Lunch - The cafeteria is looking for volunteers to help during breakfast and lunch. Volunteers would help students move through the lunch line, assist students with learning the process of food choices, assist students with their pin number cards, help them to find their seat and encourage the use of cafeteria rules. You can volunteer for one or both.
Workroom Volunteer - Our school staff is looking for a volunteer(s) for the staff workroom on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays for 1 - 2 hours. (Volunteers can choose what time works best for them during the school day, 9:30-4:00 pm.) Volunteers would help with making copies, laminate projects, cutting and/or prep. Staff would complete a workroom request form with instructions. Myself or the office staff would be available for questions and training.
LifeTouch is looking for volunteers for the upcoming picture day on Wednesday, September 25th. Please bring a snack/lunch with you for the day. Remember to sign in with the office then head down to the gym where LifeTouch will be set up. As in years past all volunteers will receive a coupon for a FREE standard picture package!! Please talk with the photographer when you arrive for details.
PTO Meeting, September 12th @ 6:00 pm - Our PTO welcomes all Eisenhower families to attend the meeting at 6:00 pm located in the Art room #124. At the meeting the PTO will be discussing the Hike for Ike and our school PAC/Title 1 information.
Hike for Ike - More information on volunteering during the hike on September 27th will be coming home later this month.
Enrichment Programs (see options below)
Seeking volunteers who are interested in leading any of the following enrichment programs. Online training is available and required. Please contact Kathrina DeKruyff-Glass if you are interested
The program was developed to help kindergarten thru second grade students develop lifelong literacy and math skills. The volunteer program is comprised of a variety of activities that volunteers can practice with students one-on-one in the classroom while reinforcing the skills that classroom teachers have already introduced to kindergarteners through lesson plans, including: Reading aloud, tracing the alphabet, sorting and finding letters, listening to sounds, and counting and building number recognition. This program occurs during the school day.
Volunteers provide children with additional opportunities to foster a love of reading outside of the classroom by introducing various genres of literature, extending students' writing connections, and promoting higher level thinking skills. Like a book club! This occurs outside of school hours, usually after school.
The purpose of Math PLUS is to provide additional, on-going mathematical experiences for students in grades K-5. Students participate in math activities that reinforce problem solving, logic and reasoning, and communicating mathematical findings. This makes math learning fun! This occurs outside of school hours, usually after school.
Please don’t hesitate to call me if an opportunity arises that you would like to be involved in or to say “Hello” anytime!
Thank you and I look forward to working with you here at Eisenhower
Kathrina Glass
Volunteer Services Coordinator
Monday - Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 - noon
(Hours may vary)
Community Ed
Welcome back to School!
Community Education classes we be starting the beginning of October
Drawing Palooza starts Tuesday October 1 for 4 weeks
Got a little artist at home turning every corner into their personal gallery? It’s time for their creativity to meet the vibrant world of Young Rembrandts! Watch in awe as their pencils whirl across the paper, drawing everything from yummy taffy apples to charming seasonal scarecrows, and bunnies full of sass. We are even sprinkling a bit of Van Gogh magic with some vibrant sunflower sketches. Embark on an artistic adventure filled with colors and imagination they’ll absolutely adore. Enroll today and watch their artistic flair flourish! Presented by Young Rembrandts To register for Drawing Palooza
Family Fun: Hayride, Bonfire, and S'mores Friday October 4
Gather your family and join us on Friday, October 4 at Bunker Hills Stables for a fun-filled hayride pulled by a team of gentle draft horses. Admire the beautiful fall colors and the crisp autumn air before returning to enjoy a roaring bonfire, along with s’more fixings and apple cider. Check in at the stables from 6-6:15 pm. The hayride leaves promptly at 6:30 p.m. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Register each participant individually. Families must provide their own transportation to and from Bunker Hills Stables. All payments must be paid in full prior to this event. Register by Friday, September 27.
Register for the Family Fun: Hayride, Bonfire and S'mores
Non school day classes for Monday October 7th
- Comic Strip Design Monday October 7, 9 am-12 pm
During this fun-filled Comic Design workshop young artists will lay the foundations to building their own comic. Awesome characters and fantastic expressions in our short stories will make this class epic! Presented by Young Rembrandts. Register for Comic Strip Design
- DIY Pinball Machine Monday October 7, 12:30-3:30 pm
Ignite creativity in our DIY Pinball Machine class! Kids design and construct their own pinball masterpieces, combining fun and engineering in this thrilling hands-on art experience. But that’s not all! The kids will also get to design and construct their own kaleidoscope! What fun! Presented by KidCreate Studio To register for DIY Pinball Machine
Check out https://ahschools.ce.eleyo.com/ for other Community Education classes.
Looking forward to a great year
Anna Heinrich
Community Education Programmer
(763)506-2312 (Eisenhower)
Parent Education
Character Strong
September's trait is RESPECT. Kids will learn to accept somebody for who they are, even when they're different from you or you don't agree with them. Respect in your relationships builds feelings of trust, safety, and well-being.
Upcoming events
Kindergarten first day of school - Sept 5 Last names A-K or Sept 6 Last names L-Z
PTO meeting - Sept 12 6:00pm Art room #124
Picture Day - Sept 25
Hike for IKE - Sept 27 daytime and 5:00 to 7:00pm
This e-newsletter is published by Eisenhower Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.