The Patton Post
Friday, May 12th 2023
Friday, May 12th
After a busy, fun filled week last week it was nice to have a fairly "normal" week this week.
We are still so incredibly grateful for the outpouring of love and appreciation we were shown last week by everyone! Flowers, notes, coffees - not to mention the lunches and snacks we were treated to by the PTA! We are all so grateful to be part of such a thoughtful and caring community.
Our 4th Graders wowed us with their Greek Mythology Wax Museum today - I can't wait to share photos next week but suffice it to say, I learned A LOT and was so impressed with the research they carried out and the commitment they had to their roles!
Our blossom trees looked particularly stunning this week and I couldn't help but take a few pictures of them in their full bloom. The sky matched our "Patton Panther Blue" perfectly!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Ellie Chin
WALKATHON - THURSDAY, MAY 18th - 4 - 5:30pm (NEW POST)
Our 16th Annual Make-a-Wish Foundation Walkathon will take place next Thursday (the 18th of May!)!! We are so excited! Please see the map below that indicates where each "Donation Station" will be! Each station will have it's own theme and some will have extra special guests!
To help get everyone in the spirit for the week, the much anticipated Pie in The Face extravaganza will take place on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 16th and our final spirit wear day on Wednesday, May 17th will be a Beach Day! Bring in $2 and rock your favorite palm tree adorned shirt or sunglasses!
Thank you to everyone that came out to PHOTO'S Hot Dogs last night - it was so lovely to see so many of you and we hope everyone had a comfy day in their PJs today!
We can't wait to start adding up the money we've raised for this very worthy cause next week! If you'd like to donate easily and/or are worried that you won't be able to get to the ATM between now and Thursday please feel free to click on the image above or click HERE and it will take you directly to the Patton online donation page.
We thank you all for your generosity of spirit at this time of year - it is greatly appreciated and so wonderful to know that we can donate to such a wonderful charity!
We were so impressed with the bike decorating skills of all of our Panthers and are delighted to announce the winners!
1st Place - Elle Boylan: Hawaiian Extravaganza
2nd Place - Jasmine Creaney: Patton Pride
3rd Place - Isabella Lillie: Spring Spectacular
The winners took home Spunky Dunkers gift cards and have won lunch in the courtyard with three of their friends!
At the May 9 Board meeting, a REVISED calendar for the 2023-2024 school year was approved. Please note the following changes. Please also note that the updated calendar has the word REVISED at the top in red (see below image)
Dates of importance to note are:
Tuesday, March 19, 2024 is a Non-Attendance Day | Election Day
Monday, April 1, 2024 is a Staff Attendance Only | School Improvement (SIP) Day
Monday, April 1,2024 is an Emergency Day 1
Friday, April 5, 2024 is a School Attendance Day
Monday, April 8, 2024 is a School Attendance Day
Please download and print this calendar linked here for your reference.
This calendar is also available on our website at DAY - MONDAY JUNE 5th (NEW POST)
Field Day will take place on the morning of Monday, June 5th!! Mr Dolniak has created an amazing schedule of fun events for our Panthers to take part in! The first event whistle will blow at 9:25am and students will be outside most of the morning! Please remember to layer on the sunscreen before school starts and hats and water bottles are encouraged!!
The Kona Ice truck will be helping us finish out our school year in delicious style this year! The truck will be here from 9:30-11:30am and will be provided at no cost courtesy of our wonderful PTA!!
A full list of allergy information and ingredients can be found HERE.
Please note that all Patton library books are due back into school/the library by Thursday, May 25th.
The last time books can be checked out by students will be the week before (week of May 15th) - during students’ regularly scheduled LMC/Library time.
The library team have been sending home reminders for students who have overdue books. If you received a notice and can’t find the book(s), please let them know. You can email Mrs. Hemmer ( or Mrs. Kownick (
REGISTRATION FOR SCHOOL YEAR 2023/2024 (2nd Posting)
You can find a link with more information HERE. All grades, new and returning, need to register for the 23/24 school year.
RULER TOOLS (2nd Posting)
As we wrap up the year, we would like to remind you of the RULER tools we use throughout our school day in all settings.
Students benefit most from RULER when emotional intelligence is woven into the fabric of our school and classrooms. Every interaction with our students is a chance to demonstrate, model, practice, and nurture emotional intelligence skills.
Please find below each RULER tool and an overview of the tool. The best way for you to learn about each tool is to ask your student- they are emotion scientists! These tools can be incorporated into your family and home life.
Mood Meter - The Mood Meter is a tool that helps people of all ages build self and social awareness. It helps us understand how our emotions influence our thinking and behavior, and it empowers us to recognize and label our full range of emotions and manage them more skillfully. These skills help us get along with others and make better choices in our lives. Emotions can be understood as the degrees of pleasantness we’re experiencing, combined with our energy level.
Meta Moment - The Meta-Moment is a process that allows us to prolong the time from when we are triggered to when we respond. Taking Meta-Moments keeps us aligned with our values over time. With practice, our responses can be more deliberate and skillful.
