Surrarrer Newsletter
August 16, 2024

Surrarrer Newsletter
February 2, 2025
Dear Families,
Kids Heart Challenge
This week, we had a special assembly to kick off the Kids Heart Challenge! This exciting 3-week challenge aims to raise $5,000 and if we reach our goal, Mr. Howard, our gym teacher, will shave his beard!
This year, the Kids Heart Challenge is particularly special because one of our very own 4th graders, Ivan Bakhtair, has been selected as a student ambassador. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out his incredible story!
Information on how to participate was sent home this week. You can also find instructions later in the newsletter under the heading Kids Heart Challenge.
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Monsters Hockey Game-National Anthem
We are thrilled to share that on Saturday night, fifty 4th and 5th grade students from Surrarrer had a fantastic experience at the Monsters Hockey game! Our music teacher, Mrs. McNickle, led this wonderful event, giving the students the opportunity to sing the National Anthem.
We are so proud of our students for their outstanding performance and grateful to Mrs. McNickle for providing such an amazing opportunity. We will be sharing the video of their performance soon! In the meantime, here are some behind-the-scenes pictures!
Mrs. Young
December Student of the Month
Each month, homeroom teachers will select one student from their class who demonstrates the characteristics of The Model Mustang. The students who are selected are innovative, resilient, collaborative, global and empowered!
Congratulations to the following students who were selected as the December Student of the Month for their class!!!
Spirit Week This Week!
Upcoming Important Dates
5th- World Reading Day
10th, 11th &12th: 5th Grade Field Trips to the Planetarium
17th- No School
20th- Parent- Teacher Conferences
OST Dates
Our 3rd through 5th grade students will be taking OSTs (Ohio State Tests) in April and May. Please try not to schedule appointments or vacations during these testing dates.
3rd Grade
ELA 4/15-4/16
Math 4/29-4/30
4th Grade
ELA 4/14-4/15
Math 4/28-4/29
5th Grade
ELA 4/16-4/17
Math 4/30-5/1
Science 5/5-5/6
Dismissal Procedures
Please help us make our dismissal process run smoothly by following these guidelines:
- Refer to the map for parking instructions.
- Do not use the bus lane (red highlighted section on the map) unless prior arrangements have been made with the office.
- Parents picking up students should:
- Pull to the left side of the driveway (Yellow highlighted section on the map)
- Park their car
- Walk to the building to pick up their student(s)
- Exit the parking lot slowly
Kids Heart Challenge
Dear Surrarrer Elementary School Families,
Let the games begin, Heart Heroes! Kids Heart Challenge is here and it’s better than ever! Sign up TODAY to get started on Finn’s Mission - refresh your Hands-Only CPR skills and learn the warning signs of a stroke. Every student who completes Finn’s Mission will earn their very own Heart Hero Cape!
Help Save Lives with These Simple Steps:
- Download the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android and click on “Register Now” then scroll down to join your school's team.
- Next, click on “send a text today” to easily reach friends & family!
- OR click HERE. and choose “Sign Up” to get started.
We have some BONUS incentives for our students this year:
If students hit the school goal Mr. Howard will shave his beard off!!
Thank you for being an essential part of the Kids Heart Challenge, supporting our school and the American Heart Association. Every step you take helps save lives. Let’s make a powerful positive impact together!
Candy Grams
The Story Behind Our "Spread the Love" Candy Grams
The Student Council will be selling candy grams this week during lunch. They will be delivered on February 14th.
Some of our amazing parents and students reached out, wanting to make sure every student gets a candy gram—and we loved the idea! To help make that happen, we created a way for families who would like to donate toward this sweet cause.
Our school community is full of kind and generous individuals, and while there’s absolutely no pressure to donate, we appreciate any support in spreading a little extra love to all our students!
You can donate here https://surrarrerpta.givebacks.com/store/items/1159767
Students got their first opportunity to cash in their PRIDE points at the Surrarrer school store this week. What are PRIDE points? These are points students can earn anywhere in the building from any staff member. Points are earned when students are Prepared, Respectful, Inclusive, Determined and/or Engaged. Once a month, students will be given the opportunity to cash in their points for something in the school store or they can save their points for a reward that costs more points.
2025 School Climate Survey
As we work to align and improve our PBIS system, we want to hear from you, our families! Please complete this short, anonymous survey that is focused on school climate. Your input is important to us and you do not need to complete every question. Thank you in advance for your time!
