Husky Happenings
March 14th, 2025
Message from Mrs. Sheppard
Happy Friday!
I hope everyone is enjoying this nice weather we are having. I love seeing the sun and blue skies! The first day of spring is next week so hopefully we will continue to see an increase in our temperatures. This is our last week of school before Spring Break. We will be off the entire week of March 24th-28th. When we return from break, students will go back to lining up outside of their classroom doors again. We will still have adults over in the parking lot area to help with drop off but students will not be lining up in the cafeteria for the rest of the school year.
We are still enjoying our Reading Month activities throughout the rest of March! I hope you have been reading at home as well. Reading with young children is so important for their cognitive, emotional, and social development. It helps to build vocabulary, language skills, and comprehension all while creating a love for books and learning! This goes right along with our Positivity Project character strength! By having reading be part of your child's regular routine, you can help instill lifelong learning habits that benefit them in so many ways.
This week in the Positivity Project we will discuss the character strength Love of Learning. Love of Learning means enjoying the process of learning new things whether it be in school or on your own. Please read the letter and talk about this trait with your family during the week to reinforce what we are talking about in school.
Please feel free to email or DOJO me with questions you might have and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Sheppard
District Multicultural Fair
Save the Date for our Culture and Diversity Fair from 5-7 p.m. on Thursday, May 1, 2025 at the William D. Ford Career-Technical Center.
Spring Picture Day info
You can pay for pictures online if you prefer by going to this link:
3/17 Wear GREEN TODAY!!! 🍀🍀🍀
3/18 Wear Workout clothes ( Reading exercises your brain!!)
3/19 Wear WHITE...last day of Winter/WHITE OUT
Book Bingo night at 6:00 pm
3/20 Military Attire Day (Reading is our future)
3/21 Wear RED or Graham Gear
Lunch Menu
There are some days when the menu could possibly change due to food items not being available. We will let the students know if there are changes as soon as we find out.
Our 5th graders will be selling snacks during all three lunches to raise money to go to Camp! All snacks are $1.00. Cash Only PLEASE!!!
📆 Upcoming Events
3/24-3/28 Spring Break- NO SCHOOL
4/3 Math Night at 5:30 pm
4/7 M-Step Testing begins
4/10 Spring Picture Day
4/18 NO SCHOOL- Good Friday
4/23 Science Night 5:00-6:30 pm
4/30 NO SCHOOL-District Professional Development
5/1 Cultural and Diversity Fair (Career Tech Center 5-7 pm)
5/7-5/8 5th Grade EMU Day Camp
5/27-5/28 MOBILE DENTIST at Graham
6/5 Spring Carnival 5:30 pm
6/6 Graham FIELD DAY
6/10 Half Day of School dismissal at 12:20 pm
6/10 5th Grade Ceremony and Clap Out at 10:45 am
6/10 5th Grade Picnic at
6/11 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL-Dismissal at 12:20 pm
PD. Graham Elementary School
Attendance Line: 734-419-2626
Secretary: Mrs. Harper harperb@wwcsd.net
Principal: Mrs. Sheppard sheppardl@wwcsd.net
Email: sheppardl@wwcsd.net
Website: https://www.wwcsd.net/schools/elementary-schools/graham/
Location: 1255 South John Hix Road, Westland, MI, USA
Phone: 734-419-2620
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PDGrahamHuskies