CISD Tech Weekly Update
Week of Monday, September 2nd - Friday, September 6th, 2024
🛑 No School Monday, September 2nd. Happy Labor Day!
Shout-Out to Winners! 😄
- We are excited to announce that we have the first tech newsletter winners of the year!
- Thank you Rhonda Young for giving us GoGuardian Teacher monitor tips and feedback over the weekend!
- Thank you Theresa Moore for helping us identify issues with the IXL program and GoGuardian at the junior high!
- Shout-out to a 6th grade student that I observed caring her Chromebook extra careful in the hall. Please be sure to recognize students that you observe taking care of our technology. Praise the high school students that use their Chromebook bag to protect their device.
- Thank you Rhonda and Theresa for being #GAMECHANGERS. We will be getting your gift cards to you soon.
More Tips on GoGuardian Teacher Monitoring
Open Tabs at a Glance
You may have noticed the small icons below the student monitor thumbnail. As Rhonda kindly shared, these icons are a fast way to catch sneaky students! Click on the image to expand view.
Quick View of Tab Icons
View the open tabs below the student screen thumbnail
Quick View of Tab Icons
The icons will quickly let you see what tabs are open
Hover over Icon for Options
Hover over the icon select CLOSE TAB
More Newline Board News!
Freeze your Screen
Have you tried the FREEZE function on your board? It really comes in handy! There are 2 easy ways to freeze the screen on your board.
Press the 3 vertical lines next to the on/off button
Turn off the Freeze
Freeze from your Board's Remote
Local PD Opportunity: Artificial Intelligence as a Teacher Resource
Artificial Intelligence as a Teacher Resource
CHS history teacher, Mr. Josh Rogers, has offered to conduct a short staff development for any staff interested on Artificial Intelligence and how he utilizes it to help with Lesson Planning. This session can count towards the November flex day!
Wednesday, Sep 4, 2024, 03:45 PM
High School Library
📆 Coming Up! Whiteboard Tips for the Newline Board & Quizizz
We have been experimenting with the Newline Whiteboard and using the QR code to login to Google and download a Google doc/pdf. It was not working for us. We got a message that Google was blocked. Has anyone been able to use the QR code to login successfully? We have a Newline ticket in, so we will keep you updated.
Quizizz is available! You should be able to see the icon on your ClassLink launchpad. We are very excited to announce that Alisha Bayiha and Erica Waller will be training us on Quizizz at our upcoming staff day, Oct. 6.
Click on the button below to share tech tips or tell us something techy that you want to know more about. Be the 10th person to submit the form for a prize!!
Happy Labor Day! Enjoy your long weekend!