*SPECIAL* The Chameleon Connection
Special Update for Families: 8/8/24
Here We Go! Back To School Open House is Today, 8/8/24: 3:00-6:00pm!
Dear GQES Families!
Welcome back for a wonderful 2024-2025 school year!!! We are so happy to see our Chameleon Families return to us!!!! Let's plan for a great year!
In this newsletter, we are sending some announcements and notifications to keep you informed. We look forward to working cooperatively with you to help your child learn, grow, and progress well and ultimately, thrive at GQES this year!
#1: PARENT PORTAL: This evening, you will learn about your child's teacher, see the classroom, complete your child's transportation information, and make sure you have your PARENT PORTAL ACCESS established because all registrations are now ONLINE. In addition, this is the time to bring in all the necessary documentation you need if you have registration questions. For example, if you need to bring in documentation related to your child's medical, custodial, address, or emergency contacts, please do so this evening. Here is a step by step guide to assist you in completing annual notification forms: https://bit.ly/WPSAnnualFormGuide. You can call our main office at 540-662-3575 if you have questions. Moreover, there will be a room, 106, designated with assistance with the parent portal. This is a new process, so we will work through this together.
#2 : NEW FACES: Mr. Slezak, our former assistant principal is now an assistant principal at Musselman High School in Berkley County, West Virginia. Mr. Slezak served our Chameleon students and staff well during the time he was at GQES. Winchester Public Schools will have an interim administrator to work with Mrs. Hovatter, school principal, during this transition at GQES. Also, Ms. Sara Shoemaker, our former school counselor is now a high school counselor at John Handley High School for this school year. We want to welcome Ms. Kate Yost, our new school counselor at GQES for the 2024-2025 school year! We are grateful to have worked with fine GQES staff members and wish them well on their new journeys!
#3: TRANSPORTATION: AVOID LEFT TURNS IN AM FROM PARKING LOT (Arrival): We want to help avoid long lines or rushed or adult's road rage due to stress of being in a line at GQES at arrival. Due to the crosswalk on Southwark, we are strongly encouraging car drivers to turn RIGHT out of our parking lot. Parents can travel up one block onto Kent Street and go left, right, straight, etc. without any hesitation. We need your cooperation to make sure our students are safe.
#4: EXTENDED WALK ZONE (Dismissal): Note the 3 locations: A, B, C as our Convoy will walk safely, being escorted by school personnel to each of these street designations for the GQES extended walk zone. Please greet your child at those locations and avoid interfering with our line, to maintain safety. A (Whitlock/Kent), B (Whitlock/S. Loudoun), C (S. Loudoun/Southwerk). See map below!
#5: TACOS el PRIMO: We have a food truck for familes if you wish to purchase 4 tacos for $10.00 this evening at the front entrance of our school.
We will have a great year!! If you have any questions, please call us at 540-662-3575.
Thank you!!!!