Henry Moss Middle School
Empowering Students to Lead, Learn, & Build Relationships
December 14, 2018
Happy Holidays from the Henry Moss Family! We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe break! See you January 2nd!
Henry Moss Middle 7th & 8th Winter Court
Kennedee Robinson & Izayiah Villafuerte
7th Grade Prince & Princess
Monika Lopez & Eder Jerez
Family and Consumer Science Classes baked this week! Students learned to bake muffins, cookies, and homemade pizza and enjoyed eating them too!
Dragon Archery Team
Please contact the school at 270-843-0166 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this survey.
Click HERE for the survey.
HMMS Youth Service Center
HMMS YSC, 270-843-2172
Lynn Vincent, Coordinator
Teen Angel Christmas Assistance Program was a huge success! Special thanks to everyone who sponsored a child for Christmas and to the Beta Club for hosting a food drive to feed the families.
YSC Needs
Youth Service Center is needing gently used or new coats our students that need coats. You can drop at the school or contact Mrs. Vincent in the YSC.
7th Grade Math Notes
7th Grade
This week, your student is learning about real-world situations that use percent increase and percent decrease, such as tax, interest, mark-up, and discounts.
For example, the price tag on a jacket says $24. The customer must also pay a sales tax equal to 7.5% of the price. What is the total cost of the jacket, including tax?
The customer will pay 107.5% of the price listed on the tag, which is $25.80.
We can also find the percentage. For example, a backpack originally cost $22.50, but is on sale for $18.99. The discount is what percentage of the original price?
The sale price is 84.4% of the original price. The discount is 100−84.4, or 15.6% of the original price.
Here is a task to try with your student:
A restaurant bill is $18.75. If you paid $22, what percentage tip did you leave for the server?
17.3⎯⎯⎯%. Possible strategy: You paid 117.3⎯⎯⎯% of the bill, because 22÷18.75=1.173⎯⎯⎯. You left a 17.3⎯⎯⎯% tip, because 117.3⎯⎯⎯−100=17.3⎯⎯⎯
8th Grade Math Notes
Calling all Chess Players!!
Chess Club is on Mondays after school in Mrs. Moss's classroom from 2:30 to 3:30
Chess Meets are from 4:00-5:30 for all grade levels K-12 and there is no fee to participate. They are always on Monday. The meeting dates are as follows:
November 12 @ South Warren High School
December 10 @ Plano Elementary
February 11 @ Drakes Creek Middle School
March 11 @ Lost River Elementary School
April 15 @ Bristow Elementary School
April 15 is our final Chess Meet and so we will be giving out trophies for the Top 4 students in each division. The division details will be available as soon as the registration link is live.
Box Tops for Our School!
FCCLA is collecting Box Tops for our school! Please cut out box tops and give them to your homeroom teacher! The homeroom with the most gets a reward!
HMMS Choir & Guitar
Lunch Menu
We are still needing parents to volunteer to serve on the PTSO. You don't have to give up a large amount of your time but anything you can do would help. Please text Patricia at 502-641-0454 and let her know. You can also email her at Mossptso@yahoo.com. Like our page on FB at HenryMossMiddlePTSO and follow us on Instagram at MossPTSO.
About Us
Email: jessica.herrin@warren.kyschools.us
Website: http://www.warrencountyschools.org/6/Home
Location: 2565 Russellville Road, Bowling Green, KY, USA
Phone: 2708430166
Twitter: @HenryMossMiddle