Leading with Faith
December 2, 2024

The Catholic Schools Department weekly newsletter
Department News
by Chris Riso
12/15/24 NYSDOH Annual School Immunization Survey Due 12/15
12/16/24 Fire Safety Inspection Report Due 12/16/2024
12/20/24 Complete Eight of the 12 Required Evacuation or Lockdown Drills
As 2024 draws to a close, please remember that I am available to assist you as you interact with your public school districts on Title services, nursing, busing, textbooks, and Special Education. The cyclical nature of these programs means that consultation will begin in the next few months in preparation for your 2025-2026 participation. If you are interested, I would be happy to join you for any of your public school consultation meetings if I am available.
MST Grant Notification Errors Nov 29th: NYSED/ORISS is now aware that 2/3 of the applicant letters were sent to incorrect email addresses due to a data pulling error; please disregard any award emails you received on 11/29/24. A second round of letters/emails will be sent out for each individual applicant by 12/3/24. No MST payments have been processed yet and this issue will not delay their anticipated payment dates (in the next two weeks). Call me if you have any questions about this.
Catholic Education Dinner: Sr. Carol Cimino wanted me to share the following message with you. “On February 5, 2025, we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the annual gathering of the friends of Catholic schools in the Diocese. It is very important that each and every school in the Diocese have some kind of presence at this event, which raises thousands of dollars to make it possible for needy children to attend our schools.
Presence: your school can purchase a table of ten for board members, teachers, and other supporters of your school to attend. Individual tickets are $175.
Virtual Presence: your school can purchase, for $250 (two dress-down days!) a Star with your school’s name to be displayed at the dinner.
There won’t be a printed program this year (yay trees!), so the Star purchase represents an advertisement of your school. We are honoring a distinguished teacher and a distinguished principal this year, as well as outstanding students. In addition, Tom Beecher, one of the founders of the BISON Fund will be honored, as well as Sister Johnice Rzadkiewicz from Response to Love Center as Champions of Catholic Education. The dinner is our once-in-a-year chance to celebrate the miracles that happen every day in our schools, while giving generous donors the opportunity to show their support of what you do. Let’s show everyone our solidarity in the important work that is Catholic education, and let’s have every school in the Diocese be recognized. Thanks for your support. - Sr. Carol Cimino”
E-Rate: Last year around this time, Denton Clark (dclark@mondavi-design.com) sent emails to many of you about the E-Rate assistance his company, Mondavi Design, can provide. I just wanted to remind you that his services are not free and that should you wish to participate in this federal program you are welcome to use him or anyone you wish for the preparation of your E-Rate reimbursement forms. In the past, schools have been charged anywhere from $440 to $1,400 for his services based on how long it takes him to complete and submit your forms (this relates to the complexity of your claim). That said, regardless of the amount of time and effort, Denton has agreed that no school would be charged more than 35% of its E-rate reimbursement each year. Please take that and your possible reimbursement into account when deciding whether applying for E-Rate is worth your time and effort. Please contact me if you would like more information on the E-Rate program.
High Schools Only - SARD Dinner 5/15/25: The date of this year’s Scholastic Achievement Recognition Dinner for Erie and Niagara County scholastic achievers is May 15, 2025; please mark your calendar. For advance planning, also note that the 2026 dinner is scheduled for May 21, 2026. The purpose of the Scholastic Achievement Recognition Dinner is to honor outstanding achievement by members of the graduating class for each public, parochial, and private high school in Erie and Niagara Counties. Remember, the cost of student and adult participants from your school will be charged to your school.
by Julie Gajewski
Celebrating Catholic Schools Week: A Time for Unity and Faith: Catholic Identity
As we anticipate the arrival of Christ during Advent, let's also begin planning for Catholic Schools Week (January 26-February 1, 2025). This annual celebration offers a wonderful opportunity to showcase the unique value and identity of Catholic education.
I fondly recall my own experiences at St. Andrew’s Country Day School. From the excitement of the annual faculty-student basketball game to the camaraderie of twin day, Catholic Schools Week fostered a sense of unity and inspired me to strive for excellence. These formative experiences shaped my faith and prepared me for a life of service.
As school leaders, let's seize this opportunity to highlight the unique character and invaluable contributions of our schools to students, families, and the broader community. While our schools may have distinct identities, we are united by a shared mission: to teach, serve, and evangelize as we proclaim the glory of God.
What is National Catholic Schools Week?
