Parent and Family Engagement Center
January Newsletter
Welcome to Our Monthly PF & E Update
Happy New Year CISD Families,
Welcome back to the second semester! Please take a minute to read our January newsletter. If you have ANY questions or think that our office can help you or your family in anyway, please call or email. Our contact information is below.
Parent and Family Engagement has partnered with Region 14 for a FUN evening!
Advisory Committee Meeting
Our January Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 23rd @ 6:00 in the CMS Library. We will be reviewing the results from the fall survey. Please make plans to attend. Everyone is welcome.
Stronger Connections Grant
CISD has been awarded the Stronger Connections Grant. The purpose of the grant is to establish and improve school culture to produce strong relationships between staff and students, while addressing harmful, violent, and threatening behavior resulting in reductions in behavioral and disciplinary incidents, chronic absenteeism, incidents of bullying and harassment, and improved overall academic outcomes.
The center will be working off of referrals to help our students and families. Anyone can fill out the referral and all information is confidential.
Below is a link to the referral form.
Blessings in a Bag
During the fall semester, CISD provided, 2,943 meals to students and 200lbs of food per family for the Christmas Holidays. With the help of Snyder Resource Volunteers, the food was picked up in Lubbock and brought back to Snyder. CISD employees then picked up the 3600 lbs of food and brought it back to Colorado City, where it was distributed. Each family received: a Christmas turkey, a dry box, a frozen box and a bag containing juice and soups. Extra items were: bags of apples, oranges, potatoes, grapes and a gallon of milk.
This has solely been funded by generous donations and has been no cost to CISD. We will continue seeking community funds to help pay for future orders. If you would like to help with this, please click on the QR code below.
Snyder Resources helpers and CISD maintenance, Thomas Molina
CISD Employee Michael Chandler
Delivery help from School Board Trustee, Jamie Alvarez.
Please click link below if you would like to donate!
Blessings in a Bag
Anyone interested in donating to this program, can click on the QR code below.
Contact Information:
The Advisory Committee meeting will be reviewing Data at the Jan. 30th meeting. The results will be shared in the upcoming newsletters.
Upcoming Events:
- Advisory Committee Meeting-Jan. 23rd @ 6:00-CMS Library-Everyone is invited
- 3rd-5th Anxiety/Stress/Math/Reading Night-Thursday, January 30th