2025 Senior Scholarships
Click the link for the scholarships and applications!
2024 Scholarship Links
For seniors NOT attending WSC - amount fluctuates
Up to $3,000 in loans per semester, 3% interest rate, see eligibility requirements
Multiple scholarships - a variety of scholarship dollar amounts and eligibility requirements
American Crystal Sugar Company - FREE Tuition at Bismarck State!!!
Bank of North Dakota Dual Credit Assistance Application
Two $1200 for students attending college in Bismarck and pursuing a career in a medical field (preferably oncology)
Many different scholarships but only need to submit one application!
Dakota Cruisers - COMING SOON!
For students pursuing career in trades industries (construction, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, etc.)
$1,000-2500 scholarship opportunities - variety of scholarships with a variety of eligibility requirements
$750-1500 awarded to students pursing career in CONSTRUCTION
Financial need, strong moral character, overcome adversity (up to $10,000)
Child or grandchild of city employee or elected city official
Variety of scholarship dollars awarded - members and non-members eligible
3 scholarships ranging from $1000-2500 (also available in print by counselors' offices)
The North Dakota Crop Improvement & Seed Association provides three (3) scholarships to any ND college for incoming freshmen. The scholarships are $1000 each.
Six $3,300 one-year scholarships for any male high school graduates who are incoming freshman during the fall of 2024 at North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
$1,000 for children of Nemont customers pursing college degree
Graduate from ND high school, plan to study oil and/or gas related field
Preference to students with high moral character, financial need, a "C" average or above
2 scholarships for students pursuing career in transportation industry and/or those with family in transportation career
3.0 GPA or higher, pursue a post-secondary education at a North Dakota college or university in geology, engineering, science, processing plant technology, and trades related to energy development or processing.
4 $1500 scholarships awarded to ND high school graduates - preference goes to those pursuing water-related fields of study and/or families who devote time to water management
$500 awarded to CTE students going to 2-year college
$1,000 scholarship to a dependent of a member of Northern Plains Electric for the 2024-2025 school year
Pheasants Forever - Due: February 2nd
National scholarship organizer $1,000
United Sportsman
Students who are members or parents/guardians who are members of WCCU
$500-5,000 scholarships
Williams Country Farm Bureau - Due May 1 (application is printed, see counselor)
Use gmail (school email works), school counselor recommender must be a member of ND School Counseling Association!
Luke Oyloe Memorial Scholarship Fund – 2024-2025
Participating Students
Entrants must be in their senior year and submit a 1000-word essay on coyote hunting to Javayne and Marty Oyloe at joumdhu@yahoo.com. The judges will select a winner from all entries received. The entrant should list their name, the name of school they are attending, including the name and email address of the principal to notify if they are selected as the winner and the college they plan to attend. The essay must be turned in by December 15, 2024. The scholarship recipient and the school will be notified by December 31, 2024.
Scholarship recipient
The student must be enrolled in college full-time during the fall semester with 2.0 GPA or better during that semester. After proof of enrollment for the spring semester the student will receive the $1500 scholarship.