"Aspiring to achieve excellence responsibly, respectfully, and with Lodi Pride."
Lodi Middle School
Website: https://middle.lodi.k12.wi.us/
Phone: 608-592-3854
Facebook: facebook.com/LodiSchoolsWI/
Twitter: @LodiSchoolsWI
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Message From Mr. Pertzborn
Dear Lodi Middle School Students and Families,
Welcome back! Each month my plan as middle school principal is to send home communication. As a parent myself, I realize these communications can be overwhelming, so I will do my best to keep these as efficient as possible. The goal of Middle School Matters is to provide you with a summary of what is happening at the Lodi Middle School and is not meant to be an exhaustive document. I plan to have a summary of each item in this main document and provide links to items where some guardians may want some more details when necessary. I am hoping this will provide families with an efficient and effective way for us to communicate each month.
As students transition to a new school year they have different emotions. Some students are excited to come back to school to connect with their friends and with our staff. Some students are anxious about returning to school for different reasons. Most fall somewhere in between. If your student is anxious about the school year, try not to minimize their concerns. Be sure to listen to them and acknowledge their feelings. Saying things like "Just don't worry about that" can be dismissive of how your student feels. Together, we will work through it to make this a great school year. If your student is having significant anxiety about returning to school, please contact our School Counselor for support (Mike Meyers - meyermi@lodischoolswi.org).
On the first day of school students will report to their homeroom teacher for their first class. During that time, homeroom teachers will make sure that students know what needs to happen throughout the day. There is always a lot of new things at the beginning of a school year, but if we can get your student to the front door of the middle school on the first day, we will take care of the rest.
Take care and see you soon!
Derek Pertzborn - Lodi Middle School, Principal
Take care and see you soon!
Wed, August 21 - 6th Grade Parent Orientation - 6-7 pm - MS Gym
Thur, August 29 - Open House - 3:30-5:30 pm
Mon, September 2 - No School - Labor Day
Tue, September 3 - First Day of School
Wed, September 4 - District Wide Picture Retakes
Mon, September 9 - Board Meeting - 6:30 pm
Fri, September 20 - Homecoming
Fri, September 27 - No School - Staff Collaboration
Middle School Open House - Thursday, August 29, 3:30-5:30 pm
We are looking forward to having families back in our building for our Open House. The main goal of the evening is to have students find their homeroom, find their locker, meet their teachers, drop off supplies if you have had the opportunity to purchase them, and help students ease their transition into school by getting them into their space. Parents and students can enter through the main entrance and we will have staff members there to help your family get where they need to go. Here is a map of the Lodi Middle School for your reference. We look forward to working with your family and getting this school year off to a great start!
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Morning - Students that walk or are dropped off should arrive between 7:45 - 7:55 am. Students will be sent to their classrooms at 7:50 am and the school day begins at 7:58 am.
Dismissal - All students will be released at 3:15 pm at the end of the school day. Students that walk need to leave right after school.
See the maps below for the traffic flow for drop off and pick up. Thanks for making drop off and pick up times both safe and efficient.
Welcome New Staff!
We are excited for all of these amazing people to join our staff at Lodi Middle School!
Mike Meyers - School Counselor
Hunter May - 7th Grade Language Arts
Katie Homuth - 8th Grade Science
Janelle Sivam - School Nurse
Nisha Rai - Health Assistant
Jenna Zurbachen - Educational Assistant
Tracy Jones - Educational Assistant
Teisha Damit - Educational Assistant
Attendance Matters - Get a Doctor's Note
Showing up for school on a regular basis has a huge impact on a student's academic success starting in kindergarten and continuing through high school. Even as children grow older and become more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school safely every day and understand why attendance is so important to success in school and life.
Each year, the Department of Public Instruction sends us feedback on our attendance through our school report card. One type of absence that does not count against our school is when there are days that are excused medically by a doctor. When your child has a doctor's appointment, please be proactive in bringing us a note from them when your student returns. In addition, these absences do not count towards the 10 days that families can excuse their student from school.
Attendance Protocol
This is a reminder of the importance of reporting an absence if a student is going to be missing from school. Families can complete the Absence Form (button below) instead of calling or emailing the office; however, if you have questions or are unable to complete this form, you can still call the attendance line: (608) 592-3854 x 0 or email the school office at msoffice@lodischoolswi.org.
