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Clemens Crossing Cougar Comments
Volume 46, Issue 9 October 4, 2024
Clemens Crossing Elementary School
Jaime Gittleson - Assistant Principal
Website: cces.hcpss.org
Location: 10320 Quarterstaff Road, Columbia, MD, USA
Phone: (410) 313-6866
Facebook: facebook.com/ClemensCrossingElementary
Twitter: @hcpss_cces
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Important Dates
Important Upcoming Dates and Events
- 8 - PTA Restaurant Night at Honeygrow (see details below)
- 9 - PTA Meeting, 7:00pm
- 16 - In-school Flu/COVID clinic
- 18 - Schools Closed for Students - Professional Work Day
- 21 - PTA Read-a-Thon Begins
- 30 - End of 1st Marking Period
- 30 - PTA Trunk or Treat, 5:00 - 7:00pm
- 31 - Schools Closed for Students - Professional Work and Development Day
- 5 - Schools and Offices Closed - Election Day
- 8 - Q1 Report Cards Issued, 4:00 p.m. via HCPSS Connect
- 11 - Veteran's Day - wear red, white & blue to school
- 13 - World Kindness Day - wear a hat or shirt with kind messages on it
- 13 - PTA Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
- 19 - Picture re-take day
- 25 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early - Parent/Teacher Conferences (in person)
- 26 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early - Parent/Teacher Conferences (virtual)
- 27 - Schools Closed for Students - Parent/Teacher Conferences
- 28 - Schools and Offices Closed
- 29 - Schools and Offices Closed
To subscribe to the CCES calendar on your smartphone, electronic device, or email system use the calendar ID sqspkjkbr6v6arss44js3n21eg@group.calendar.google.com.
October Related Arts
November Related Arts
December Related Arts
HCPSS Calendars
There will be no printed 2024-2025 calendars. Staff, students, and families may add our online calendar to their own mobile/online calendar by
- Going to https://www.hcpss.org/calendar/
- Scrolling down to Subscribing to a Calendar
- Right-clicking on the calendar you wish to subscribe to
- Selecting Copy Link Location/Address/Shortcut
- Adding to your calendar of choice (See your calendar for specifics on adding a new calendar)
You also may view and/or download printable PDFs of the full calendar and/or important dates only. Updates to the PDFs will be noted on the HCPSS calendar page.
PLEASE NOTE! The calendar is subject to change. The online calendar reflects the most recent version.
Calendars in Spanish, Chinese, and Korean
Calendario en españolSchool News
From School Administration
Dear Families,
Our Family Engagement Committee is beginning to plan family nights/workshops for this school year. Please share your input by completing the survey at the link below so we can take it into consideration as we plan! Thank you to the families who hare already completed the survey! We appreciate your input!!!
In addition, if you need to change your child's dismissal procedures last minute, please call the office so we can ensure your child dismisses as needed. If you send an email, your child's teacher may not see it in time.
Thank you!!!
Mrs. Leader, Principal
Mrs. Gittleson, Assistant Principal
Pull those TABS Cougars! Let’s turn TRASH into TREASURE
Why: Our school will be participating in the “Pull Tab Program” to help benefit the Maryland Ronald McDonald House Charities.
Who: Everyone! Lead by our very own 5th Grade Eco-Leaders.
Where: Send your tabs in with your student and have them place them in the labeled bin in their pod area.
When: The entire school year!
Our Eco-leaders would like to remind you that it is “time to be Green”!
For more details be visit https://rmhcmaryland.org/pull-tabs/.
Please email Mrs. Seifert with any questions. jhonna_seifert@hcpss.org
Young Authors' Contest
The Howard County Literacy Association invites students in grades 1-5 to submit their original poems and/or short stories to the annual writing contest called The Young Authors' Contest. Please see the attached Young Authors’ Contest Guidelines for information about the rules and guidelines. All entries must have a completed YAC Cover Sheet sent as a PDF. Submissions may be emailed to stephanie_pazornick@hcpss.org by December 20, 2024. Contact Stephanie Pazornick, CCES Reading Specialist, with any questions. All Young Authors’ Contest information can be found on the HCLA website.
Howard County Literacy Association welcomes parents as members. Visit the HCLA Welcome Page for information about joining.
Hispanic Heritage Month
Hi, families! Mrs. Angie Haube (our school Diversity, Equity, and inclusion Liaison) and I work with our other wonderful staff to help all of our students feel seen and valued at CCES. One piece of that is filling our front display case. To honor various nationwide acceptance of celebration months, we invite any and all families to send in/share items that celebrate their heritage and traditions.
Our first month is Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month from September 15-October 15. If you're interested in displaying special photos, recipes, figurines, books, attire, etc. please send this in with your student.
