Students, get ready for Oct. 29th!
Monarch's 4th Annual College & Career Expo

College & Career Expo Coming Soon! Use the links below to plan your time!
The sophomore, junior and senior classes will take turns coming to the North Gym the afternoon of October 29th to explore almost 70 vendor booths including area colleges, businesses, PLCS academies and opportunities in the trades. This is a great opportunity for you to find what your future might hold.
Some businesses are hiring now or looking for future interns or apprentices. There are businesses that will have experts in career fields you may be exploring. Ask them your career-related questions. There are 2-year & 4-year colleges, career colleges including both public and private institutions. There should be something for everyone!
Sophomores and juniors may consider adding a career academy to their PLHS schedule for next year. The application for PLCS Career Academies opens in two weeks after the Nov. 4th ACCESS Your Future Night at PLSOUTH. You can explore different PLHS and Metro academy options at both events!
Whether you are looking for a job, adding an academy to your next year's schedule or exploring a college or career, the College & Career Expo should have something for you! Make the most of this opportunity by being prepared:
- Explore the list of vendors below to see who you would like to visit with.
- Consider how to make a good first impression. Smiling, having good eye contact and asking good questions are all helpful.
Looking for a job now, career advice, future apprenticeship/sponsorship or an entry-level start to your career path? Check out...
City of Omaha Parks, Recreation and Public Property
City of Papillion, Recreation Department
Papillion La Vista Community Schools Foundation
Papillion La Vista Community Schools HR Department
Is college in your future? Explore...
Bryan College of Health Sciences
Northwest Missouri State University
University of Nebraska-Kearney
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of Nebraska-Omaha Gerontology
Interested in one of the PLCS Academies? Consider...
Metropolitan Community College Automotive Training
Metropolitan Community College Fire
Metropolitan Community College-Secondary Partnerships
Papillion La Vista Community Schools Athletic Training Academy
Papillion La Vista Community Schools Education Academy
Papillion La Vista Community Schools Health Systems Academy-Biomed
Papillion La Vista Community Schools Health Systems Academy - Patient Care
Papillion La Vista Community Schools Zoo Academy
Interested in the Military?
United States Army National Guard