Weekly Parent Update
September 2nd, 2024
Saint Bridget School: a Catholic community that encourages a love of God, respect for all, and academic excellence.
Principal's Notes
Happy Labor Day to everyone!
I hope you've all enjoyed a relaxing long weekend. Our Open House this past Wednesday was a fantastic opportunity to reconnect and welcome many new families. A big thank you to the PTO for organizing Ellie's Treats and making the event so special!
Our Early Childhood and Kindergarten Orientation and Welcome Tea were also a huge success. It was wonderful to see so many new faces and to reconnect with our returning little ones. A heartfelt thanks to the PTO for hosting the tea!
As we prepare to welcome the entire school community back tomorrow morning, we want to ensure a smooth and safe drop-off process. With over 220 families arriving each morning, the parking lot will be quite busy. To help manage traffic and maintain safety, we ask that all students in Kindergarten and above use the rolling drop-off lane. This will help us keep the parking lot flowing efficiently and reduce congestion.
For those dropping off younger siblings in Preschool or Pre-K, you can still use the parking lot to park and walk them to their designated area. However, if your child is in Kindergarten or older, please use the rolling drop-off system.
We appreciate your cooperation in making the drop-off process as smooth and safe as possible for everyone. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Cafeteria Lunch Heat-ups: Although microwaves are available for students to heat up lunches, efforts should be made to limit the need for heating up lunches. If needed and when possible, send in items already heated using thermoses. Students should not bring items that need to be fully cooked, such as macaroni and cheese cups. Students who require the use of a microwave should be able to independently use the microwave. Staff supervising in the cafeteria are not liable for items heated in the microwave.
Food Allergies in the cafeteria, and in classrooms: It is important to be mindful of students who have allergies, consideration should be made to avoid sending in items that contain peanuts/tree nuts. Official peanut/tree nut free classrooms have been designated when necessary, each class that this is relevant to has been notified.
New Gym Teacher: We contract with Young World for our gym teacher. Young World has hired Jesse Corwin. We look forward to welcoming him to our school community.
Emergency Communication System Test: This coming Wednesday afternoon we will be conducting a test of our emergency communication system. Two different parent alerts will be going out, one via text to cellphones and voice messages to home phones at 3:30 pm, and one via email shortly after. If you do not receive the notifications please update your information in our student information system, or call the office to update your information.
All my best,
Matthew Collins
Morning Drop-off Routes and Reminders
Rolling Drop Off Grades K - 8: Students in grades K - 8 use the walkway on the side of the main playground that leads to the parking lot directly in front of the entrance of the After School Building. Families who are doing the rolling drop off will turn to the right upon entry into the parking lot and drop off at the walkway. There will be signage and Assisting Parents and Staff to direct you.
Parking and Dropping Off: All students who attend Before School Care and who are in Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten programs must be walked to the Visitors Entrance, side door of the school facing the Parish Hall. Teachers for Before School, Pre-S and Pre-K will be at the door to receive students. Parents walking students in must pull to the left when entering the parking lot, and park in an open spot. Please watch for Assisting Parents and Staff for help with navigating across the parking lot. It is very important to pull through to the second spot, so that we can avoid cars backing into the incoming traffic.
School Calendar - The Week Ahead 9/2 - 9/6
Tuesday, September 3rd:
- First Day of school for Pre-S, Pre-K and Kindergarten
Wednesday, September 4th:
- Please pray for our Faculty and Staff
Thursday, September 5th:
- Pease pray for our SBS Community, especially our new students and families
Friday, September 6th:
- Dress Down Day for Local Missions - Wear Red, White and Blue or Patriots Gear for $1.00. As this is our first dress down day, please remember to have students dress appropriately. Per our handbook; make-up is not allowed, no bare midriffs, neat, clean play clothes, no short shorts – no more than six inches from knee when standing, no halters or tank tops, appropriate footwear – flip flops, strapless sandals and slippers are not appropriate school footwear, appropriately designed t-shirt – no offensive pictures or language, no pajama pants, no sunglasses or hats.
School Calendar - Looking Ahead 9/9 - 9/13
Monday, September 9th:
- Please pray for all those that work in the Catholic Schools Office, especially Mrs. Eileen McLaughlin, our new Superintendent
Tuesday, September 10th:
- First School Mass in recognition of the new school year, 9:00 am. No grade hosting. Blessing of the Buddies; our 8th grade students are buddies for our 1st grade students, and our 7th grade students are buddies for our Kindergarten students. This is a wonderful tradition at SBS!
Wednesday, September 11th:
- 23rd Anniversary of September 11th, please pause and pray for all those lost and for the first responders who exhibited bravery on that day.
Thursday, September 12th:
- Please pray for the Members of our Advisory School Board, Paul Hagerty - Chair, Lauren Kelley, Dr. Kelli Kennedy, and Melissa Reed
Friday, September 13th:
- Please pray for the PTO Board and their families, Michelle Tomalonis - President, Kara Hesketh - Vice President, Elyse McMenimon - Treasurer, and Meghan Casagrande - Secretary.
- A reminder that the first PTO Meeting is next Monday, September 16th at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria.
Saint Bridget School
Email: sbsoffice@stbridgetschool.us
Website: www.stbridgetschool.us
Location: 455 Plymouth Street, Abington, MA, USA
Phone: 781-878-8482