All Saints Update
October 16, 2024
Follow us on Facebook/Instagram @asastocktonca
Big thanks to the amazing families who made our Trunk or Treat a success!
Blessed to start the new school year together at the Back-to-School Mass with the Diocese of Stockton!
Our faculty is excited and ready to guide our students in faith, learning, and growth.
Spirit Week October 28th- November 1st
Flash Back to Previous Spirit Days
Career Day 2017
Sports Day 2022
Anything but a Backpack Day 2023
Save the Date! All Saints Day Cook-off
You're Invited to the All Saints Day Cook-Off!
Join us in celebrating All Saints Day with a delicious cook-off competition!
Date: Friday, November 1, 2024
Time: Following 8:00 AM Mass
Location: St. George Hall
Bring your best dish! This year's competition will feature a variety of mouth-watering dishes, including:
- Pozole
- Menudo
- Chili Beans
- Lumpia
- Pansit
- Fried Rice
How to Sign Up:
If you'd like to compete, please sign up by filling out our Google Form: https://forms.gle/VBtwHoPGF5DJdr2f8 . The deadline to sign up is October 25, 2024.
Grateful to St. Edward Church for hosting a beautiful Children's Mass.
Thank you St. Linus for creating a special space for us to grow in faith.
Thank you St. Mary Church!
In the Classroom
Harvest Buddy Crafts
Buddy Reading
Harvest Crafts in 2nd Grade
Thank you Stockton Fire Department!
Middle School Fall Retreat
An unforgettable day at the ropes course retreat!
Grades 3rd- 5th Fall Retreat
Our students challenged themselves, built teamwork, and embraced new heights—both physically and personally.
Oh, Buttercup!
Buttercup & the Mobile Dairy Classroom visit ASA!
Students in all grades enjoyed the presentation and got to learn about California dairy farmers.
Thank you Buttercup & Miranda from the Dairy Council of California.
Our CYO runners giving it their all this season! Proud of their determination.
Big shoutout to Coach Josh for your dedication and support!
Every step counts toward the finish line! Thank you Coach Victor for your leadership and motivation.
Coffee & Chat with the Principal
This is an OPTIONAL Fundraiser available to all ASA Families!
Friday, November 1: All Saints Day Celebration - an all day event beginning with Mass, Cook-Off Competition among parents/grandparents, student performances, and the Spelling Bee. Winners from the Spelling Bee will proceed to the San Joaquin County Spelling Bee in December.
November 4-8: Sixth Grade Science Camp with Exploring New Horizons (ONLY 6th Grade)
Monday, November 11: Veteran's Day Holiday
Wednesday, November 13: Ruby Bridges Event (On Campus)Sunday, November 16: Children's Mass at St. Gertrude (St. Gertrude Feast Day)
November 19 and 21: Parent Conferences with 12pm Dismissal (aftercare available)
Friday, November 22 : 12pm Dismissal with NO AFTERCARE AVAILABLE
November 25 -29: Thanksgiving Break
Sunday, December 8 - Our Lady of Guadalupe Diocesan Procession - Please join us! All are welcome!
Wednesday, December 11: ASA Christmas Program featuring all students (NEW DATE)
Thursday, December 12 - Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day - Festivities for the entire community in the St. George Hall. All are welcome!
December 16-20: Final Exam Week for Grades 4-8
Friday, December 20: 12pm Dismissal with NO AFTERCARE AVAILABLE
How many St. George/ASA alumni can you spot?
Events and Activities from the Diocese of Stockton
Office of Liturgy and Worship
- New Join us at our Catholic Cemeteries on Nov. 2 as we commemorate those who have gone before us! https://stocktondiocese.org/all-souls.
Office of Evangelization & Faith Formation
New Finding God in the Mess: A Webinar with Jim Deeds and Brendan McManus, SJ - Ignatian Spirituality
Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024. 10–11 a.m. ct. Hosted by Layola Press. All registered participants will receive a link to the recorded webinar.
New Signos de Esperanza en un mundo de penurias (EN PERSONA)
Sabado 9 de Noviembre del 2024. 10 a.m. a 12 p.m. en Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center: Citrus Heights, CA. No tiene costo, patrocinado por el Instituto Hispano de la Universidad de Santa Clara ¡Trae tu almuerzo! Para registrarse haga clic aquí
Office of Hispanic Youth & Young Adult Ministry
- New Taller de Liderazgo para Jovenes Adultos mayores de 18 años
Sabado 16 de Noviembre, 2024 de 8:30AM-4:00PM. Para mas información y registración visite nuestra pagina Youth Leadership Workshop - Diocese of Stockton - Stockton, CA (stocktondiocese.org)
Office of Hispanic Ministry
- Evangelización Guadalupana. “La Virgen de Guadalupe nos invita a caminar hacia Jesús en cada momento de nuestra vida. Junto con ella vamos creciendo en la oración y la esperanza a través de la Eucaristía. 29 de octubre de 7-8:30 p.m. en la parroquia del Sagrado Corazón en Turlock. Para más información visite: Pastoral Hispana - Diocese of Stockton - Stockton, CA (stocktondiocese.org).
- Retiro del Encuentro Matrimonial para matrimonios, noviembre 22-24, 2024. Para inscribirse llame a Adán & Lucy Gasca al (209) 678-6358 o escriba a francisco.ramona.orta@wwme.org.
- Día de retiro para parejas. Noviembre 23, 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.. En la casa de retiros Christ the King Retreat Center in Citrus Heights, CA. $85 por pareja. Incluye desayuno y almuerzo. Para información escriba a tgdonan@passionist.org.
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Annual Diocesan Celebration. Save the date. Dec. 8, 2024. Procession begins at 12 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church; Mass is at 2 p.m. at the Stockton Arena. For information, Click here. // Celebración Diocesana anual de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Reserve la fecha, domingo 8 de diciembre del 2024. La Procesión inicia a las 12 p.m. en la Iglesia Santa Maria; la Misa es a las 2 p.m. en la Arena de Stockton. Para información, Haga clic aquí.
Office of Life & Dignity
- October is Respect Life Month – Digital Resources, prayer cards, homily helps, parish/school resources to promote the dignity of the human person available here.
- 40 Days 4 Life Stockton Fall Campaign – Sept. 25 – Nov. 3. Witness to life – Save a Life: sign up here or get more information.
Office of Marriage and Family Life
- Annual White Mass: Join us to pray and give thanks for Healthcare Professionals on Oct. 16, at 5:45 p.m. at St. Joseph Parish, Modesto. Dinner Reception follows the Mass - $35/Person (Pre-event Registration required).
School of Ministry
- Engaged Couple Sponsors' Workshop: Oct. 19, 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Lathrop.
All Saints Academy is a ministry of St. Edward, St. Gertrude, St. George, St. Linus, and St. Mary of the Assumption.
Please call the school office at (209) 463-1540.