3rd-5th Grade -School Climate Opt Out Form
Students in grades 3-5 will be taking the Student Climate Survey the week of February 10-14, 2025. If you do not want your student to participate, please complete the opt out form linked below by February 7, 2025 and turn in to the school office. Please contact Mrs. Young with questions.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Founders' Day Celebration
Kalahari Surrarrer Night
Counselor Corner
Click on the button below to read Mrs. Filuta's newsletter!
Parent Mentorship Training Series
SCS Kindergarten Registration
Quick Guide for SCS Kindergarten Registration 2025-2026
Starting January 14th 2025, access the online registration on the district website by going to www.scsmustangs.org and clicking on Families section and then Kindergarten Registration. Note: this online registration is for ALL incoming kindergarten students (half day, full day and those coming from SCS Preschool Program). It is a new process, different from previous years. Once clicking on the Registration link, you will create an account by entering your email address and creating a password. If you have an account already from registering another child, you can use the same login for this process. At the time of registering, you will select half or full day kindergarten and submit all information and paperwork/records online, so please allow ample time to complete this process and have documents already collected (see next section). You will receive an email confirmation after you submit your registration.
After registering, if you selected full day kindergarten, submit a $300 deposit to the Treasurer’s Dept. by Friday, January 31st. This deadline is important to fully secure your child’s spot.
At the time of registration, you will be asked to upload or submit all required documentation to complete the registration process. Please have these assembled prior to starting registration. This includes:
Student’s Certified Birth Certificate
Student’s Immunization Records
Proof of Residency - a current utility bill in the parent/guardian’s name (gas, electric, water, sewer, or cable), a lease signed by the parent/guardian and landlord, or a purchase agreement signed by the parent/guardian and seller. A cell phone bill is not acceptable.
If the parent/guardian does not have one of these documents, a notarized residency affidavit (available on our website under families or during online registration) along with 2 documents from the parent/guardian and 2 documents from the homeowner will be needed. Please see the instruction page for a list of acceptable documents.
Verification of legal custody/guardianship (only if child is not living with both his/her natural parents): Certified Copy of Court Order or Court Appointed Guardianship
IEP or ETR if your child has one from previous schooling (not necessary if currently enrolled in Strongsville Preschool Program).
Photo ID - Parent/Guardian state or federal issued photo ID (Must be valid).
Please note: while you are able to submit your registration without including all of the above documents, after completing your registration you are not able to log back in to add documents. Once registration is submitted, any additional documents must be submitted in an alternate way.
Documents can be submitted any one of the following ways:
Upload the documents onto the registration site (preferred method and quickest; must be done at time of registration)
Scan and email to mcox@scsmustangs.org (Please include STUDENT NAME & KDG REGISTRATION in the subject)
Take a photo of the documents and email them to mcox@scsmustangs.org (PLEASE NOTE: Send medium size photos. For proof of residency, include the entire document showing company name, your name, address, and the due date)
For after hours drop off: place documents in the safe drop box at the front of the Administrative Offices at 18199 Cook Avenue (Please be sure to place the documents in an envelope or staple them together.)
Drop off documents in person - make an appointment to meet with registrar Mary Cox to drop off or make copies of documents in person
Registration Questions: Mary Cox, Mcox@scsmustangs.org (440) 572-7048
Financial Questions: Melissa LePage, MLepage@scsmustangs.org or (440) 572-7021
Cold Weather and Recess
Fashion Class
Girls Youth Golf Camp
Join Strongsville High School Golf Team coaches and varsity golf players at the Girls Youth Strongsville Golf Camp! The camp is open to girls in 4th - 8th grades and focuses on developing the proper techniques in the golf swing, as well as improving skills for the short game and putting. The camp fee is $125 and will be held once a week in April and May from 6pm - 7pm at Valleaire Golf Club (6969 Boston Rd. / Hinckley). The Girls Youth Strongsville Golf Camp is open to golfers at any skill level. Click HERE for additional information and click HERE to register.
Strongsville Lacrosse
Ohio Museums-4th Grade
Free Fourth Grade History Pass for Ohio museums- Every fourth grade student in Ohio will have the opportunity to visit participating history-related museums and sites free of charge when accompanied by a paying adult through Aug. 31, 2025. The program aims to cultivate curiosity in young minds in anticipation of the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
Strongsville High School Theater Program
Strongsville Public Library
CCPL Program Guide
The Cuyahoga County Public Library program guide is now digital! Want to find out about all the amazing library programs and resources happening around the system? You can view our Program information by going to cuyahogalibrary.org and click on Research & Discover to use the Press Reader resource here:
English as a Second Language Classes by Aspire Greater Cleveland.
