Leading with Faith
January 7, 2025

The Catholic Schools Department weekly newsletter
Department News
by Chris Riso
ASAP 2024-25 Draft Budget and Tuition Rates Due to N. DiBerardino
1/8/25 E-Rate Info Deadline for those working with Denton Clark
1/15/25 Deadline to Apply for Free UB Graduate Courses Starting 1/22/25
1/15/25 Government Services Update for Board Chairs, Chaplains, Pastors, & Principals
2/3/25 Last Day to Submit Buffalo Public Schools Textbook Requisitions
2023 MST Grant Payments: On 1/2/25, schools approved for reimbursement for Year 6 of the NYS MST Grant program received an approval email with a note that payments would be distributed by 1/13/25. Here is a summary of the reimbursements received by schools in our Diocese:
Number of Schools Total Reimbursement
- Elementary Schools (19) $1,354,824
- High Schools (10) $2,015,233
Government Services Quarterly Update via Microsoft Teams, 1/15/25: On January 15th at 3:15pm, I will host the second quarterly online Government Services Update for school board chairs, principals, business managers, chaplains, and pastors. This quarter’s meeting will cover: the Mandated Services Aid submission process; Mandated Child Abuse Reporter Training; Special Education services; the Mathematics, Science, and Technology and Art & Music Teachers Grants; NonPublic Safety Equipment (NPSE) funding; Elementary Academic Intervention Services (AIS) Funding; and the 3/8 CIDEL Call to Educational Leadership. Our meetings last about 40 minutes so I hope those invited can carve out some time to attend. Later this week I will send out invitations to the meeting along with the Microsoft Teams link. FYI - future meetings are planned for 3/5/25 and 5/21/25 at 3:15pm.
Textbook Orders - Buffalo Public Requisitions Due 2/3; Erie 1 BOCES Orders due 3/14: Erie 1 BOCES usually asks that all textbook funds be used by around 3/14/25; please check to see if any funds remain and then place orders by 3/14/25. Also, please remember that the Buffalo Public Schools will only make requisitions for textbook requests received through 2/3/25; please make sure you use up all available BPS textbook funds by that date (computer hardware, computer software, and library funds must be expended by 3/10/25).
by Julie Gajewski
Academic Excellence: Winter Assessments & Spring NYS Testing Preparation
Happy New Year! We hope you enjoyed the holiday season and are excited to celebrate the Jubilee Year with a focus on hope.
Winter Benchmark Assessments
To effectively guide our students' academic growth, we will be administering the STAR assessments to evaluate progress in reading and mathematics. These assessments will provide valuable insights to inform our instructional planning and support student success.
Please contact Laurie Wojtaszczyk with any questions regarding test administration.
Spring NYS Testing Preparation
We are committed to ensuring our students are well-prepared for the upcoming Spring NYS Assessments. We will continue to implement engaging and effective instructional strategies to support student achievement in all subject areas.
CBT Assessments Notice from the Test Scoring Team at Erie 1 BOCES
Action Required: Prepare for the Upcoming CBT Simulation
- Simulation Window: January 21st - January 31st
Tech Readiness Checklist Deadline (passed, but still available): December 27th, 2024
Important Information:
Nextera System: The student list for the upcoming CBT simulation was uploaded on December 22nd. Please verify that your classes are set up correctly within the Nextera System. If you encounter any missing students, contact the test scoring team.
Simulation Resources:
Simulation Guide: Simulation Guide
Simulation Checklist: Simulation Checklist
Tech Readiness Checklist: This checklist ensures your technology is prepared for CBT testing. While the deadline has passed, you can still complete it using the following link: Tech Readiness Checklist
Vendor Scoring:
Vendor scoring orders are currently being accepted for 3-8 assessments.
Important Note: Schools and districts have been incorrectly ordering scoring for PBT (Paper-Based Test) Science 5 & 8 using their CBT Science 5 & 8 numbers.
NYSED will continue scoring CBT Science assessments this year. Vendor scoring is not available for these.
Paper-Based Test (Read Versions) of Science 5 & 8 are still scored by vendors. You can request scoring for these assessments using the order form.
If you mistakenly order scoring for CBT Science assessments, we will contact you to resubmit your order.
For further assistance, please refer to the provided resources or contact the test scoring team. Test Scoring Support: testscoring@e1b.org
Weekly Virtual Principal Meetings
Meeting Details:
Day and Time: Wednesdays, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Platform: Microsoft Teams (link sent by Laurie)
by Laurie Wojtaszczyk
Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed some wonderful times with family and friends, plus found time to relax and rejuvenate. I wish you a very happy and healthy 2025.
STAR Testing
Our Winter window is now open. It runs from January 6th-24th. Good luck with testing!
Spelling Bee
You can sign your school up for the spelling bee using this link by Jan. 17th.
Chess Tournament
Here is the registration form for the Chess Tournament. Schools should register all of their students by Jan. 24th.
Science Fair
It’s time for our elementary scientists to start planning their experiments, and this is an excellent tool to assist them with ideas and the Scientific Process! The Science Fair will be held again this year during the X-STREAM Games on March 29th at St. Joseph’s Collegiate. Parents should read this helpful rule guide first, and then feel free to sign up their Scientists anytime before March 21st. We need a minimum of 10 Scientists in a category to hold the judging for that category. If less than 10 sign up that category will be an exhibition of experiments. The four categories are:
Life Science (all animal, plant and human body experiments)
Physical Science (matter and structure, electricity, magnetism, sound, light, or anything else that shows how something works)
Earth and Space Sciences (weather, Geology, space)
Engineering (applying scientific principles to manufacturing and practical uses in mechanical, chemical, electrical, photographic, sound or environmental engineering, etc.)