This form is also accessible through the Lodi Middle School Homepage with the link that says "Report an Absence" on the main page.
Cell Phones
For the 2024-25 school year students will use their lockers to store their cell phones. Students are prohibited from having cell phones, ear buds, and other electronic communication or entertainment devices during the school day. Students will be taught this policy the first two days of school.
The following will apply to violations of the electronic policy per the Parent Student Handbook:
First Offense: The item will be confiscated for the remainder of the school day and the student will be able to pick up in the office at 3:15 pm.
Second Offense: The item will be confiscated for the remainder of the school day and the student will be able to pick up in the office at 3:15 pm. The student will need to turn their device into the office for the next five consecutive school days.
Third Offense: The item will be confiscated for the remainder of the school day, parents will be notified and required to retrieve the device from the office. The student will need to turn their device into the office for the next ten consecutive school days.
Additional Offenses: The item will be confiscated for the remainder of the school day, parents will be notified and required to retrieve the device from the office. The student will need to turn their device into the office for twice the amount of days of the previous consequence.
Refusal to turn a phone over to a staff member will result in an additional offense.
Lodi Stadium - Expectations
We will once again be offering a middle school section at our home high school football games. Please make sure you read and understand the guidelines below if you anticipate your child(ren) attending any of the games. Lodi Middle School will be reviewing our expectations during the first week of school. Here is the presentation that will be provided to students.
- All 6-8th grade students must enter with an adult.
- All6-8th grade students must sit in the designated middle school section or with an adult.
- No footballs, soccer balls, kick balls, etc, are allowed. They will be confiscated by a supervisor.
- No tag games or horse play.
- Students will remain in the bleachers, unless going to concessions or the restroom. Wandering around is not allowed.
- Students must remain in the stadium.
- Cheer for Lodi players in a positive manner.
- Represent Lodi in a positive manner.
- Be respectful to all peers and adults.
Students who are unable to follow the Lodi Stadium expectations will be given one warning. The second time the student will not be allowed to attend the next home game. School consequences may also apply.
No Caffeine Allowed
During the 2023-24 school year Lodi Middle School worked hard to maintain a caffeine-free middle school. In addition, please do not drop students off with caffeinated beverages in the morning. Caffeinated beverages include Bubbler, soda, energy drinks, and coffee.
During the school day the only beverage allowed in classrooms is water. Please make sure that your student has a water bottle for school.
Parent Student Handbook
- We encourage families to review the Parent/Student Handbook. Our goal is to provide a positive school experience and this is a collaborative effort with you.
Family Resources
Blessings in a Backpack
Students in this program receive a bag of non-perishable, kid-friendly food every Friday that is intended for them to be able to eat over the weekend. Bags will be dispensed in a discreet and confidential manner. If we don’t have school on Fridays, the bags will be placed in backpacks on Thursdays. This program began a few years back and continues to grow each school year adding more families. Please fill out the Blessing in a Backpack Google Form to enroll in this program.
Bridging Brighter Smiles
Professional dental services provided right at school for students and families in need.
Not sure if your child is enrolled, or due for care? Call Bridging Brighter Smiles at 262-896-9891, or email them at coordinator@bbsmiles.org.
Free and Reduced Lunch
The Free and Reduced Lunch program is income based. The application can be found on the school district website under ‘Our Families’ and then ‘Food Service’. (English) or (Spanish)
If you have any questions about this program reach out to Ariel Andrews at 608.592.3855 ext. 1017 or email andrear@lodischoolswi.org
Things to Ask Your Kids....(3 Questions Each Month)
Here are three questions to ask your teen this week to get them to open up:
1. What are you most looking forward to about school this year?
2. Who is one adult that you are looking forward to seeing at school?
3. What will make this a great school year in your mind?
Message from Food Service
Welcome Back Everyone!
Summer sure went by fast!
Here is an update of the foodservice program. A reminder for returning students and information for new students.
We will offer Cheese pizza and one other kind every day. We will offer a Classic Café option every day. We will also have a fresh Grab N Go deli sandwich or salad every day. We will have a diner option. We will also have our fruit and vegetable salad bar available every day.
