Tiger Family News 1/26/25
Week 23

Message from Mrs. Bomar
Greetings SWA Families,
I hope you’re doing well! As we move into Week 23, here are some updates and reminders to keep you in the loop.
Our basketball teams are in action this week:
- Home Game vs. Deer Park: Tuesday, January 28, at 4:00 PM.
- Away Game at Windsor Mill: Thursday, January 30, at 4:00 PM.
We’d love to see you there cheering on our Tigers!
Please remember to ensure students come to school each day ready to learn and in their proper uniforms. As a reminder, students can wear long-sleeve shirts under their uniform shirts and sweaters or sweatshirts that match uniform colors.
Thank you for your continued support in making Southwest Academy a great place for our students to grow and thrive. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Have a wonderful week!
In Partnership,
Mrs. Bomar
SWA Inclement Weather Virtual Learning Schedule
As of today, January 26, 2025, BCPS has used two out of its three traditional inclement weather days for the 2024-2025 school year. After day three, BCPS will transition to synchronous virtual learning.
See SWA Virtual Learning Schedule for Inclement Weather.
BCPS Climate Survey
The BCPS Climate Survey is now open. Please take a moment to use the link to select your language and complete the survey.
Need a Parent FOCUS & Schoology Account?
These resources help you track your student's grades and attendance.
Please click the link: Focus Parent Portal and within you account, there's a Schoology link which allows you to view your child's current grades. Progress reports will be available this Friday, Sept. 27th.
Talking Points
Stay in touch with your student's teachers
Dress Code Enforcement Coming This Week
Parents we need your help!
We have having an increase in students not coming to school in uniform. This week, we plan on doing uniform checks and items not adhering to the policy will be confiscated, returned at the end of the day and your student will receive detention.
Please ensure that your student adheres to the dress code policy. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your child's grade level administrator.
Students will also be permitted wear Southwest Academy shirts.
Attendance Matters
We've had a slight decrease in our attendance. We need to get back on track.
How You Can Help:
- Monitor Attendance: Keep track of student attendance and flag patterns of concern early.
- Build Connections: Create a welcoming and inclusive classroom environment that encourages students to show up every day.
- Communicate: Reach out to students and families to reinforce the importance of regular attendance and offer support when needed.
Addendum to the 2024-2025 Student Handbook – Code of Conduct
As a direct response to recent behaviors exhibited by students across the nation, BCPS staff from the Department of School Safety have created an addendum to the 2024-2025 Student Handbook – Code of Conduct. This addendum directly addresses disciplinary action that will be taken when students violate the code of conduct in specific ways. Students who engage in these behaviors will be subject to all legally allowable consequences including, but not limited to, suspension and expulsion. School system consequences are in addition to action taken by law enforcement.
Mind Over Matters – Annual Youth Mental Health Fair – Save the Date
The annual Mind Over Matter Annual Conference will be held on Saturday, March 15, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at George Washington Carver Center for Arts and Technology. The goal of this event is to raise awareness about the importance of children’s mental health and substance use prevention. This event is for all BCPS students and their parents/caregivers. and will include student performances, a keynote speaker, and breakout sessions. There will also be vendors, free promotional items, giveaways, face-painting, and more!
Do you want Southwest Academy Merch?
We have partnered with BSN/Sideline Sports to offer merchandise options for students and staff. Order now and get an additional 20% off of your purchase. Use the link below to purchase.
Wise Word of the Week
Last Week Word - ARGUE- This week's word - ELIMINATE
For the 2024-2025 school year, there will be an intense focus on cross-curricular vocabulary instruction. In core content classes and on the morning announcements, students will be introduced to a word and given the opportunity to make connections with the word within their content, with the expectation of greater comprehension as well as increased MAP reading scores.
Help us reinforce this focus by asking your student what word is for the week and having them use the word at home. Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice makes progress.🙂
Upcoming Dates
Jan. 27
- Field Trip to Wegmans - FALS Class
- SWA Student Focus Group @ 1:30pm
Jan. 28
- Principal's Cabinet Meeting @ 12:45pm
- Basketball Home vs Deer Park
Jan. 29
- Systemwide Professional Development Day 8am - 3pm
Jan. 30
- Basketball Away vs. Windsor Mill
Feb. 3-7 National School Counseling Week