Since 1974, National Catholic Schools Week has been an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. Schools typically hold Masses, open houses, and engaging activities for students, families, parishioners, and community members. These events highlight the value Catholic education provides young people and its contributions to the church, communities, and the nation.
Engaging Your Community During Catholic Schools Week
To maximize the impact of Catholic Schools Week, consider these strategies:
Highlight Your School's Unique Identity: Use your website and social media to share your school's distinctive mission and values. Publish your Catholic Schools Week schedule in your parish bulletin and encourage families and faculty to invite friends and neighbors to participate.
Collaborate with the Department of Catholic Education: Partner with the department of education to coordinate efforts and amplify your message. Share your event schedule to be included in diocesan communications.
Promote Visually: Create eye-catching banners and posters to announce Catholic Schools Week. Encourage students to design posters reflecting the theme. Partner with local businesses and community centers to display promotional materials.
Utilize Social Media: Leverage the power of social media to connect with your community. Share engaging content, photos, and videos throughout the week. Use NCEA's provided graphics to enhance your posts.
Let's make this Catholic Schools Week a memorable one. By celebrating our shared mission and unique identities, we can inspire students, families, and the broader community.
*Jan. 26 – Feb.1 Catholic Schools Week
27 CSW - Celebrating Parents
28 CSW - Celebrating Students & Teachers
29 Lunar New Year
30 CSW - Celebrate Veterans & Grandparents
31 CSW - Celebrating Vocations
Weekly Virtual Principal Meetings: Academic Excellence
Meeting Details:
Day and Time: Wednesdays, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Platform: Microsoft Teams (link sent by Laurie)
Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 - topics: Social Studies Curriculum and Catholic Schools Week
by Laurie Wojtaszczyk
Here are the annual nomination forms from The Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo for the Natalie Mattimore Lewis Kindness Counts Character Award and The Tim Russert Creative Scholarship for Writing Award and The Joseph S. Fanara Scholarship for Music Enrichment. Additional details and qualifications for each are included in the links.
All three awards will be presented during the Catholic Education Dinner on Wednesday, February 5th at The Buffalo Convention Center. The deadline for all submissions is Friday, December 20th, 2024.
All nominations must come from the Principal or School Faculty. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Laura DeMizio directly at 716-847-8373.
by Mary Jo Aiken
It’s ‘25-’26 budget projection time! And your past budgets can serve as invaluable roadmaps for future planning in your school. By analyzing historical spending patterns, we can make informed decisions, identify cost-saving opportunities, and allocate resources more effectively. Here's how to effectively utilize past budgets for future planning:
1. Identify Trends and Patterns:
Recurring Costs: Pinpoint expenses that consistently appear year after year, such as utilities, salaries, and supplies.
Fluctuating Costs: Recognize expenses that vary, like maintenance costs or technology upgrades.
Unexpected Costs: Consider unforeseen expenses that may have arisen in the past, such as emergency repairs or natural disaster recovery.
2. Analyze Historical Data:
Cost per Student: Calculate the average cost per student for different programs and services.
Budget Variance: Analyze the difference between budgeted and actual expenditures to identify areas of overspending or underspending.
Program Effectiveness: Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of various programs and initiatives.
3. Forecast Future Needs:
Enrollment Projections: Estimate future student enrollment to anticipate changes in staffing and resource needs.
Curriculum Changes: Assess the impact of new curriculum standards or programs on budget requirements.
Technology Upgrades: Plan for necessary technology investments to keep pace with educational advancements.
4. Develop a Realistic Budget:
Prioritize Needs: Identify the most critical needs and allocate funds accordingly.
Set Realistic Goals: Establish achievable financial targets based on past performance and future projections.
Consider External Factors: Account for potential changes in funding, inflation, and economic conditions.
5. Implement Cost-Saving Strategies:
Consolidate Services: Explore opportunities to combine services or share resources with other schools.
Negotiate Contracts: Review contracts with vendors and suppliers to identify potential cost savings.
Energy Efficiency: Implement energy-saving measures to reduce utility costs.
Centralized Purchasing: Coordinate purchasing to obtain better pricing and discounts.
6. Monitor and Adjust:
Track Expenditures: Regularly monitor spending to ensure adherence to the budget.
Evaluate Performance: Assess the effectiveness of budget allocations and make adjustments as needed.
Seek Input: Involve stakeholders, such as teachers, parents, and administrators, in the budget process.
By effectively utilizing past budgets, we can make data-driven decisions, improve financial planning, and allocate resources to support student learning and achievement.
Have a blessed and safe week!by Nancy DiBerardino
January Principals Meeting Registration by Jan. 3 being held at St. Gregory the Great in the Meeting Room.
