Mustangs News
September 16 - September 20, 2024
Greetings Glenridge Family!
We have had a great week! Thank you to all families that were able to come out to for Back to School Night and learn about our academic program here at Glenridge. We look forward to building a stronger partnership with you this school year. Also, thank you to all families that came out to support our Brighter Bites Distribution of fresh fruit and vegetables. We will continue to have these distributions bi-weekly to support our community. Please be sure to come out to receive your bag. If you have any questions about these distributions please reach out to Dr. Gavins for information or support. We also seeking parent volunteers to help with these distributions so let us know if you are available to assist as well.
This week we will host our first Parent Workshop of the school year. Please plan to join us on Wednesday, September 18 for our workshop on Attendance, Title 1 and Community Schools. We will be share a lot of valuable information about Glenridge. We will also have a few great giveaways! The workshop will take place in person from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
We are settling in in to great routines at school. We do need your assistance to ensure a positive and impactful school year. School starts at 7:30 each day and students are considered late at 7:45 a.m. Please ensure you are bringing your child to school each day on time. All students are offered breakfast daily until 8:00 a.m. Students that arrive after 8:00 will not be able to have breakfast unless they are on a late bus.
If you have not already please be sure to sign up for your ParentVue account. This will allow you to monitor your child's progress and communicate with your child's teacher about his/her progress. I ask that all families also complete the volunteer process so that you can volunteer in our school and join is on field trips. We need parent support in order to plan experiences for our students beyond our school building. So please, sign up today! Ms. Chica has shared information about the process on class dojo. If you need any additional assistance with the process feel free to reach out to her.
As you all should be aware, Glenridge is a uniform school. Our uniform is pictured below for your reference. We ask that all parents ensure that you send your child to school daily wearing the school uniform. Our school uniform is a light blue top with navy pants. For students that may get chilly in school they are permitted to wear a navy or light blue (school uniform color) sweater or sweatshirt. Students will not be permitted to wear anything else during the school day and will be asked to remove and put away any clothing that is not aligned with the school uniform. Students not wear school uniform may be excluded from extracurricular activities. Tjis is not a consequence that studnts should have to have. Please work with us as partners to ensure students come to school daily with the proper uniform on. If you have a hardship and need assistance then I ask that you reach out to Ms. Chica, PEA or Dr. Gavins, CSC so they can help to connect you with resources to support your family.
Each day we aim to make it better for our students and our community. We ask for our parents tobe our partners as we strive to support and enhance the educational experience for all. I thank you for your partnership and look forward to building and growing together. I have included a parent feedback question this week below. Please take a moment to complete so I can use your responses to improve your experiences at Glenridge.
Thank you again for being our partners and I look forward to working with each of you and your children this school school year.😊
If you need any assistance you can always reach out to the school. Please call the main office and our team will direct you to the staff member to best assist you. You can call the main office at 301-918-8740.
Glenridge is... Growing Outstanding Leaders Daily.
In Partnership,
Dr. Sharone Anderson-Davis, Principal
We will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at Glenridge. During the month we will learn about and celebrate the Hispanic Culture. Please see the flyer below and reach out to Ms. Chica if you would like to read a story to our students in spanish!!😊
Arrival and Dismissal Information
It is important that every student know how they will get home. Please be sure to communicate with your child's and his or her teacher how your child will go home at the end of every school day. On Monday, each student will be given a dismissal card that identifies how they go home. This card will be pinned to their backpack. Please do not remove the card and ensure it stays visible each day. This will help our staff ensure an orderly and safe dismissal for all students. Below are the different types of dismissal options. Please identify the option for your family. If at any time your dismissal changes please notify your child's teacher so we can change the dismissal tag. I thank you in advance for your support.
For dismissal please identify if your child will be a Parent Pick Up, Walker, Bus Rider, or if your child(ren) will be picked up by an aftercare van.