If you need to learn English or improve your language skills, we can help. Aspire Greater Cleveland offers FREE beginner, intermediate and advanced-level English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes. Strongsville Branch will be hosting morning classes on Thursdays and Fridays. Please call 833.ASPIRE2 (1.833.277.4732) to register or visit https://cuyahogalibrary.org/services/adult-education/aspire-greater-cleveland for more information.
Cuyahoga Works: Job & Career Services
Schedule an individual career coaching session at the Strongsville Branch with one of our Career Services Coaches. Career Services Coaches are available by appointment on Tuesdays to help you discover your occupational interests, create an effective job search strategy, and prepare for job interviews. They can also provide tips that will help you develop top-notch resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles. Career Coaching is available by appointment ONLY! To schedule a FREE appointment at our branch, please call Cuyahoga Works Job & Career Services at (216) 475-2225 or email the team at Careers@cuyahogalibrary.org
IN-PERSON Storytimes.
Strongsville Branch Library storytimes start up again in June! Storytimes are for Birth to Age 5 not yet in Kindergarten. No registration needed!
Baby & Me (Birth to 18 months with a Caregiver) - Mondays / 10:00 - 10:20 a.m. OR Thursdays / 10:00 - 10:20 a.m.
Preschool (Ages 3 - 5 not yet in Kindergarten with a Caregiver) - Mondays / 11:30 a.m. - Noon OR Tuesdays / 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. OR 11:30 a.m. - Noon
Toddler (Ages 19 - 35 months with a Caregiver) - Wednesdays / 10:00 - 10:25 a.m. OR 11:30 - 11:55 a.m.
Family - Thursdays / 7:00 p.m.
Audio & Video Studio Orientation. Ages 11 & up. Saturday, February 1st / 10:00 a.m. VIRTUAL or Monday, February 17th / 7:00 p.m. IN PERSON
Have you ever thought about recording your own music, making a video, digitizing memories and more? The Strongsville Branch Library is home to both Audio and Video Recording studios that can help you do just that! You must go through an orientation to use the spaces. Patrons 11 & up can participate in the orientation and must turn in the User Agreement form at the branch for the orientation to count. Register online to attend the virtual session.
Teen Knit & Crochet Club. Teens Grades 6 - 12. Monday, February 3rd / 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Do you like to craft? Do you know how to knit, crochet, or hand sew? Bring your own project and come hang out with other teens who also love to make things! NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED!
Digital Navigator Appointments. Tuesday, February 4th / 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. OR Wednesday, February 5th / 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. OR Friday, February 7th / 10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Call us at 216.749.9420 to make an appointment with one of our Digital Navigators at a CCPL branch. Cuyahoga County Public Library’s Digital Navigators service offers one-on-one assistance to help you – or someone you know – connect to the internet, get a device, set up a telehealth appointment and more.
Young at Heart. Tuesday, February 4th / 7:00 p.m.
A book club for adults who love Children's and Teen books. The title for our next discussion is The Lake House by Sarah Beth Durst. No registration. Everyone Welcome!
Audiobook Narration Basics. Wednesday, February 5th / 7:00 p.m.
Join us to learn how you can use our Recording Studios for Audiobook Narration. We will cover the basics of what Audiobook Narration is, as well as what software is available in our Studios that patrons can use. We will also review the Studio Orientation Materials during the program. Registration is required.
Kindergarten Countdown: Art of Celebration. For those entering Kindergarten in the Fall with a Caregiver. Friday, February 7th / 11:00 a.m. - Noon.
Join us as we help your child build kindergarten readiness skills in a program aligned to Ohio’s Early Childhood Standards. This session, we will focus on the art of celebration.
Technology Training Class:
PowerPoint Basics. Saturday, February 8th / 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Geared toward the beginner, this class offers an overview of Microsoft PowerPoint, a software program for designing creative presentations and slideshows. Create a simple presentation and learn how to add text, images and transitions to slides. Prerequisite: Word Basics or some experience using PowerPoint. Earn a Northstar Digital Literacy Certificate for this class with the successful completion of an assessment.
PowerPoint: Advanced Features. Friday, February 21st / 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
For those already familiar with Microsoft PowerPoint, build on what you know to take your presentation to the next level. Topics include using slide master and adding animations, hyperlinks, videos and sound. Prerequisite: PowerPoint Basics
Southwest Health Talk: Stroke Prevention & Awareness. Tuesday, February 11th / 10:00 a.m.