Erie 1 Boces
Here are some resources from E1B regarding Nextera testing:
Nextera has been loaded. You can go into the system and adjust your students for the simulation. Here is the direct link to the Simulation Guide. Here is the link to the Simulation Checklist.
by Mary Jo Aiken
HAPPY NEW YEAR! ‘Tis the season for school tours and Open Houses! Here are some tips for preparing for school open houses and new enrollment:
Preparing for Open Houses
Families who are exploring your school will access your website and look at the handbook. Be sure it’s updated for ‘24-’25, and that it’s accessible to all! A recent review of all the websites indicates that many are out-of-date (most recent updates as long ago as 2020!). Some schools only enable access through the parent portal. Please make your handbook accessible to all prospective families.
Advertise Open House on your Homepage. That welcoming invitation with dates and times might just result in a new visiting family!
Set the Stage:
Decorate: Create a welcoming atmosphere with decorations that reflect your school's values and culture.
Signage: Clearly mark entrances, classrooms, and important areas with easy-to-read signs.
Layout: Plan the layout of your open house to ensure a smooth flow of traffic and easy access to information.
Staff Preparation:
Training: Provide staff with training on how to engage with visitors, answer questions, and promote the school's unique offerings.
Talking Points: Develop key talking points and FAQs to ensure consistent messaging.
Attire: Encourage staff to dress professionally and in a way that reflects the school's image.
Engaging Activities:
Student Work: Display student work to showcase the school's academic programs and creative talents.
Demonstrations: Organize interactive demonstrations of science experiments, art projects, or other activities.
Student Guided Tours: Offer guided tours of the school to give visitors a firsthand look at the facilities and classrooms. Visit those classrooms of interest first, and then tour the remainder of the school, highlighting unique and special resources.
Marketing Materials:
Brochures: Create informative brochures that highlight the school's mission, curriculum, and extracurricular activities.
Enrollment Forms: Have enrollment forms readily available for interested families.
Follow-up Cards: Design follow-up cards with contact information for parents to stay connected.
Additional Tips:
Personalize the Experience: Make an effort to connect with visitors on a personal level and answer their questions thoughtfully.
Leverage Technology: Use technology to enhance the open house experience, such as virtual tours, live streaming, or interactive displays.
Follow Up: Send thank-you notes to visitors and follow up with potential new families to answer any questions and address concerns.
By following these tips, you can create a memorable and successful open house and attract new families to your school.
Have a safe, healthy, and blessed New Year! 2025? - Bring it on!!!
by Nancy DiBerardino
Location for principals meeting on Thursday, January 9, 2025, has been changed to St. Leo the Great (Parish Community Hall) 885 Sweet Home Road, Amherst, NY.
School Supply Order Form https://forms.gle/QZjruyFiPJbuJVzd6 This year there is a new Report Card Envelope for schools that have switched to trimesters.
2024-25 Elementary School Diploma Order Form (order by 1/17)
Virtue/Diocesan Character Trait
Month of December Generosity/Appreciation – Deadline to submit – January 10th.
Definition – Being thankful and showing gratitude for what others do for us.
Catholic Schools at the BPO – Tuesday, February 11, 2025
There are only a few days left to register for this wonderful event. Registration is due by 1/8.
BPO Registration FormSpring Bowling: Please let me know if your school is interested in participating. The season will start at the beginning of March 2025. Deadline is February 3rd.
by Stephanie Genco
We are excited to announce the participating events for the 2025 X-STREAM Games & Expo!
This year will include:
Robotics (Game: Rapid Relay)
Kitchen Chem (Theme: Jubilee Celebrations: Open Doors, Open Hearts)
Ignite the Power of Art
Arcade Academy
Shark Tank (Invention Convention)
Science Scrimmage (Engineering Challenge to Be Announced)
Public Speaking: Use Your Voice to Make a Difference!
Student Exhibitions (displays of STREAM Academy projects)
Open Makerspace
Open Chapel
We will also be hosting the 2025 Science Fair alongside the Games & Expo!
This day will be an awesome showcase of the STREAM learning happening in our schools, with something for everyone to experience and learn, so make sure you’ve “Saved the Date” for Saturday, March 29th at St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute.
Interested in participating in any of the above?
Visit this site for details & registration, open Monday 1/13.
Important Dates
Important Dates
Jan. 6-24 - STAR Testing Window
Jan. 9 - Principal's Meeting, Location for principals meeting has been changed to St. Leo the Great (Parish Community Hall) 885 Sweet Home Road, Amherst, NY.
Jan. 29 - Spelling Bee, Mt. St. Mary's Academy, 3756 Delaware Ave., Tonawanda
Feb. 1 - Chess Tournament, Cardinal O'Hara, 39 O'Hara Rd., Tonawanda
Feb. 5 - Catholic Ed Dinner
Feb. 11 - BPO Concert at Kleinhan's Music Hall
Links for Registrations or Forms
BPO Registration by 1/8
Diploma Order by 1/17
Years of Service by 1/17
Spelling Bee Registration by 1/17
Chess Tournament Registration by 1/24
Science Fair Registration by 3/21
X-STREAM Games Registration (opens 1/13) by 3/21
Virtue/Character Award Nominations (due monthly)