2024-25 Elementary School Diploma Order Form
Virtue/Diocesan Character Trait
Month of December Generosity/Appreciation – Deadline to submit – January 10th.
Definition – Being thankful and showing gratitude for what others do for us.
Catholic Schools at the BPO – Tuesday, February 11, 2025
There still is time to register for this wonderful event.
BPO Registration Formby Lisa Benzer
The season of Advent is upon us as we begin a new liturgical year in the Church.
The word Advent is derived from the Latin word, adventus, meaning “coming” which is a translation of the Greek word Parousia.
During the season of Advent, we prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ as well as the Second coming of Jesus at the end of time! Advent is a penitential time of reflection, excitement, and hope as we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ coming!
The season of Advent represents the New Liturgical Year. Just as we begin to change the calendar over to the new year, in January, Catholics change the Church calendar on the first Sunday of Advent. This new liturgical Church year B/C begins on December 1, 2024.
Th Church’s Liturgical Calendar has a 3 year cycle:
· Year A/B
· Year B/C
· Year C/A
During this new cycle, the weekday and weekend Mass readings also change.
Celebrate Advent with Catholic school and Faith Formation families:
Focus on 1-2 activities to do with your families during the Advent season, and be consistent, so that families are not overwhelmed yet have opportunities to fully participate in the essence of this very rich and fruitful season in the Church.
1) Family Advent Activity sheet ( Click on link)
2) Creating a Family Advent Wreath / Significance of Advent wreath (Click on links)
· First candle: Purple, representing HOPE and the anticipation of Christ's coming
· Second candle: Purple, representing PEACE and the preparation for Christ's birth
· Third candle: Rose, Gaudete (Rejoice), representing JOY and the anticipation of Christ's return
· Fourth candle: Purple, representing LOVE and the boundless love of God
3) Advent wreath prayers ( Click on link)
4) Family Advent service- Invite parents from Catholic school and Faith Formation to enjoy Advent service with the children ( K-8th Gr) so everyone is involved ( Click on link)
5) Jesse Tree- Jesse Tree Cards offer a fun and engaging way to explore Jesus' lineage from Creation to His birth. Helps introduce children to the story of salvation. ( Click on link)
6) Sing along Christmas Carols – Carols and Cookies with Catholic school families ( Click on link)
7) Family Service / Parish and FOP – volunteer as a community ( Click on link)
8) Caring for our priests – How can we assist our pastors? Cookie making, card making, Church cleaning over Advent season, Offer to read, greet, or usher this time of year.
9) Christmas caroling through local assisted living community and hand out home- made Christmas cards from the students.
10) Frequently find ways to be kind to others!
Dec 1– First Sunday of Advent -light the first candle (purple) and read prayers
Dec 6- The Feast of St Nicholas ( ideas on link)
Dec 8- The Second Sunday of Advent- light second candle (purple) and read prayers
Dec 9- Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Holy Day of Obligation ( ideas on link)
Dec12- Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe – View this family movie w/ Formed subscription
Dec 15- Third Sunday of Advent- Light third candle (pink) and read prayers
Dec 22- Fourth Sunday of Advent – Light the fourth candle (purple) and read prayers
Dec 25- Christmas Day- The Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
Heavenly Father, your son, Jesus, is your greatest gift to us, a great sign of your love. Guide us as we strive to walk in that love together as a family this Advent. As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, bring us closer to each other and to your son. Give us the grace and strength we need every day. ~ Amen
God bless you!
Important Dates
Important Dates
Jan. 6-24 - STAR Testing Window
Jan. 9 - Principal's Meeting, St. Gregory the Great meeting room
Jan. 29 - Spelling Bee, Mt. St. Mary's Academy, 3756 Delaware Ave., Tonawanda
Feb. 1 - Chess Tournament, Cardinal O'Hara, 39 O'Hara Rd., Tonawanda
Feb. 5 - Catholic Ed Dinner
Feb. 11 - BPO Concert at Kleinhan's Music Hall
Links for Registrations or Forms
Natalie Mattimore Lewis Kindness Counts Character Award by 12/20
The Tim Russert Creative Scholarship for Writing Award by 12/20
The Joseph S. Fanara Scholarship for Music Enrichment by 12/20
Principal's Meeting Registration by 1/3
BPO Registration by 1/8
Diploma Order by 1/17
Years of Service by 1/17
Spelling Bee Registration by 1/17
Virtue/Character Award Nominations (due monthly)