We will be offering some new things for you to try such as Hot Honey Chicken Pizza, Italian Stromboli, Country Fried Chicken and Gravy, Turkey Piegga, Homemade Chicken Taquitos, a hot Chicken Breakfast Biscuit and lots more. Please come down and try some new food and make sure you let us know what you think!
We will continue to offer our HOM which is harvest of the month. We will feature a vegetable, fruit and spice each month. Watch for our Healthy to a “T” newsletter each month from our dieticians with tips and suggestions on how to eat healthy. Last but not least please download our Food4Life app. There you will find our menus and all the nutritionals and more information.
Our campaign this year will coincide with our elections and we are calling our campaign UNITED TASTES OF AMERICA! September will feature our pizzas, October will be different styles of Chicken Legs! Each month we will have a featured food item. Stay Tuned! We will post flyers in our foodservice areas so you can check out the rest of the year.
I missed everyone and will be happy to see all those smiling faces!
Taher and Diane Lueck FSD
Message From School Nurse
Welcome Back Message
I hope that your families were able to enjoy the summer. I am excited to announce that Nisha Rai will be joining the team as a health assistant. Nisha had done an outstanding
job in helping during the pandemic for the district. I am grateful that she has returned and she will be a tremendous asset to the team. She will be working in the health offices throughout
the district and will work Monday thru Friday 8:45am-3:00pm. Please give her a warm welcome!
Health Services play an important role to help promote wellness and remove or reduce health related barriers to learning.
Here are a few reminders to make sure your student is ready for the school year.
Any prescribed medication for school we will need your doctor to complete a medication form with their signature along with parent signature. Medication must be in the original container for the school to accept.
Any over the counter medication will need the parent to complete the over the counter medication form. Medication must be in the original container for the school to accept. The school must follow the directions on the container. If the dosage is out of the therapeutic range then we would need a physician order.
Parents may allow their student to carry a small amount of over-the-counter medication with them during the day. Please see instructions and the self-carry form
Permission To Self Carry Form (MS/HS, Transition Program Only)
As of May 2024 the State of Wisconsin has implemented new vaccine requirements which include:
Varicella (Chickenpox)
Any new enterer in early childhood, 4K, or students K-12 (including out from out of state) who are claiming an exemption to the varicella vaccination requirement because they had chickenpox disease will have a verification requirement of such disease from the student’s healthcare provider.
MenACWY (Protect against Meningitis and Septicaemia)
Students entering 7th grade will need one dose of MenACWY vaccine.
Students entering 12th grade will need two doses of MenACWY vaccine. Those 12th graders who received their first dose of a MenACWY containing vaccine at age 16 or older are not required to have booster-only the first MenACWY containing vaccine. Families are able to sign a medical, religious, or personal conviction waiver for this requirement.
Please update the immunization form if your student has received any vaccines over the summer and turn it in to your student’s school office at the start of the school year.
Illness/Injury at School
Healthroom staff will assist with taking care of students who report to the office with injuries. Students will be encouraged to take care of minor scratches or bumps themselves. For more significant health issues a phone call will be made. A few examples are a significant head injury, contagious disease, possible ear infection, fever (temperature over 100 degrees), or the student being unable to participate in class effectively due to illness.
Please reach out to any changes in your students' health or if you have any questions or concerns.
Janelle Sivam RN, BSN
District Nurse
High School: 608-592-3853 ext: 4484
Middle School: 608-592-3854 ext: 3484
ES/OSC: 608-592-3842 ext: 2103
Primary School: 608-592-3855 ext:1004
Cell: 608-573-1851
Fax: 608-592-1045
Charge Chromebooks
Students need to charge their Chromebook each night so that it is ready for the next school day. Please make sure that your child is doing this each night. If a student cannot find their charger, please contact tech support at techsupport@lodischoolswi.org.
Homework Links
Once the school year begins, the homework links below will be updated daily. Each month, these links will be included in the newsletter as a reminder that you have access. For any homework questions, reach out directly to our staff.
Lodi Middle School Pictures (2023-24 Highlights)
Contact Information
The middle school staff directory is located on the Lodi Middle School homepage under Contact Us. Here is a link to the staff directory.