Charter - The Classroom Charter is a tool that can help us create the positive, supportive social-emotional environments that we know are best for learning. The Charter is a promise we make to one another or an agreement. The Charter describes how we want to feel at school and what we can do to ensure that everyone has those feelings more consistently. Everyone has a voice in its creation and plays an active role in bringing it to life
Blueprint - The Blueprint tool focuses on the importance of perspective-taking and empathy in the conflict resolution process.
We had a lot of the original Lost and Found collected......only to be replaced by more!! Please do encourage your child/ren to come and take a look during the day.
All leftover items will be donated over Memorial weekend
Let's Help our Panthers Demonstrate Responsibility (FINAL POST)
We have seen an increasing number of students returning to the classroom in the evening hours or before school, trying to access things they have forgotten.
Moving forward, students will be able to return to the building to retrieve forgotten items until 4:00 pm. After that time, our front office is closed and classrooms will not be accessible.
If your child attends CAP or is at Patton in the evening to attend a function for an outside organization, please note that classroom doors will be locked and that the building is not accessible during this time. Anyone present in the building should remain in the space that has been rented for the activity.
For the ongoing safety and security of our Patton community, people should not be walking around the school building unaccompanied by a staff member.
Teachers will be reminding students at the end of the day to check and be sure they have everything they need.
Please have a conversation with your child and ask them to work on being responsible if they have been forgetting items here at school. Again, the office is open until 4:00 PM, so if your child needs extra reminders, please ask them if they have everything they need when you pick them up at dismissal.
We are hoping this will help decrease the overflowing Lost and Found as well!
Summer will come just a few hours early this year. On Wednesday, June 7, 2023, students will be dismissed early.
- Middle School Students will dismiss at 1:30 pm.
- Early Childhood Students will dismiss at 2:15 pm.
- Elementary School Students will dismiss at 2:30 pm.
- CAP will begin at 2:30 pm.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the District Office (847) 758-4900.
We are delighted to announce that MANY Panthers have been chosen to represent Patton at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library Art Show next month!
I was blown away by the quality of the artwork that was produced and, I'm certain you will be too!
The artwork will remain on display at the Library until May 26th. Please take some time to visit and see how talented our Panthers are! Many thanks to our amazing Mrs. Maloney for helping our students develop their artistic abilities!
Our resident artists are:
- Claire Schneider
- Elsie Fontana
- Hannah Navarro
- Alice Manis
- Maddie Anstandig
- Dominick Ciepiela
- Skylar Lichterman
- Isabella Lillie
- Leo Martinez
- Aurora Sharer
- Elizabeth Lombardo
- Avery Chaplin
- Valeria Klimchuk
- Raissa Pall
- Georgiy Kadzayev
- Cassidy McKown
- Ellie Ballard
- Ryan Swanick
- Clare Casey
- Sofia Carreola
- Ameline Burney
- Evelyn Botnari
- Harlan Santeler
#Build25 Update! (Ongoing Post)
Please take a look at the rendering below of what our additions are anticipated to look like!
Construction on Patton is expected to commence August/September of 2023. We will keep you informed as to the progress of the project.
Save yourself some time and stress and order your school supplies through EPI! School Supplies are available to be ordered through EPI! You will get a discount if ordered before 4th June. You can click on the image below for ease of ordering.
If you or your neighbors happen to know of any previous Patton kiddos that will be graduating High School this year, we'd love for you to spread the word about this event! It's always so lovely to have the seniors walk the halls and for our Panthers to celebrate them! We hope as many of them as possible can attend!
PARENT ACADEMY - (Ongoing post)
The District recently launched its new Parent Academy newsletter and page on the website.
The goal of Parent Academy is to provide learning opportunities for parents to better understand ways to support their students’ academic success and personal well-being. We welcome parents and families to engage in various activities and events to explore topics related to mental health, well-being, equity and inclusion, and academics. Please visit the website ( for archived newsletters, further resources and information, or to submit an idea/topic for the next Parent Academy newsletter.
Traffic Team - Substitutes Needed (Ongoing Post)
We have a truly AMAZING PTA traffic team that ensure our Panthers arrive to and depart from school safely and on time! If you would like to help out, please consider signing up as a substitute by filling in this form. It helps our traffic team enormously to know that there are subs available should someone fall sick or be unavailable. You can indicate if you only have availability for AM or PM and will receive a group text when there is a need. You can volunteer if you are available, but no pressure if you are not available. Any help is appreciated and benefits so many of our students. Believe it or not, even if you can only help twice during the year, your contribution is welcome and needed. Thanks so much in advance!
Tuesday May 16th - Pie in the Face Day
Thursday May 18th - 16th Annual Walk-a-Thon
Monday May 29th - NO SCHOOL - MEMORIAL DAY
Monday June 5th - FIELD DAY
Wednesday June 7th - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (Early Release at 2:30pm)
Please be sure to click on the Patton PTA website button above for information about other upcoming events
Main Line: (847) 398-4288
Fax #: (847) 394-6681
Absence Procedure
Twitter: @AHSD25Patton