Join us for this special Southwest General Health Talk. Maureen Moore, RN, BSN, SCRN, Stroke Coordinator, from the Primary Stroke Center at Southwest General, will present the signs and symptoms of stroke, share prevention strategies, and discuss Southwest General’s Grey Matters Stroke Prevention and Circulation Circuit Programs.
Toddler Sensory Art Play. Ages 1 - 3 with a Caregiver. Friday, February 14th / 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Engage your little one’s senses, develop skills, and build brain connections though open-ended art using a variety of tactile materials.
Blood Drive. Friday, February 14th / 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
In just an hour of your time you can help save up to three lives. Make sure hospital patients get the treatment they need. Donate blood today. For more information or to make an appointment visit www.redcrossblood.org or call the American Red Cross at 800-RED-CROSS (800-733-2767).
Teen Craft Night: Foam Printmaking. Grades 6 - 12. Tuesday, February 18th / 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Using foam and a Cricut, make fun stamps to use to screen print on bags! In order to participate in youth programs that could be considered harmful, Cuyahoga County Public Library requires parents to complete a Release & Hold Harmless Form.
Blow off some S.T.E.A.M. After School. Grades 1 - 4. Wednesday, February 19th / 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Ignite your curiosity and creativity through this exploration of all things STEAM. Discover the elements of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math through hands on activities and exploration. Boost your problem solving and teamwork skills in this program.
Wednesday Evening Book Discussion. Wednesday, February 19th / 7:00 p.m.
Our Wednesday Evening Book Discussion meets at 7p.m. on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. We welcome all adults interested in reading and discussing great books! Our next discussion title will be The Art Thief by Michael Finkel. Copies of the book will be available for check-out at the circulation desk of the Strongsville Branch Library.
School Age Craft: Screen Printing Ages 9 - 11. Thursday, February 20th / 5:30 -7:00 p.m.
Try something new! Relax after school by learning how to screen print your own design.
Easy Cheesy Treat. Ages 3 - 5 with a Caregiver. Friday, February 21st / 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Bring your child with you while you learn how to make a spreadable curd cheese. A big mouse will read to the children and help them make a craft. Everyone will sample the cheese on bread and take home the recipe!
Read Around the World. Saturday, February 22nd / 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
The Strongsville Kiwanis Club sponsors this annual event for all ages. Each child attending can choose a new book to take home. No registration is needed for this free event. Members of Kiwanis will be available to read books to the children. The St. Joseph and John’s Builder's Club members will perform puppet shows throughout the event. There will also be face painting, storytelling, and light refreshments.
Monday Afternoon Book Discussion. Monday, February 24th / 2:30 p.m.
The Monday Afternoon Book Discussion meets at 2:30 p.m. in the Library on the 4th Monday of each month. No registration is required. New members are always welcome. We welcome all adults interested in reading and discussing great books! Our next discussion title will be The Golden Gate by Amy Chua. Copies of the book will be available for check-out at the circulation desk.
Meet Author Lisa Unger. Wednesday, February 26th / 7:00 p.m.
Join us when author Lisa Unger visits to discuss her latest novel, Close Your Eyes and Count to 10. Lisa Unger is a NYT and internationally bestselling author. Her books are published in 32 languages, with millions of copies sold worldwide. Books will be available for purchase courtesy of Mac's Backs - Books on Coventry.
Tiny Tots Playtime. Ages 2 and under with Adult Caregiver. Friday, February 28th / 11:00 a.m. - Noon.
Come and experience free play with your tiny tot for fifteen minutes or an entire hour. We will have all types of toys for an enjoyable experience!
School Fees
As a reminder, all school fees that have not been paid are now considered past due. To check the balance and pay outstanding school fees, go to Pay Schools Central by clicking HERE. In addition to Pay Schools Central, school fees can be paid by cash/check to your student’s building secretary or with the Treasurer's Office. If you have questions related to this, please contact the building secretary or Melissa LePage (mlepage@scsmustangs.org) within the Treasurer's Department. As we are approaching a new school year, as well as the start of fall sports, per Board of Education policy, the consequences for outstanding prior year school fees will prohibit students from participating in any school extracurricular activities (i.e., athletics, student council, school clubs, etc.), field trips, and school sanctioned dances / events that require a purchased ticket. For additional information on District Fee Collection Procedures and Consequences CLICK HERE.