Colton Elementary Summer Bulletin
August 22, 2024
- 8/7 Office Reopens for 24-25 School Year, Call for an Appointment
- 8/20 2024-25 School Registrations Due (See Below for Registration Info)
- 8/24 Campus Cleanup CMS Gym 7-11AM
- 8/29 Ice Cream Social & Supply Drop Off 4:30-6:00PM
- 8/29 Class Lists Posted, Main Entry Doors 4:30PM
- 9/2 Closed in Observance of Labor Day
- 9/3 1st Day of School
Dear Colton Elementary Families,
This summer, I took a walk down memory lane, and I reflected on my career as a teacher and school administrator. Throughout my career many have asked me why I became an educator.
My Why:
I had an influential teacher who genuinely cared for me! He saw my potential as a student and when I started to give up on myself, he didn't. He let me know that I mattered and that I was important! When I graduated from Jr High, I knew that I wanted to be a teacher and be just like him. I wanted to be a positive influence in the lives of my students. I am happy to report that everyone on the staff at CES cares about all students. At CES, All Students Matter. We pledge to do our best to provide all students with the best education possible. We will create a culture of caring and learning. We want all children to feel safe and cared for.
I am excited about some new changes in our staff this year. Please welcome Mrs. Heather Busenbark to our school. She will be joining the 2-3 grade team of Mrs. Bleau and Mrs. Weninger. Mrs. Groat will now teach one of the 4-5 classes, along with Mrs. Ferlan and Mrs. Traver. Mrs. Joy Richelderfer, who has been one of our paraprofessionals for many years, will be the morning attendance secretary for the elementary school and the afternoon attendance secretary/registrar for the high school. All of these staff members are topnotch educators and eager to step into their new roles in our amazing school.
It is with great anticipation that I am looking forward to seeing our elementary families and reconnecting with them. We welcome all returning students, and especially any new students who will join us for the first time. Welcome all to Colton Elementary, Where Every Student Matters!
Mario Alba
2024-2025 Colton Preschool Registration
Colton Preschool Registration is ready now! Please register under the 24-25 school year using the link below if you plan on returning or have a sibling that needs to sign up (this includes part time, full time and Preschool Promise). Please do not apply for the additional Preschool Promise registration until April 15th. Contact Chantel at hollidayc@colton.k12.or.us if you have any questions.
Ice Cream Social
🦜 Library 🦄
Summer Listening!
Road Trip? Quiet Time? Enjoy Books This Way
Free Audiobooks on Sora for all Colton School District Students
How to access audiobooks:
1. Download the app or go to the website:
2. Find Colton School District 53
3. Sign into Sora with this school account info:
username: firstname.lastname@student.colton.k12.or.us
example: maria.hart@student.colton.k12.or.us
password: same as chromebook password
(if your student doesn’t know their password, please reach out to your teacher)
4. Look at the collections and borrow a book for 2 weeks.
New Volunteer Training Requirement
All parents and volunteers, in order for you to work in or around our buildings, you must clear an ODE and CSD background check and complete mandatory training. If you have only completed one of the online training modules, please email hr@colton.k12.or.us to receive the full set. This is a new requirement. If you have any questions, please call the office at (503)824-3536. Thank you for for your support of keeping Colton School District safe!
Please remember to use caution while driving through the school parking lots and follow the posted speed limit to help ensure the safety of our students. Friendly reminder- middle school students are still in session in the afternoons, so please drive cautiously through their school. Thank you!
Pick Up/Drop Off Procedures
Student Medications and Health Issues
Email: mh.med@nt4kids.org
Call: 503-372-5147 ext. 6
Transportation Department Information
Transportation Information
Transportation Safety Procedures: https://5il.co/10a3o
Citation Policy: https://5il.co/1b3xb
Bus Barn/Dispatch phone number: (503) 824-3534
Snow route/Closure recorded information line: (503) 824-3510
Please remember to subscribe to receive FlashAlert messages from Colton School District in the event of inclement weather or emergency closure.
Back to School Shop Night August 27th from 3-7 PM
Colton Community Clothes Closet is hosting a back to school shop night. If you have a need, please go shop their gently used clothing. They also have a generous supply of new school shoes. Can't wait to see you there.
The Clothes Closet is located on the corner of Wall St. and 211 in the Fellowship Hall.
PTA- Colton Elementary's Parent Teacher Association
Join PTA: We can use your hand with a few things coming up, get plugged in on Remind to find out the latest!
Teacher Wish Lists
We’d like to share with you all some "get to know your teacher forms" and special Amazon shopping links if you’re looking to gift your student’s teacher with a little something special this year!
Colton Elementary School
30437 S Grays Hill Rd, Colton, OR 97017