It would be helpful if you let the homeroom teacher know an item is coming in with your student, or email Megan_hodgins@hcpss.org to be on the look out. Thank you for making CCES a welcoming place to honor and highlight all of us! -Megan Hodgins and our DEI Team
Please Complete Family File Information
Each year, families update/complete their child's Family File with all emergency information. Please complete this info ASAP so that we have updated information in case of emergency.
So far we have 85% of families who have completed their Family File! Let's get to 100%!!
Measured Academic Progress (MAP)
Students in grades 1-5 take the Measured Academic Progress (MAP) assessment. The MAP window runs through October 17th. The data from the MAP assessment will help schools and teachers measure your student’s academic progress. The MAP test does not affect grades and the difficulty adjusts depending on how your child responds. It is normal for students to only answer about half the questions correctly. To learn more about the MAP assessment, please visit: https://www.nwea.org/the-map-suite/common-questions-families/ Please make sure your child has headphones at school since they will be used for testing throughout the school year.
Information and Application for Free and Reduced Meals (FARMs)
The HCPSS participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. Students from households that meet federal income guidelines are eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals. Qualification is based on family size and income, and enrollment is confidential. All children in households receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can get free meals regardless of income, and students from households that meet federal income guidelines are eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals. Those eligible for Free and Reduced Meals receive both breakfast and lunch for free.
Parents/guardians must submit a new application every school year to maintain their student’s eligibility. Click the button below to apply.
Upcoming Workshops from Office of Children and Families
* For assistance with registering, call 410-313-2273 (voice/ relay) or email children@howardcountymd.gov
* To request sign language, interpreter or other accommodations to attend, call at least one week in advance.
September 2024 Parent Pages Newsletter here
On the Journey to Fatherhood, coming in October 2024
This four-part series is designed to support Howard County fathers develop healthy parenting habits, while networking and strengthening the bond between dads and their children from birth to age five. If you are interested in participating, for more information contact Ovan Shortt 410-313-1453 oshortt@howardcountymd.gov
The Basics Howard County (updated flier attached)
Research shows that 90% of brain growth happens by age five. The Basics provide five simple things parents can do to make the most of these early years. Parents in Howard County can receive free tips directly to their phone to support their child by signing up for Basics Insights. These weekly text messages provide suggestions based on your child’s developmental stage, from birth to age five (available in English or Spanish).
Howard County Parent Pages Newsletter
Sign up for the Parent Pages, a newsletter published by the Howard County Office of Children and Families for parents, caregivers and agencies working with families. Each monthly issue features information to help parents and caregivers learn how to promote positive parenting for children’s development. It highlights workshops, local resources, events, parenting information, and agency programs targeted to help families grow and thrive in Howard County. This newsletter is a part of the Howard County Family Institute, an education, information and community outreach program.
Free Parenting Support for Parents/Caregivers!
Learn tools to help your children handle stress and setbacks. Join the nonprofit Parent Encouragement Program's free 8-week online program for parents/caregivers of children preK to 12th grade, in English or Spanish. Learn to support your children’s mental wellness and resiliency and connect with other parents. Complete at least 5 sessions and the evaluation to receive a $50 gift card. Classes start the week of October 14, register today: tinyurl.com/2w4k2sxp
News From the Health Room
Health Services
Health Services information can be found online and will be continually updated. All students, staff and visitors should perform daily health checks and may not enter an HCPSS bus or building if they exhibit any signs of a communicable disease. Details, including infection control protocols for communicable diseases like COVID-19, are available online.
Community Flu Clinic
The Howard County Health Department is hosting several flu vaccine clinics around the county for those with or without health insurance. They are offering both the regular dose for ages 6-months and older, as well as the high dose for 65-years and older.
Cough Drops at School
Some students are bringing cough drops to school. Cough drops without medication in them are considered a non-medication. Non-medications may be administered at school with parent permission to administer and specific instructions for administration in writing. The instructions should include the name of the product, reason for administration, amount and frequency of administration. Products must be provided by the parent/guardian and in some cases, are stored in the health room. The Nurse must be notified before administering a non-medication the first time at school.
Cough drops (pectin based and menthol) may be self-carried by the student or kept in their backpack if the student is responsible enough not to share them with others and the teacher agrees. Administration should be limited to no more than 3 cough drops per day (every two hours) for no longer than 5 school days.
Cough drops that contain additional medications (Robitussin with dextromethorphan and Cepacol with benzacaine) require a prescriber’s order and must be kept in the Health Room. Thank you.
