News from Eli Terry
Week of September 8th, 2023

January's PAWSitive Office Referrals & Shout Outs
Grade 5 Family Welcome Night @ TEMS
Greetings Grade 5 Families -
Though it may be hard to believe, we are already busy planning to welcome your rising sixth grader to Timothy Edwards Middle School (TEMS) in August. Fifth graders will learn more about our courses, programs, and extracurricular opportunities when our school counselors visit elementary schools this spring. In addition to the visits in each of our elementary schools, all fifth graders take a field trip to TEMS to tour the building and to meet administrators, counselors, teachers, and students.
We'd like to invite parents and guardians to a family information evening on Wednesday, February 12th from 6:30-7:30. We aim to share an overview of TEMS courses, athletics, clubs and activities, and general information about managing this important time in your child's adolescence. Though the format of this presentation is targeted towards adult audiences, children can attend with their guardians. Please see the flier below for more information.
This is an exciting time as your child prepares for this important next step in their educational and social journey. We are committed to making this transition as smooth as possible for both students and families, and are happy to begin partnering with you to ensure a successful middle school experience for your child.
We hope to see you at the meeting and look forward to the exciting journey ahead!
Candice Irwin, TEMS Principal
Global Play Day
On Global Play Day, our students will have the opportunity to engage in a day filled with imaginative play and creativity! This special event promotes social skills, teamwork, and problem-solving as students explore various play activities. Research shows that play is vital for children's development, fostering critical thinking and emotional growth.
We encourage all families to reference the flyer above for guidelines on what items are allowed and which are not Let's make this day enjoyable and safe for everyone!
Thank you for your support in making Global Play Day a memorable experience for our students!
Girls on the Run
Spring Afterschool Opportunity
Girls on the Run and Eli Terry are teaming up for a season of life-changing fun. The power to transform tomorrow is already within your girl today. It’s just a matter of unleashing her inner spark. Through #GOTR’s evidence-based curriculum, girls discover skills that strengthen their mental, physical and emotional health.
Volunteer coaches facilitate lessons that blend physical activity with life skill development, including managing emotions, fostering friendships, and expressing empathy. At the end of the season, the team completes a Community Impact Project and a 5K together, which provides a tangible sense of accomplishment and sets a confident mindset into motion.
Watch this VIDEO to Learn More
Will your girl join us? Register at
The Program is open to girls in grades 3-5th grade and will take place March 3rd-May 8th right here at Eli Terry from 3:30-5 pm. The Program Fee is $175 and financial assistance is available if requested. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Kathryn at or Mrs. Hammer. Or visit the National GOTR website: to learn more!
PTO News & Events
The Scholastic Book Fair will return during the last week of February!
Please see the following link for volunteer opportunities. We can make the most of every class visit with a full volunteer list - thank you ahead of time!
More fair details to come - in the meantime, feel free to visit our fair website:
A Peek Inside our Week
Grade 5 Internet Safety
Detective Korchari from the South Windsor Police Department joined the 5th grade to teach them about internet safety. We learned how important it is for adults to check in with their child(ren) on their devices!
Science in Kindergarten
Kindergarten students conducted a "wrecking ball" experiment as part of their "pushes and pulls" science unit!
Celebrating Lunar New Year
To mark the start of the Lunar New Year, Mrs. Yung and Mrs. Lee visited their children's classrooms to share about the holiday and their family's cultural traditions!
Grade 2 Chinese Ribbon Dancing
Mark Your Calendars!
100th Day of School - Thursday, February 6th
PTO Wolfpack Game - Friday, February 7th
Global Play Day - Thursday, February 13th
NO SCHOOL: February Break - Friday, February 14th & Monday, February 17th
Please note: All events can easily be added to your own Google Calendars by clicking the blue hyperlink above! We don't want you to miss a thing!
Events in the Larger Community
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