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Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 29 -- 17 October 2019
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Nau mai haere mai, talofa koutou
Mini Moa starts next week on Wednesday 23 October 2pm in Moa iti. We welcome all four year olds within our community to attend. Please know you do not have to be pre-enrolled at Inglewood Primary School to attend. You can come in and see how we operate and get to know us and we, you.
We have students attending the Nano Girl Science show today, which Inglewood High kindly allowed us as a Kāhui Ako o Kōhanga Moa to utilise the hall. Many thanks to Tracy Turner and Vicki Ritchie for organising this event. Check out Vicki's blurb below.
This week Mr Jones has been working alongside Puke Haupapa E with regard to possum trapping. Mr Jones had some experts from the NPDC come along and extend our knowledge in pest control.
Classes in Panitahi have had Dr Emily Watson in to assist with extending our knowledge of Rocky Shore life in preparation for the Rocky Shore trips coming up - thank you Mrs o'Connor and Dr Emily for arranging this.
This week we welcome back Ms Erin Boyde as a student teacher. Erin is a former pupil of ours here at Inglewood Primary and is completing her last pre-teaching experience in Puke Haupapa E - we are really enjoying having Erin here full time over the next several weeks.
Nano Girl Science Spetacular
REACH Goal for Week 1 Term 4
REACH Celebration
We would like to celebrate REACH at home. Please email the school office at office@inglewood.school.nz or drop in to the office a wee note including the information below.
REACH At Home ………………………… has displayed the following Inglewood Primary School REACH value/s at home or community.
Please write the details of what you observed:
Name:…………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………………...
Happy Birthday / Ra Whanau
Our school roll is currently 388.
Students of the Week - Term 3 Wk 10
RJ Mason Transport Ltd Y1 & Y2
Inglewood High School Y3 & Y4
Siobhan Williams - For consistently showing and using her REACH values. You are an asset to our school.
Superior Builders Taranaki Y5 & Y6
Ella Falconer - For having a great term and a positive attitude
Naki Plumbing and Gas Y7 & Y8
Students of the Week - Term 4 Wk 1
RJ Mason Transport Ltd Y1 & Y2
Inglewood High School Y3 & Y4
Cooper Beale - For the respectful, responsible, and thoughtful way he responds to his peers in a range of situations.
Superior Builders Taranaki Y5 & Y6
Joeli Nakuta - For challenging himself in all areas of his learning. Vinaka Vinaka vaka levu
Naki Plumbing and Gas Y7 & Y8
Sporting Achievements - Congratulations
Lucy Hancock has been selected for the Taranaki Under 15 Indoor Netball team. Rhianna Chard and Kaitlyn Antill have been selected for the Taranaki Under 12 Indoor Netball team. Congratulations girls.
Congratulations to Hayley and Amber Storer, Te'neal Helms and Pippa Sutton for making it through with other members from Stratford to the Rippa Finals being played today against Devon Intermediate - we wish you well.
Food Scraps
Thought about feeding our pigs Marmite & Toast? You have a new scrap bin from the council that would be handy for you to bring along when you are walking your child/children to school. Wow farm life and experiences at our door. We will readily take these scraps.
We are proud to be Smoke Free
We all have a right to quality air. Thank you for respecting this and enforcing this.
Important Information for Parents / Whanau
School Absence: If your child is absent from school for any reason, please leave a message on the school answer phone or use the School App. Please state name and reason why the child is away. Thank you.
Sports Uniforms: Please check your cupboards, under beds, drawers etc for any sports uniforms that belong to the school office. We have a lot not returned. Thank you
School Accounts: Please ensure all accounts are brought up to date by the end of the term.
Scholastic Book Club: Issue 7 has gone out to all children this week. Last day for orders to the office is Wednesday 30 October. Thank you
Help! Help! Recycled Bottle House
We need more clear 1.25 litre and 2.25 litre bottles. If you have an interest in assisting with environmental projects please contact Mrs Ritchie who would love some support. We have a lot of projects and the Enviro Crew work most Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes on projects.
ParentLink News
Term 4 Calendar (This may change on a weekly basis)
Sunday 20 October
School Working Bee 10am to 4pm
Monday 21 October
Powhiri to welcome new staff and families
Tuesday 22 October
Vision & Hearing Visiting
Wednesday 23 October
ParentLink Meeting - School Staffroom
Thursday 24 October
Pita Pit due at the office by 3pm
Friday 25 October
Pita Pit Lunch
Monday 28 October
Labour Day - School Closed
Tuesday 29 October
School Closed Teacher Only Day
Wednesday 30 October
ParentLink Sausage Sizzle Lunch
Monday 4 November
Full School Assembly - 11am
Wednesday 6 November
Inglewood Primary School Athletics
Thursday 7 November
Inglewood Primary School Athletics PPD
Year 6 Information Evening - 7pm
Friday 8 November
Year 8 Orientation Day at Inglewood High School
Year 6 Orientation Day - 11am
Monday 11 November
Full School Assembly - 11am
Tuesday 12 November
Junior School Athletics Day
Thursday 14 November
Pita Pit lunch orders due at the office by 3pm
Friday 15 November
Pita Pit Lunch
Monday 18 November
Full School Assembly - 11am
Tuesday 19 November
Town v Country Athletics - TET Stadium
Monday 25 November
Full School Assembly - 11am
Tuesday 26 November
Road Patrol Appreciation Day
ParentLink Sausage Sizzle Lunch Order Forms due at the office by 3pm
Wednesday 27 November
ParentLink Sausage Sizzle Lunch
Monday 2 December
Full School Assembly - 11am
Friday 6 December
Year 8 Graduation Dinner Dance - Inglewood Town Hall
Monday 9 December
Full School Assembly - 11am
Thursday 12 December
Pita Pit lunch orders due at the office by 3pm
Friday 13 December
Thank you helpers lunch - 12.30pm Staffroom
Pit Pit Lunch
Monday 16 December
Full School Assembly - 11am
Tuesday 17 December
Meet the 2020 teacher - 2pm
Wednesday 18 December
Service Award Assembly - 2pm
Final Junior/Middle Assembly - Time to be confirmed
Thursday 19 December
Final Senior/Intermediate Assembly - Time to be confirmed
Friday 20 December
School finishes at 12noon
2020 School Term Dates
Please note the school will be closed for Waitangi Day Thursday 6 Feb and also Friday 7 Feb 2020, enjoy the long weekend whanau.
31 January - Learning Partnership Day
6 February - Waitangi Day
7 February - School closed
6 March - School Closed Teacher Only Day
9 March - Taranaki Anniversary
Term 2: 28 April - 3 July
(Note Monday 27 April - Anzac Day mondayized)
1 June - Queens Birthday
Term 3: 20 July - 25 September
Friday 4 September - Teacher Only Day - School Closed
Term 4: 12 October - 18 December
26 October - Labour Day
27 October - Teacher Only Day - School Closed
Regards Karen & Staff
Office – 7568040 Fax – 7566060 Mobile – 0274 - 961654 Dental – 7568041
Email – office@inglewood.school..nz Website: www.inglewoodprimary.school.nz