Weekly Wrap Up
Maple Place Middle School -1/26/24 - Week 20
Principal's Message :
Good Evening, Maple Place and Happy FriYAY!
It was another great week at Maple Place. Thank you to all who helped to support our 8th Grade Class of 2024 through our Dine to Donate night at Enzo's on Monday night. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
This week Maple Place participated in the Great Kindness Challenge. Mrs. Bonett put together a bulletin board in our cafeteria where students could choose random acts of kindness from the envelopes. Additionally, the PTO sponsored Tuesday's assembly with Lloyd Bachrach and his "Yes You Can" presentation. Students and staff alike were inspired by Mr. Bachrach's message. More information on the presentation can be found HERE. Thank you to the OP PTO for this wonderful experience for our students.
Tuesday was also a big day for Mr. DiTommaso and our Charger Band. The band spent the day at Shore Regional High School with members of the bands from Monmouth Beach, West Long Branch, and SRHS. Students rehearsed and had lunch together before returning back to school. Tuesday night, the students performed on stage at Shore Regional showcasing their individual bands as well as performing together under the direction of the high school band director. It was a great night of music!
Today was the last day of the 2nd Marking Period. Report cards will be available to parents next Friday, February 2nd at 4:00pm.
Have a great weekend,
Melissa Keiser
Yes You Can Assembly:
Charger Band Performs at Regional Concert:
Winter Sports:
Tuesday, January 30th - Boys - Home vs. Fair Haven - 3:30
Tuesday, January 30th - Girls - Away vs. Fair Have - 3:30
Thursday, February 1st - Boys - Away vs. Tinton Falls - 3:30
Thursday, February 1st - Girls - Home vs. Tinto Falls - 3:30
Clubs & Activities:
Monday, January 29th:
Charger Band - 7:15m - On Stage in the Cafeteria
Mean Girls, Jr. - Full Cast Rehearsal - 2:45-5:00 - Cafeteria
Mean Girls Stage Crew Interest Meeting - 2:45-4:00 - Room 105
Tuesday, January 30th:
Cadet Band - 7:15m - On Stage in the Cafeteria
Wednesday, January 31st:
Charger Band - 7:15m - On Stage in the Cafeteria
Maple Place Alliance - Room 131 - 2:45-3:45
Mean Girls, Jr. - Lead Characters - 2:45-5:00 - Cafeteria
Thursday, February 1st:
Cadet Band - 7:15m - On Stage in the Cafeteria
5th Grade Art Club - 3:00-4:00 - Art Room
Mean Girls, Jr. - Lead Characters - Cafeteria - 2:45-5:00
Friday, February 2nd:
Charger Band - 7:15m - On Stage in the Cafeteria
Debate Club - 7:20am - Room 109
Fun Fit Sports Club - 2:45-3:45pm - Gym
8th Grade Information:
Shore Regional High School Honors Placement Assessments for our current 8th graders will be administered during the month of March. If you would like your child to take any of the placement assessments being offered, please click on the link below for more information. The students will need to register in order to take a placement assessment. The link for registration is below, and it is also included within the information provided in the first link.
Dates to Remember:
TODAY - Friday, January 26th - Marking Period 2 Ends
Monday, January 29th - Special Board of Education Meeting (Superintendent Search) - 3:45pm
Wednesday, January 31st - Special Board of Education Meeting (Superintendent Search) - 6:45pm
Friday, February 2nd - Marking Period 2 Report Cards are available online at 4:00pm
Monday, February 5th - NO SCHOOL - Staff Professional Development
Tuesday, February 6th - PTO Meeting - 7:00pm - Maple Place Media Center
Wednesday, February 7th - ADL Tri-District Meet & Mingle - 7:00pm - Beach Tavern, Monmouth Beach
Thursday, February 8th - Maple Place Spelling Bee - 8:30am - Maple Place Cafeteria
Friday, February 16th & Monday, February 19th - No School - President's Weekend!
PTO News:
Save the Date!
February 9: Bingo Night
March 8: Spring Auction
March 16: Bowling for boys in Grades Pre K-8th with their special gal pal
April 26: Sweet Heart Dance for girls in Grades Prek-6 and their special guys
Advocates for Diverse Learners:
Preschool Registration for 2024-2025:
Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025:
Follow Maple Place:
Maple Place Middle School
Email: mkeiser@oceanportschools.org
Website: https://www.oceanportschools.org/Domain/8
Location: 2 Maple Place, Oceanport, NJ, USA
Phone: (732) 229-0267
Twitter: @MaplePlaceMS
Instagram: @MaplePlaceOP