New Albany Primary School
August 19, 2024
Welcome back to another exciting school year! We hope you all had a fantastic summer filled with fun and relaxation. As we dive into this new school year, we’re eager to see the familiar faces of our students and meet the new ones joining our school community.
Our team has been working hard to create a vibrant and engaging environment for our students. From new learning opportunities to fun activities and events, we’re excited for all the amazing things that lie ahead this school year.
If you have any questions or need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out. Here’s to a great start and a wonderful year ahead!
Teresa Smith, Principal, smith.132@napls.us
Sara Peterson, Assistant Principal, peterson.2@napls.us
Colleen Masters, Assistant Principal, masters.7@napls.us
Chelsie DeFluiter, Assistant Director of Special Education Grades 1-4, defluiter.1@napls.us
Robyn Davison, Administrative Secretary, davison.1@napls.us
Vicki Hilbrands, Building Secretary, hilbrands.2@napls.us
Karen Brosnan, Building Secretary, brosnan.3@napls.us
Brian Weikert, School Nurse, weikert.1@napls.us
August Important Dates
August 19 - First Day of School: Staggered Start for Last Name A-K
August 20 - First Day of School: Staggered Start for Last Name L-Z
August 21 - All students return
August 26 - NWEA MAP testing window opens (Grades 2-3 ONLY Reading and Math)
August 27 - First Grade Curriculum Night (5:45 pm to 6:30 pm)
August 28- Second Grade Curriculum Night (5:45 pm to 6:30 pm)
August 28- Picture Day
August 29- Third Grade Curriculum Night (5:45 pm to 6:30 pm)
September Important Dates
September 2- Labor Day (No School)
September 5/6 - NWEA MAP MAKE UPS (Grades 2-3 ONLY)
September 23 - 27 - Spirit Week (Details TBA)
Regular attendance is critical for school success. We hope to see your students at school everyday. However, we know there may be days your student will be out due to illness or scheduled appointments. Please call or mail the attendance hotline for any absence reason .
If your child misses school for an ill or planned doctor's appointment, always request a note from the doctor. These notes should be turned in to the Eagle Office or emailed to the attendance hotline. This allows the absences to be considered medically excused.
If your family has a planned absence, please fill out and submit the district's pre-planned absence form. This form must be returned in 7 days prior to the absence date in order to excuse the absence.
All families should have received an email from HR Imaging in early August with information to order pictures for their child. If you did not receive this email, simply visit https://www.hrimaging.com/ and type in "New Albany Primary" in the search bar. Select 8/28 Picture Day, enter your child's name and you are able to order pictures.
Children have an option of bringing a packed lunch from home or purchasing lunch at school. If your child is purchasing food at school, you will need to add funds to your child’s PaySchools account (access PaySchools here) A daily lunch costs $2.50. If your child needs a grab and go breakfast, the cost is $1.50. Find the school breakfast/lunch menu here.
Arrival Procedures
Doors open to students at 9:05 am. The school day begins at 9:15 am. If you arrive after 9:15, your child must check in at the front office. Please note there will not be staff supervision until 9:05 am so please do not drop your child off at school until this time.
Dismissal Procedures
Student dismissal begins at 3:45 pm. If you are picking your child up as a car rider, please arrive by 3:45. If you have two children in different hallways, they should meet at the loop associated with the younger student’s hallway color.
The ELC and Primary School have a similar dismissal time in the afternoon.
If you have an all-day preschool student, please pick up the PreK student between 3:25 -3:35 pm and then head to the primary school to pick up the sibling.
If you have a half-day preschool (PM) or Kindergarten student, please proceed to the primary school first to pick up the sibling and then head to the ELC for afternoon dismissal.
Arrival and Dismissal Locations
Student arrival and dismissal at the primary school are organized by hallway. Please reach out to Sara Peterson at peterson.2@napls.us with any questions.
Teresa Smith, Building Principal
Colleen Masters, Assistant Principal
Dr. Sara Peterson, Assistant Principal
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
New Albany Primary School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/primary
Location: 87 North High Street, New Albany, OH, USA
Phone: 614-413-8600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyPrimarySchool/
Twitter: @napls_ps