Students in second grade or above can pick up younger siblings in kindergarten or 1st grade as long as the parent or guardian writes a note stating who will pick up the student. The older student will meet a staff member outside by the fence to sign the student out. Parents or non Glenridge students cannot sign out students from the front of the building.
Arrival Information
Bus Arrival - Students who arrive on the bus will be dropped off in front of the school and supported by staff to transition to their classroom.
Parent drop-off/walkers
All students should enter the building using their grade level door each morning. Staff members will be located at each door to receive students each morning. Families may walk students to the door each morning.
*Please label student belongings with his/her grade and first and last name. This will help us to assist our younger and new scholars who may be shy on the first day of school.
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal will begin with parent pick-up in the rear of the building at 1:40 followed by bus riders and ending with our walkers.
Parent Pick-Up - If you are picking up your child at the end of the school day. Please go to the rear of the school. You will be able to sign your child out from a staff member. All pre-k & kindergarten students must be signed out by a responsible adult. The person picking must be the parent/guardian or listed on the emergency contact/pick-up form.
Bus Riders - Students assigned to a bus will ride the bus each day. Students cannot switch buses unless approved by transportation. Please check the StopFinder mobile app for information about your child's bus stop. All pre-k and K students must wear a county issued red safety vest daily. Students will be given a vest on the first day of school. They should be worn daily. Replacement vest are $5.00.
Walkers - All walkers will be dismissed and escorted out the front of the building. Students will be able to meet each other at the light pole or at a tree after dismissal so they can walk home together. Students will not be permitted to pick up students from classrooms. Students must be in 2nd grade or above to walk home without a guardian.
Student walkers are expected to leave the school grounds immediately and will not be permitted to wait in front of the school for someone to pick them up as this is not safe for students to be unsupervised. If students are waiting outside, they will be brought back into the school and the parent will need to sign the student out in the back of the building.
School Student Birthday Recognitions
We all know a birthday is a special day. At school we recognize that student should feel special on his or her birthday, however at school we do not facilitate birthday parties or celebrations. We will however, recognize student on their special day.
Parents may send in a small store bought snack to recognize the student birthday. The snack can be a cupcake, cookie or bag of chips. Only one of these items will be given out to the class.
No goodie bags or balloons should be sent to school. Parents will need to pick them up at the end of the day of they are sent to school. They will not be sent home with the student if dropped off.
The birthday treat will be shared with the class during the last 10 min of the school day. We do not take instructional time away for birthday celebrations.
If you do not wish for your child to participate in a class birthday recognition treat please share with your child's teacher in writing.
Get Connected and Stay Informed
How We Connect to Our Community
Class Dojo - Administration and teachers will utilize Class Dojo to communicate with families. Each teacher will have an established ClassDojo account. Teachers use ClassDojo to share classroom information, instructional updates, give individual students updates, and share schoolwide information. All new and returning parents will receive an email from the classroom teacher to sign up for Glenridge Class Dojo.
School Messenger - All parents with a valid email and phone number in Synergy, our new district data base will receive updates from the school by email, text, or phone call. We use this system to share important county and schoolwide information. Please ensure all of your information in Synergy is accurate and up to date so you don't miss any information.
Twitter & Facebook - Glenridge ES has both a X (formerly known as Twitter) and Facebook accounts. These social media platforms will be used to share information and updates about events and activities happening at our school. We are excited to share all of the great things that will be happening this school year.
- twitter @_MustangPride
- Facebook Glenridge Elementary School
School Hours
The school day for the 2024-2025 School Year:
7:30 a.m. - 1:40 p.m.
Student arrival begins at 7:15 a.m.
Students are late at 7:45 a.m.
Early dismissal ends at 1:00 p.m.
Remember: No Shots, No School! Make an appointment for routine immunizations today! Kindergarteners in the state are required to get a second dose of the chickenpox vaccine, while students in the seventh grade must get the vaccination for Meningococcal and Tdap, which protects against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis.
