Farmington Elementary Newsletter
March 22, 2024
Message From Mrs. Petersen
Hello Farmington Families,
Spring Break has arrived! Whether you're staying home and watching a movie, or traveling to a new area-we hope you have a wonderful week with your family! Over break (March 25th-April 1st), our office and building will be closed. You are welcome to send staff emails or leave voicemails as needed, but please know you will receive a reply after we return.
Take Care,
Angie Petersen
Farmington Principal
District Assessment Coordinator
💕Update: Valentine Challenge💕
This past month of February the FES Behavior Team challenged the students to make and give away over 1000 Valentines! We are proud to announce that we did it! 1121 Valentines were delivered to throughout the community and brought great joy to many people! Bravo!
Reminder: Gallery Night
The Annual K-12 District Art Show will be returning this year on April 17, 2024 from 4:30-7:30pm at KMS. We are looking for some parent volunteers to help with the evening. There are various time slots and jobs available. Please sign up using the link for Sign Up Genius if you are able to help: Thank you for signing up to help. If you have any questions, please contact any of the K-12 Art Teachers or Rachel Hassler at
A Message From Our PTO
Our annual Kringle Sale has kicked off! Your student should have brought an order form home this week. Please return order forms and money to school by April 8th. Checks may be written out to Farmington Elementary PTO. Kringle pick up is April 24th at FES from 4-6pm. Kringles must be picked up at this time as we do not have a place to store them!
McTeacher Night is April 23rd from 4-7pm at the Kewaskum McDonald's! Come out for dinner and see your FES staff behind the McDonald's counter and drive through!
PTO Calendar Change! There will be no PTO sponsored event on April 26th. More info to come on a new event!
Farmington Elementary School Plant Sale is coming soon! Be on the lookout for more info within the next week!
Upcoming Dates
🐶Community Service Project🐱
The CAL (Celebrations and Assemblies Leaders) committee would like to announce some exciting April happenings. Be on the lookout for a letter being sent home with your child on Tuesday, April 2nd regarding some special visitors: the KHS therapy dog, Gigi, and her handler, KHS School Counselor, Jamie Leoni as well as the Washington County Humane Society.
We will be collecting items for the Humane Society throughout the month of April to present to Lori Jo, the Humane society presenter. The list of "most wanted" items will be listed in the April letter if you wish to donate. This information has not yet been shared with the students
What's the Big Idea for April?
PATIENCE: Waiting until later for what you want now.
Repeat Information From Previous Newsletters
Routines and Procedures
School Day Times
For future reference, you can find the link on our webpage: >parents>volunteer>ADULT APPLICATION
Pick-Up and Drop Off Routines
Each family has been assigned a number to help with the efficiency of pick-ups. Cards were handed out to most families at Open House with the student's last name and the family number on the card. If you need another card, please contact Mrs. Seiser. You can replicate the information on your own piece of paper, making sure the number and last name are large enough to be visible from 5 to 6 feet from your vehicle.
If you will be picking up your child(ren) at the end of the day, please park in the right lane of the Pick Up/Drop Off area. stay in your vehicle, and have your card visible. The first car in the line should park at the end of the sidewalk on the right hand side. A staff member will come out read the cards, and send that information into the building. Next, those students will come out, load their cars, and those 5 cars will be waved to leave. Then, all cars will pull up 5 spots and we will repeat the process. If everyone follows the same protocols the line will be efficient and most importantly, it will be a safe way to dismiss all students. Students will begin to be dismissed to vehicles at 3:45.
Families utilizing our before or after school care through Forever Friends should enter through Door 3 (door nearest to the gym).
October 2023 UPDATE:
So, what can you do if you arrive and the pick up/drop off loop is full during pick-up at the end of the day?
- You could choose to park in the visitor's lot and walk to the front door with your family number to pick up your child.
- You could choose to drive around the block and come back at a later time.
- You could choose to plan to come to pick up your child anytime after 3:46 (by this time our first two sections of vehicles have been dismissed and there typically is no longer a line).
- You could choose to wait on the road-again, we are hoping vehicles only wait on the east shoulder of the road, (the side closest to the building) to create more space for traveling vehicles on the road.
Additional reminder: when you're in the vehicle line, please pull as far forward as possible-this allows us to get more vehicles off of the road.
**These routines may change during the year if we find the current procedures do not fit our school needs. Any changes will be communicated to you through a newsletter/Skyward message.**
Mental Health Walk-in Clinic for Children
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin recently opened the Craig Yabuki Mental Health Walk-in-Clinic for children ages 5-18 at their main campus. The clinic runs seven days a week from 3:00 PM- 9:30 PM. More specific information can be found here. If you know of someone in need, please share this information with them.
Principal, Angie Petersen
Location: 8736 Boltonville Road, Kewaskum, WI, USA
Phone: 262-626-3102