Nolan News
September 2022
Principal's Message
Dear Owl Nation,
We have had a very positive and successful start of the school year. Classrooms are a buzz with learning, laughter, and smiles. It is refreshing to watch the scholars interact with one another, play together, and collaborate with teachers in a way that sets a high standard for learning. Coming up September 8th, we will have our Title 1 Curriculum Night. Families will have a chance to hear the state of the school address, visit classrooms, and get a first hand look at what this year of learning will encompass for their scholars. The state of the school address begins at 5:30 and Curriculum Night will follow from 6PM-7PM.
As you know, we consider our whole school community a family. As such we are here to help and support one another. If you have any specific needs, feel free to connect with us and we will work with you to provide the support and assistance you need.
Assistant Principal, Ms. Harper
Parent Portal: What to see your child’s attendance, grades, etc.?
Sign up for Parent Portal!
How do I set-up my parent portal account?
- Parents must register the first time they are accessing their account. All students have access to Campus Student via ClassLink.
- All portal accounts require a 1-time activation to create your ID and password. You must be a parent/guardian of a current FCS student to activate an account
- To sign up, you must know your child’s student ID#.
- Call the school if you have any questions.
Math Coach, Ms.Darden
Ways to Build a Strong Math Foundation at Home!!
When a student has a strong number sense, it helps to build a foundation for mathematical understanding. Focusing on number sense in the younger grades helps build the foundation necessary to compute and solve more complex problems in older grades. Building a love for math in your children begins with building an understanding of numbers. Number sense is so important because it promotes confidence and encourages flexible thinking. Below you will find activities that will help to build number sense:
- Take numbers apart and put them back together in different ways: (such as: 5+0=5; 4+1=5; 3+2=5; 2+3=5; 1+4=5; 0+5=5 and so on)
· Compute mentally: solving problems in their heads instead of using a paper and pencil
- Estimating to bring math into your child’s everyday world. Estimate the number of steps it takes to get from the car to the house or how many minutes you have to wait in line at the grocery store.
· Visualize ways to see numbers. Ask your students to visualize a number and tell you what they see. Your child will see numbers in different ways. An eight can look like a snake or a 10 can be thought of as a baseball and bat
- Think about math with an open mind. Instead of asking what is 6+4, ask, "What are some ways to make 10?" This allows for more flexible thinking and builds confidence with knowing more than one answer.”
3-5 Literacy Coach, Mrs.Dawn
Greeting Nolan Family,
Scholars have been hard at work mastering the Unit 1 ELA standards. Students were introduced to several genres and practiced skills such as summarizing, determining the main idea, and examining character motivation. Next week will mark the end of Unit 1 and scholars will be assessed on unit 1 standards. Teachers will be sending home study guides to aide in preparing for the upcoming assessment. The study guide will familiarize you with the types of questions that will be on the assessment and allow your scholars time to practice and prepare. Be sure to follow up with your scholars after the assessment to see how they did.
Dawn Thomas
3-5 Literacy Coach
Counselor, Ms. Densley
Research shows people who are having thoughts of suicide feel relief when someone asks after them in a caring way. Findings suggest acknowledging and talking about suicide may reduce rather than increase suicidal ideation.
Be There
Individuals are more likely to feel less depressed, less suicidal, less overwhelmed, and more hopeful by after speaking to someone who listens without judgment.
Keep Them Safe
A number of studies have indicated that when lethal means are made less available or less deadly, suicide rates by that method decline, and frequently suicide rates overall decline.
Help Them Stay Connected
Studies indicate that helping someone at risk create a network of resources and individuals for support and safety can help them take positive action and reduce feelings of hopelessness.
Follow Up
Studies have also shown that brief, low-cost intervention and supportive, ongoing contact may be an important part of suicide prevention, especially for individuals after they have been discharged from hospitals or care services.
If you or someone you know is experiencing an emergency, please call 911 for immediate assistance.
If you or someone you know needs mental health support, please utilize the resources below.
· National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 and Lifeline Chat
· Georgia Crisis and Access Line: 1-800-715-4225
· Text4Help Hotline: 1-844-201-9946 (Students Only)
If you need to report a safety concern, please utilize the FCS S.H.A.R.E Tip Line.
Social Worker Central
Parent Liaison, Ms.Newell
Love T. Nolan
Location: 2725 Creel Road, Atlanta, GA, USA
Phone: 4702549796