MOH Library Newsletter
March, 2025
Read Across America!
Read Across America Day is celebrated on March 2 each year to encourage reading among students of all ages, even high schoolers! This date was chosen because it also happens to be Dr. Seuss' birthday. Dr. Seuss (real name = Theodore Seuss Geisel) is famous for writing children's literature. He lived in San Diego, and he even has the UCSD library named after him. He wrote many famous books that you may have read when you were a kid like Cat in the Hat, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, The Lorax, Green Eggs and Ham, and One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.
The theme for Read Across America this year is "Create & Celebrate a Nation of Diverse Readers." The goal is for all different types of people to read. You don't need to be a certain education level or ethnicity or religion or anything else to be a reader!
5-Star Quests for March!
March Library Quest: Read Across America Kahoot
Play this Kahoot about Read Across America. Put in your first name to play. Screenshot and submit your score. (Read the info at the top of this newsletter first, it has clues to many answers.) Score of 5,000+ points earns you 25 5-Star points!
Kahoot: https://kahoot.it/challenge/03884419?challenge-id=b17e5cdc-dc1e-44e7-9b85-4145afe38239_1740771913491
Submit it here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdKCYfRiNQxU_GIidVU8apqpbX9AOCfI_0dEdbrBNPTsQaLbQ/viewform?usp=sharing
March Strengths Quest: Strength & Song
Choose a song that represents one of your strengths. Complete this Google form to explain how it relates. For example, "We are the Champions" by Queen might represent the Competition strength because it is about competing and being the best.
Library Art Contest
Calling all artists! The library would like to display some student art in the new Aztec Reading Corner. You can choose from one of these themes: Reading/Literacy/Books, Technology, MOH or Aztecs. Turn in your design ideas (rough sketch is fine) to Ms. Siglin in the library before Spring Break (or email to kerry.siglin@sweetwaterschools.org). The artists of the top 3-4 designs will be provided canvases and paint to create their final artwork for our library. Here are some ideas, not to copy, just to spark your creativity.
March is Women's History Month
Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history. The National Women’s History Alliance selects and publishes the yearly theme. The theme for Women's History Month 2025 is “Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations.” (womenshistory.org)
Aztec Reading Corner
We have a new section of the library with bean bags for students to have a comfortable place to relax and read. All students are welcome to come in and use them before and after school and at lunch. We asked for donations through the Donors Choose website, and parents, staff, and other community members (even people across the country) generously donated to make this happen. Thank you to all who donated!
Lego Station
We also have another new addition to our library: Lego Station! Building Legos can be fun and a great way to de-stress. We just ask students to respect the posted guidelines for Lego Station.
Ideal Aztec!
Students from various classes came to the library to design their Ideal Aztec; a student who lives the core values of respect, responsibility, and resilience.
Attention Seniors!
You are responsible to paying off fines for library, textbooks, and technology before you graduate. Do NOT wait until May to make sure you are cleared from the library. Some of you owe things from middle school. You can return items to the MOH library even if it belongs to MOM or another school in our district. We can clear it off your record and return the items to the school it belongs to. If you owe money due to lost or damaged items, we can set up a payment plan for you so you can make monthly payments between now and May instead of trying to pay it all at once at the end of the year. Our library tech, Mr. Hernandez, sends out monthly notices on Jupiter if you owe something. Don't ignore those messages. Come see Ms. Siglin or Mr. Hernandez in the library if you have any questions or if you want to check and see if you owe anything. We are here to help you!
Tech Tips!
1. If you are having wi-fi issues with your laptop (or some other weird glitches), try to shut down your computer completely, then turn it back on. Over half the time, that fixes the issue and saves you a trip to the library. If it still doesn't work, please come to the library and we will be happy to help.
2. Leave your case on! If you take off the case, your warranty is void which means if anything breaks and the case is not on, you will have to pay for the damages. Also, our computer tech cannot fix your computer if the case is not on it, so don't even bother bringing it to the library to get fixed without the case. Keep those cases on, Aztecs!
Library Hours and Info
Library Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:15am-5:00pm, Friday 7:15am - 4:00pm
*Open at nutrition break and lunch!
MAGIC Center Tutoring: Monday - Friday 7:15-8:15am, Monday - Thursday 3:45-5:00pm
Click here to search for what books we have at our library. https://moh.goalexandria.com/
Check out #bookstagram or #booktok for more book recommendations.
AP Test Prep Section in the Library!
AP tests are coming up in a couple months. We now have test prep books available for students to check out for two weeks at a time. Come check out the selection of materials.
Montgomery High School Library
Mrs. Siglin, MOH Librarian
Email: kerry.siglin@sweetwaterschools.org
Phone: 619-628-3830