EJMS Jaguar Weekly Dec. 16 - 20
Keeping our School Community in the Know
From Principal Pickerill's Pen
EJMS Families, We are so proud of the hard work students put into iReady this past week. We have already seen some tremendous growth so please make sure you talk to your child about their performance. If they made any growth they received tickets to put in for prize drawings! The PTO helped organize the 12 days of Christmas and so far the staff at EJMS have been spoiled throughout December! I want to thank all of the booster organizations, parents, and families who have helped contribute financially or with their time. We have felt your love and appreciation! On behalf of all of the East Middle staff I would like to say thank you for your kindness and wish you a wonderful holiday season! Upcoming Dates (SBDM Meetings at 4:30 PM in the EJMS library): Friday, December 20th - Club Day Monday, January 6th - Staff Development Day - No School
Around EJMS Last Week
CPR training
Health and PE classes had the opportunity to complete adult and children CPR training. Thank you to the Salvavidas Training Agency for spending their day at East Jessamine Middle to train our students to be prepared to save a life!
The Music of the Night
Both our EJMS band (pictured) and EJMS choir students shone this week in well-attended and beautifully performed winter concerts.
Beta Lock-in
Our EJMS Beta's fifth annual winter lock-in was a great success. Students enjoyed creative time with folks from JCPL, time to prepare for the upcoming state convention, some holiday movies and of course midnight matball ending with a surprise snowball fight before bed.
Communication is Key
Congratulations to our November Students of the Month recognized for their excellence in the graduate profile attribute of communication.
Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement News
Look for this section as a regular part of our newsletter with information for parents and families from both the district and our school. To begin with, we wanted to share the policies that detail our vision for parent and family engagement in Jessamine County and at EJMS.
Please take a look at our district and school parent-family engagement policies. We would love to hear any feedback you have for these policies.
One more chance for a Staff Shout out
Has a particular staff member really impacted your child or family in positive ways this semester? Why not let them know and thank them through a staff shout-out?!
What’s Happening at EJMS this Week?
Mon. Dec. 16 - Game Day Spirit: wear blue and green
🏀 5:45 Boys Basketball vs. Anderson (home game)
Tues. Dec. 17 - Family Photo Day: find your people and dress alike
Incentive for Proficient/Distinguished KSA scores during arts classes
🏀 5:45 Boys Basketball vs. Bluegrass United (home game)
Wed. Dec. 18 - Favorite Holiday Character: dress like them
🌟 4:15 EJMS Beta meeting Holiday Celebration (ALL members welcome)
Thurs. Dec. 19 - Holiday Head to Toe: the merrier, the better
Fri. Dec. 20 - One More Sleep: Pajama day
Club Day - Alternative schedule
Sat. Dec. 21
📣 EJMS Cheer team competing at state
Upcoming and Ongoing
Friday, December 20th - Club Day
Friday, December 20th - PTO concessions cart
Winter Break Dec. 23 - Jan. 3
Monday, Jan. 6 Teacher Work Day (students out of school)
EJMS and Jessamine County Athletics and Activities
Girls softball players - get ready for a great season!
For EJMS Boys Soccer
Soccer players - Stay in shape this winter and get ready for a great season next year!
For our Community
Stay in Touch - How Might We be of Service?
Email: Sheena.Roller@jessamine.kyschools.us
Website: https://www.jessamine.kyschools.us/o/ejms
Location: 901 Union Mill Road, Nicholasville, KY, USA
Phone: (859) 885-5561
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastJessamineMiddleSchool
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ejpto