The Family Learning Connection
2nd Quarter Volume 21

The Annual Title I, Part A Meeting for parents
Bullying can hurt kids emotionally and affect their schoolwork and mental health. To find resources and strategies to prevent bullying and create a safe school environment, visit the Texas School Safety Center's website
Annual Parent & Family Engagement Statewide Conference
Male Role Models
Fathers play an important role in a child’s life, offering guidance, support, and love that help shape who they become. Children who may not have an active father figure often look up to other trusted role models - such as a mom, uncle, coach, pastor, or cousin - who provide that same positive influence. Male role models play an important role in children’s growth. When male-figures are involved, it can lead to better feelings, school performance, and social skills. Engaged male role models help build strong, positive relationships that benefit children’s health, behavior, and future success. This impact lasts throughout childhood and into adulthood, even if these male role models do not live with their kids. You can read more about this here:
Growing Understanding
Schools should give parents tools to help them understand state standards and tests. They should also provide guidance on how to keep track of your child's school progress. Schools can offer materials and training to help you support your child's success at home. Ask your school about what resources they have for you.
Regular school attendance is very important for students to do well in school. Missing school, even in middle school, can lead to problems later, like dropping out. Families can help by making sure kids go to school every day, creating routines and keeping in touch with the school. This support helps children succeed in their education. You can find more information at
High School Corner
The U.S. Department of Education wants high school students to get ready for college. They can explore resources on the Federal Student Aid website. For more information, visit www.studentaid.gov.