September KnightLine Families
September 2023 Knight Line from Superintendent Dr. Foucault to Families
Niche 2024 Best School Districts
According to Niche, in the 2024 “Best School District” category, STMA ranks:
- #1 Best School District in Wright County
- #14 of 361 Best School District in Minnesota
- #781 of 10,932 Best School District in America
- #5 of 321 in Best School District for Athletes in Minnesota
- #24 of 374 Best Places to Teach in Minnesota
Way to go, STMA! We are proud of our students and staff and the partnership we have with our families!
Click here to view individual school rankings.
Character Strong
We are implementing Character Strong curriculum in grades PK-8 this year. Character Strong is a set of vertically aligned lessons designed to develop character, improve relationships through intentionally teaching character traits, and build social and emotional skills.
In elementary grades, Character Strong has three main outcomes for students:
- Be Kind: The social skills of listening, friendship, solving conflicts, and leadership are taught alongside empathy, respect, and cooperation.
- Be Strong: The skills that help students focus, stay organized, and set goals are taught alongside responsibility, courage, and perseverance.
- Be Well: The skills that help students handle their emotions and deal with stress are taught alongside gratitude, honesty, and creativity.
In middle school, Character Strong focuses on three main goals for students: increasing a sense of belonging, improving skills that support student well-being, and deepening student engagement in academics, school, and community.These outcomes are met through exploring and understanding the direct relationship between:
● Understanding Emotion & Regulating Emotion
● Understanding Empathy & Showing Compassion
● Identifying Values & Purposeful Living
● Identifying Goals & Developing Habits
● Developing Agency & Working Together
If you are interested in learning more about Character Strong, visit their website at Please contact your child's teacher or principal if you have any questions.
Indigenous Peoples Day
During the 2023 legislative session, legislators replaced Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day on the list of holidays that school may be conducted. Per the new state statute, at least one hour of the school day must be devoted to observance of the day. On October 9, STMA will provide instruction to students on one or more of the topics outlined in statute.
School Board Update
September 5 and 18 School Board Meeting Highlights
1st Day of School (9-5-2023): A report on the first day of the school year was shared with the board.
Eliminating 1.0 FTE Float Health Paraprofessional Position (9-5-2023): The board took action on eliminating a 1.0 FTE health float para, which has been unfilled for over a year. This is a cost savings of approximately of $30,000-$35,000.
- Addition of 0.5 FTE Health Coordinator (9-5-2023): The board took action on the addition of a .5 FTE Health Coordinator. The cost is $30,000-$35,000, which is cost neutral due to eliminating the 1.0 FTE health float para. This position is needed due to the substantial increase in complex student health needs.
- Health Coordinator Job Description (9-5-2023): The board took action on an updated job description for a health coordinator position.
- Naloxone Procedures and Emergency Protocol Per Policy 516.5 (9-5-2023): The board approved procedures and protocol for Naloxone. This is due new SB Policy #516.5 Overdose Medication, which is mandated by a new state law which requires school districts to be prepared to address certain emergencies including opioid overdose. It requires us to keep two doses of Narcan in all school buildings, train staff, establish a district site team, site specific teams, and an emergency protocol and procedures.
- Joint Governance Meeting (9-5-2023): The board discussed agenda items for the Joint Governance meeting between the school district and the City of Albertville, and City of St. Michael that is scheduled for October 30. STMA hosts the meeting.
- Certify Board Approved Levy (9-18-2023): The board certified the maximum amount for the Preliminary 2023 Payable 2024 Property Tax Levy per MN State Statute 275.065. This is not a voter-approved levy but rather revenue calculated by MN Department of Education and defined in state statute. The 2023 Payable 2024 Property Tax Levy is for taxes collected in calendar year 2024 and revenue for the school district FY2025 budget. The levy calculates the school district revenue from property taxes and is approximately 8% of the revenue received in the general fund (approx. 86% of general fund revenue is state aid, 4% is other/local and 2% federal). The variances within each category of the levy from the prior year levy are due to changes in enrollment, average building age, property values, adjustments due to prior year actual costs, and any changes from the legislature. The overall preliminary levy, which includes general education, community service, and debt service, increased by $1,145,975.07(6.57%). The General Education Fund levy increased by $684,285.35 (10.71%). The Community Service Fund decreased by $80,986.42 (-27.45%). The Debt Service Fund increased by $542,676.14 (5.04%). These changes are preliminary as the state will continue to make changes in the levy until December. This overall percentage decreased from last year (8.27%). The board will certify the final levy on December 4 at their annual Truth in Taxation meeting.
- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SEIU for Health Paraprofessionals (9-18-2023): The board took action on a MOU with the SEIU for a $4.00 override for health paraprofessionals who have their LPN designation.
- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SEIU for Maintenance Hiring (9-18-2023): The board took action on a MOU with the SEIU for a $1,000 hiring bonus for the maintenance department.
- Director of Community Education Job Description (9-18-2023): The board took action on an updated Community Education Director job description. The update is part of Strategic Direction D: Align People and Organizational Resources to Sustain District Success.
- FYCC Contract (9-18-2023): The board took action on contracts for FYCC staff for 2023-2024. The contract addendums are no cost to the district as the district is the fiscal host.
- Food Service Department Job Descriptions (9-18-2023): The board took action on updated job descriptions for three food service positions: cook helper/cashier, second cook, and kitchen manager. Updates are part of Strategic Direction D: Align People and Organizational Resources to Sustain District Success.
Agendas and minutes for school board meetings can be found here. Join us at the next school board meeting on Monday, October 2 at 6:00 p.m.
Sandie Chrobak + Angela Bradt - DO
Kathy Zachman - AP
Emily Davis - MW + SE
Staff Recognition
Congrats to Maryellen Barthel (CE) and Anne Pearson (STME)!
Congrats to Stephanie Al-Rifai (STME), Bridget Berning (BW), Lynae Frauendienst (AP), Sandy Greninger (FYCC), Sandee Holsather (BW), and Dona Zachman (ME/MW)!
Congrats to Laurie Bernstein-Collins (FE), Jodee Butkowski (HS), Darek Dewey (HS), Brandi Merfeld (DW), Carol Newman (BW), and Ginger Stoehr-Fealy (HS)!
Congrats to Anna Bramos (AP), Lindsey Olson (BW), Jane Helgestad (CE), Jamie Wiitala (DW), Julie Cary (FE), Stacy Patyk (FE), Carmen McCallum HS), Joshua Ausman (HS), Jacob Hamlet (HS), Katie Hoppe (HS), Teresa James (HS), Kaitlin Sebens (HS), Matthew Venaas (HS), Lisa Perbix (ME/HS), Anna Gessner (ME), Stacy Manthey (ME), and Dana Nordberg (STME)!