WMS Weekly Warrior
October 7, 2024
Good Afternoon Woodbury Middle School,
What a perfect fall weekend! We hope you had an opportunity to enjoy the great weather. Thank you to all of you who have helped to charge chromebooks and sent students to school with wired earbuds for our fall NWEA testing period. Having students prepared helps with the administration of this assessment. The testing period ends Tuesday for those students who do not have to take make-ups.
Thursday is open house at Woodbury Middle School from 6-8. When you arrive you will go directly to your student’s family teacher. Please be sure to ask your student who their family teacher is and what room they are in. We will also have a list of students and their families posted in the main hallway. In family you will receive a copy of your students schedule for you to follow during open house. We look forward to seeing everyone Thursday evening.
Once again, Woodbury Middle School will hold a curriculum night led by Dr. Taryn Fernandez and our instructional coaches, Cate Lyman and Brenda Williams on October 15th. Click on the link to read Dr. Fernandez’s letter recently sent to families.
On October 16th, WMS will host an information zoom meeting with 8th grade parents discussing this year’s 8th grade trip to Boston, on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM via Zoom.
- ·Join Zoom Meeting: https://worldstrides.zoom.us/j/85677883606
- · Meeting ID: 856 7788 3606.
All parents and students are invited to attend this brief 30-minute meeting where we will share more information about WorldStrides, review some of the trip highlights, and explain some of the tools available to help pay for the trip. I strongly encourage you to attend this meeting. We will also send home informational packets this Friday. I have also included a link with the information.
This year at Woodbury Middle School we will hold a school wide fundraiser. Our Simply Shipped fundraiser will begin today and end on Friday, October 18th. Students will be given flyers to bring home today. The proceeds from the fundraiser will assist our Parents in the Middle group with events throughout the school year. Please click here for more information.
In the upcoming weeks Woodbury Middle School and Mitchell Elementary School will be practicing an off sight evacuation drill. Both schools will notify parents when the drill has been completed.
Have a great week,
WMS Admin
Bill Nemec, Principal
Suzi Greene, Assistant Principal
Please make sure to review the Woodbury Middle School Student Handbook with your student regarding cell phones. Some of you may be aware that the state has issued recommendations on cell phone usage in schools. I have included the proposed language from the state below. Click the picture to access the entire document from the state.
• Middle School − The policy for middle school students should also focus on removing cell phones from the school day or classroom. Developmentally, this age group is particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of excessive personal technology use and has a difficult time controlling their impulses. Concurrently, middle school students experience increased autonomy and independence during the school day, which can lead to increased opportunity for cell phone misuse. − Possession of cell phones in this age group is likely to be viewed as a rite of passage into adulthood, so communication and application of policies that restrict use must be developed in consideration of the specific challenges of middle school students.
Mark Your Calendar
10-10 Open House 6-8 pm
10-14 Columbus Day Schools closed
10-15 Curriculum Night 6-7 pm
10-16 Parent Meeting 8th Grade Boston Trip 7:00 via zoom
10-18 Fundraiser Ends
10-17 Nonnewaug AG Open house 6-8 Nonnewaug High School
Grade Level Notes
Tech ED with Mr. Michael
Tech ED with Mr. Michael
Tech ED with Mr. Michael
Tech ED with Mr. Michael
Tech ED with Mr. Michael
Tech ED with Mr. Michael
Please follow the link for the latest from our School Counselors.
WMS Literacy Corner
Signs and Shirts School Store and Athletics Store Link
Woodbury Middle School
Follow us On:
Email: wnemec@ctreg14.org
Website: www.ctreg14.org
Location: https://www.instagram.com/region14schooldistrict/
Phone: 203-263-4306