MCCHS Friday Focus
261st Issue - March 17, 2023
From the Desk of Mr. Brad Williams
This time of year is always a period of transition. We transition from quarter three to quarter four. We begin to creep out of winter and into spring, and accordingly transition from winter activities like basketball to spring activities like softball.
Transitioning to Q4 comes to me with busyness, excitement, and emotion. The fourth quarter is packed with many important events, starting with our 6th grade visit day and the winter theater performance (playing Friday, Saturday and Sunday here at Marian—come check it out!). AP exams occur in quarter four, as well as all of our end of year events such as honors day, prom and graduation. Lots of important events packed into the final quarter of the year as well as ones that are significant moments in the lives of our students.
In this last regard I think specifically of our seniors. Some are feeling the effect of senioritis, trying to balance that circumstance with the desire to end the year strong. All of our seniors are beginning to sense the end of their high school time being imminent. This becomes more real as we plan for honors day and rehearse graduation, culminating on the big day later this year.
With all this in mind, I would encourage all community members to take time and enjoy the fun and excitement as we approach the end of the school year. It may seem like a long way off but it will come quick, as usual. It’s busy, yes, but there are so many fun and memorable times so please be sure to appreciate them as they come.
Mr. Brad Williams
All School Retreat - Monday, March 20th
Students are welcome to dress in comfortable, appropriate attire. Uniforms are not required.
Lunch will be provided at no cost to all students and staff and will consist of a chicken sandwich, bag of chips, cookie and water. Please note that the cafeteria will be serving only the items mentioned on the retreat day. Students will not be able to purchase additional items during lunch. However, the cafeteria will be open from 7:30 am to 8:00 am for breakfast as usual. Students are welcome to bring lunch from home if they prefer.
We are looking forward to this year's retreat. Thank you!
Course Changes and AP/Dual Credit Course Fees
Parents of Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors
Course Changes and AP/Dual Credit Course Fees
2023-2024 School Year
Tentative Course Selection forms with the courses that your son/daughter chose for the 2023-2024 school year were mailed home last week. Please be sure to review the course choices and contact Guidance with questions or changes. All course changes must be made no later than Friday, March 24.
AP and dual credit fees can either be paid online or by cash or check and are also due in Guidance no later than Friday, March 24. AP courses are $100 each and dual credit courses are $25 each. If these fees aren't paid by 3/24, students will be placed in an alternate course.
Important to note: After 3/24 there will be a $30 fee for any course changes.
Lightning Thief
Friday and Saturday, March 17th and 18th at 7:00 pm
Sunday, March 19th at 2:00 pm
Tickets are available for purchase at the box office.
Adults: $13
Students and Seniors: $7
Enjoy the show!
Planned Absences
Have a planned absence scheduled? Please see the excerpt below from our Student Handbook:
Planned Absences (any length): Students who need to miss school for a college visit, (non-school sponsored) athletic event or field trip, funeral, vacation, or other pre-arranged absence MUST obtain their assignments before their departure. Student must present a signed note from the parent/legal guardian detailing the nature of the absence to the Dean’s Office. Parents may also email the Dean’s Office or leave a message on the attendance line to begin the process as well, however, parent notice must be presented a minimum of one week in advance of the planned vacation/trip or family/personal purpose. Student will be given an Advanced Leave Notice form to complete and return. This must be in advance of the planned absence. Advanced Leave will not be granted during the weeks of semester exams. All missed assignments that are indicated on the Advanced Leave Form are expected to be turned in on the first day the student returns to school.