School Visitors/Volunteers
Safety! Safety! Safety! Prince George’s County Public Schools are open for visitors, volunteers, and one-time volunteers. Visitors and one-time volunteers must have a scheduled appointment due to the requirement of being escorted and supervised by PGCPS employees at all times. Please visit the VISITOR SCREENING PAGE on the PGCPS website to begin your approval process. https://www.pgcps.org/offices/humanresources/fingerprinting
Student Supply List
Glenridge School Supply Lists 24-25 school supply lists
School Meals
All students of Glenridge Elementary School are able to receive free breakfast and lunch daily. Each student has a pin number that willbe used daily to pick up daily meals. Please help your child learn his/her pin number. Your child's pin number will be the same as long as they attend a Prince George's County School.
For more information about school lunch please visit
Glenridge’s cellphone policy aligns with the policy established by PGCPS. While students are allowed to bring cell phones to school, they must remain turned off and stored away during school hours. If students need to contact their parents, phones are available for their use. The presence and potential misuse of cell phones can significantly disrupt the instructional environment, making it crucial to monitor student usage. We respectfully ask parents to support our no-phone-in-the-classroom expectation to ensure a focused and productive learning experience for all students.
Mandatory School Uniform Policy 2024-2025
The Mandatory Uniform Policy at Glenridge Elementary School is based on the Board of Education Policy 0600 regarding school uniforms. All students must be in full uniform each day. When shopping for school uniforms, shoes, and accessories, please adhere to the guidelines below. Students will have opportunities to dress down and show their individualism on specific days of the year, however, it is imperative that students follow the guidelines daily. The uniform consists of the following: Light Blue Polo or button-down shirts; Navy Blue Slacks/Pants; Skirts or Jumpers; Navy Blue or Light Blue Sweaters/ Cardigans (No Hoodies). No jeans, cargo pants, yoga pants, or leggings. All black shoes are preferred, but students can wear sneakers, or boots. No light-up shoes or shoes with wheels.
School Spirit Wear
Thank you to those that have already ordered your school spirit wear! If you have not ordered you still have time to place your order. Students can wear spirit wear on Fridays as part of the school uniform. If your student has the blue hoodie that can be worn daily. All other colors (black or grey) can only be worn throughout the day on Fridays
online order can be placed at www.expressions-offaith.net
sizes -
youth XS-4, S--6/8, M- 10/12, L14/16, XL-18/20
Adult (standard unisex t-shirt sizes) S - XL
Royal blue, black, and gray
YXL - AXL $25
2X-4X $30
Optional School Mask
Bus Rider APP - Download StopFinder Now!
School Messenger
Week at a Glance
Monday, September 16, 2024
- Schools closed for students- PD day for staff
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
- Be sure to tell your child and their teacher how they will go home from school
- All prek, k and 1st grade student should be wearing a dismissal lanyard
- Make sure your child comes home with a dismissal tag
- Create your ParentVue Account
- Kindergarten & 1st grade iReady Testing
- Be sure to tell your child and their teacher how they will go home from school
- Parent Workshop 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. at Glenridge ES
- Create your ParentVue Account
Thursday, September 19, 2024
- 2nd and 3rd grade iReady Testing
- Be sure to tell your child and their teacher how they will go home from school
- Create your ParentVue Account
Friday, September 20, 2024
- 4th grade iReading testing
- 5th grade iReady testing
- Be sure to tell your child and their teacher how they will go home from school
- All prek, k and 1st grade student should be wearing a dismissal lanyard
- Make sure your child comes home with a dismissal tag
- Check Synergy for your child's grades this week
- Have a great weekend!
Ground Breaking Ceremony Pictures
Ground Breaking with Superintendent House
Ground Breaking with Dr. Anderson-Davis & Okoro K. 5th grade student
Glenridge Elementary School
Email: s.andersondavis@pgcps.org
Website: https://schools.pgcps.org/glenridge/
Location: 7200 Gallatin St. Landover Hills, MD 20784
Phone: 301-918-8740
Facebook: facebook.com/GlenridgeElementarSchool
Twitter: @MustangPride