SJHS Week at a Glance
December 9-15
Breathe Smart! Presenations
The Breathe Smart! Education Program that talks about 'all things lung' to the Science 10 classes will take place Tuesday, December 10. The presentation educates students on the most important and relevant lung diseases as well as the impact poor lung practices have on their health. This program has a focus on e-cigarettes and vaping, a growing and concerning trend among our youth.
Spain/Portugal 2026 Parent Information Meeting
Parent information meeting for Spain/Portugal 2026 trip December 10th at 5:30 pm. Please use the front doors to enter. We need to reach a certain number of students by January 31 to make the trip a reality. Discounted rate until December 19th only. Let's make this happen! Reach out to Ms Karpova or Mrs. Borys with questions
Grade 10 Faith Retreat - December 11, 2024
Faith Retreat in gym presented by Face to Face Ministries
Active Citizenship
Grad 2025
Grad Clothing Online Store
Grad Clothing is available to order using the link below.
Orders placed before December 2nd will be ready for pick up by December 20th, as long as there are no stock issues. If there are stock issues you will be contacted. Orders placed after December 2nd may not deliver before Christmas.
The online store will close May 18th. All orders will be picked up at the Coverall shop.
Career Corner
Counsellors Corner
International Travel
St. Joseph High School
Email: stjoeinfo@rdcrs.ca
Website: www.stjosephhigh.ca
Location: 110, 2700 67 Street Red Deer, AB. T4P 1C2
Phone: (403) 341-4423
Facebook: http://facebook.com/1013424385336670_1689581547720947
Twitter: @StJosephRD