Drive-Thru Medication and Sharps Disposal
Saturday, October 26 in the Wilde Lake Village Center Parking Lot near the Swim Center from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Safely dispose of prescription and over-the-counter medication, EpiPens and other sharps, vitamins, pet meds, vape devices, inhalers, and more! Need student, adult, and medically-trained adult volunteers. Giving away 25 medication lockboxes purchased by HCPSS. For more information and to volunteer, go to : https://hcdrugfree.org/currentevents/
PTA News
Single best way to be involved in PTA? Simply become a member!
Join here: https://clemens.givebacks.com/
The single most important thing you can do to support PTA this year is to join! Your $15 membership goes a long way to help us run programs like the Science Fair, International Night, Talent Show, Trunk or Treat, the Book Fair, Holiday Shop and so much more. Did you know that our PTA helps reduce the cost of school field trips through direct sponsorship? PTA also offers scholarships for students to participate in after school activities. All of these things and more are made possible through families and staff joining our PTA!
Our CCES PTA makes a big contribution to our school through family events, student enrichment and staff appreciation. Be part of it! Becoming a member does not obligate you to volunteer your time. There are many ways big and small to be involved in PTA throughout the year but if there is only ONE thing you're able to do for PTA , simply become a member and make a contribution to the excellence of our Clemens school community.
Join here: https://clemens.givebacks.com/
PTA Dine-Out-Night at HoneyGrow
CCES Read-a-thon is coming soon!!
Starts October 21, running until November 15
Great prizes for the class in each grade with the most minutes read!
Registration link will be in next week’s Cougar Comments newsletter!
PTA Trunk-or-Treat
PTA Reflections - Cultural Arts Competition
After School Activities
iCook - Mondays starting Sept 23 - A Few Spaces Remaining!!!
10 week session at $270 + registration fee
Pick up 5:15pm
iCook needs a few more signups to happen. Delayed a week to starting 9/23.
iCook Flour Power 🍰 🍮 In this baking course, our chefs-in-training will learn how to make delicious and nutritious desserts. We will explore ingredients familiar and new to bake savory and sweet dishes. Students will make Key Lime Pie, Little Orange Cakes, Avocado Brownies, and so much more! Foundational cooking skills will be taught, including proper techniques for measuring, mixing, slicing, dicing, and of course, kitchen safety! We hope to see you in the kitchen soon.
Community News
Thanksgiving Meals from Union Church
Union Church would like to be a blessing to families in the Howard County area and provide a Thanksgiving Meal 🍽 kit during this holiday season. If you are in need of a Thanksgiving meal, please complete the registration at the link below by October 29th. They will either personally deliver a Thanksgiving meal kit on Saturday November 16th or invite families to pick up their Thanksgiving meal kits on Sunday, November 17th during the Sunday Worship Experience.
Cub Scouts Pack 618
Come join Pack 618 on Saturday for a hike, field games, and a campfire complete with smores! We're not going to camp out overnight due to the weather, since we believe camping should be fun at this age, but we're also not going to let rain wash out our whole weekend. If your Saturday is already booked, October's pack activity is shooting rockets on the CCES fields! This is an awesome opportunity to see physics in action! To find out more, email us at Cubmaster@pack618md.com or go to our website at www.pack618md.com.
Connect with CCES and Stay Informed
Listed below are the many ways to stay informed at Clemens Crossing Elementary School.
CCES Family Guide
Find answers to all of your questions here in our Family Guide.
- Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/hcpss_cces
- We use Twitter to inform, celebrate, and engage our community.
- Twitter is used to share what is going on in our school, our community, and throughout the Howard County Public School System.
- Turn on notifications to get information the second it is tweeted.
- We live-stream our concerts on Periscope through Twitter.
- Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ClemensCrossingElementary
- We have found that Facebook is the social media most used by our parents so we are now on Facebook, too!
- Our Facebook page is updated automatically from our Twitter feed.
- Please use Facebook to share the good news from CCES with your friends and families.
- We use Instagram periodically. We do post pictures and information there.
- Our website, cces.hcpss.org, is updated regularly.
- Important news and information is located on the main page of the site including an archive of our weekly newsletter, Cougar Comments.
- Staff information and email is located under the "Our Staff" tab.
- A subscribable google calendar is located on the "Calendar" tab.
- Email is our main form of communication.
- You will receive news and information automatically to the email address you provide in your Family File. We will not inundate your inbox with email. Look for the weekly Cougar Comments on Friday mornings.
- If you would like email sent to different email addresses, update your email in Family File with the email address you prefer.
- You can subscribe additional email addresses by visiting the HCPSS News site here. http://www.hcpss.org/hcpss-news/
- Weekly announcements, important information and updates, and more will primarily be sent through email.
- You also have the opportunity to opt-in for text messaging