The Eagle’s Landing
December 4, 2022
Important Dates
December Important Dates
12/5 - 5th grade Band Concert - 7:00pm
12/13 - 5th grade Choir Concert - 6:30 pm
12/15- 3rd grade Music Show - 9:30am
12/20 - Music For Youth Holiday Concert - 8:30am
12/23 - 1/09/23 - Winter Break
Return to School for Students on Tuesday, January 10
The School will be closed for Winter Break from 12/23 - 1/09/23 - Enjoy your Holiday!
Hello Ivy Families,
Can you believe that it's December?!
The warm weather is gone for a few months. Please make sure that your child is dressed for the colder temperatures. We will continue to go outside every day until the temperature drops below 0. We have very few coats to loan out so please be sure to send your child with the proper outerwear.
Keep reading below to see the latest information on what to expect if we do have really bad weather and information about keeping your family safe during the flu season.
As always - Stay safe, stay kind and stay courageous!
The snow has started and the kids love to play in it! No matter how old your child is or what type of snow pants they have, they will be completely wet after 30 minutes in the snow!
Please send a change of clothes along with underwear and socks in a plastic bag in your child's backpack.
We do not have the amount of space needed to keep all sizes of clothes in our nurse's office.
If your child does not have a change of clothes and they get wet during recess, we will have to call home for dry clothes!
Please mark all personal items with your child's name. Lunch boxes, water bottles, backpacks, coats, etc. THIS IS FOR ALL GRADES!!
During the winter months, influenza is a common occurrence and can be severe. Flu is a respiratory illness caused by a virus and the symptoms can include:
A temperature of 100.0 degrees or above. Following any illness, the temperature should remain normal for a period of 24 hours without fever reducing medication before the child returns to school.
Symptoms that involve the whole body such as muscle pain or body aches.
Sore throat and/or swollen glands
Tiredness/ lack of appetite
Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea. Do not send a child to school until 24 hours have elapsed since the last episode of vomiting or diarrhea.
Coughing, sniffling, or runny nose.
There are several ways in which you can protect yourself and your children from influenza and communicable diseases. Please reinforce these healthy habits with your children:
Good hand washing, especially before eating and always after using the bathroom.
Getting plenty of rest helps avoid stress to the immune system.
Eating three nutritious meals each day enhances our immune systems.
Not sharing food or drinks prevents the spread of germs.
Covering mouths when coughing or sneezing and disposing of tissues in a lined wastebasket helps to prevent the spread of infections.
Avoid close contact with ill persons
Frequently clean and disinfect surfaces that are high-touch areas
IDPH recommends individuals to get the seasonal influenza vaccine.
Please contact your school nurse if you have questions or concerns about illness.
District 25 Health Services Staff
Dear Parents/Guardians & Staff:
As we enter the winter months, Arlington Heights School District 25 (AHSD25) would like to update you on some of the factors that contribute to closing school in the event of inclement weather and when you can expect to be notified.
Over the course of the past several years, we have been engaged in collaborative discussions with District 214 as well as our neighboring districts. Together, we are committed to a process that ensures decisions are made wisely and in a timely fashion regarding the safety and well being of our entire school community.
In the event that school needs to “close” due to inclement weather, District 25 would notify you whether we will:
- Make up the day on a later date, OR
- Utilize an eLearning Day where students would use their District device to learn from home. For details on eLearning Days, read the section further down in this letter titled eLEARNING DAY.
AHSD25 will follow these general guidelines when closing schools for winter-related closings:
- Schools will be closed if there is a forecasted sustained wind chill of -30 degrees Fahrenheit or colder, or when the actual temperature is a sustained -15 degrees Fahrenheit or colder between the travel times of 5:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. and/or 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. The District will use forecasts provided by the National Weather Service.
- For snow, ice, or other weather-related closings, AHSD25 will monitor the current conditions, the forecasted conditions between the travel times listed above, the ability of our staff to plow parking lots and sidewalks, as well as the ability of local municipalities to plow and make streets passable. AHSD25 will also be in contact with our transportation companies to assess their ability to safely run buses. In these situations, the District will also be in contact with our neighboring districts, our local and State officials, and meteorologists in order to make the most appropriate decision with the facts known at that respective time.
- If school will be closed, AHSD25 will make the notification by 5:30 a.m. the day of the closing knowing that you may need to arrange for childcare or other schedule changes. If we are able to make the determination the night before to close school – meaning the forecast undoubtedly warrants closure – we will attempt to notify you prior to 9:30 p.m.
- Typically, we do not send out a telephone SchoolMessenger notice after 9:30 p.m., as the system can sometimes take up to an hour or so to complete all calls. The District will update its website, social media accounts (detailed below), and the Emergency Closing Center website (www.emergency closing as soon as a decision has been made. However, in the event the decision to close school is made after 9:30 p.m., the District will wait and send out the telephone SchoolMessenger notice by 5:30 a.m. the following morning.
- When school is closed due to inclement weather, all extracurricular programs and school meetings (except for Board of Education meetings) are canceled.
- It is important to remind you that Illinois School Code, and District policy, allows parents to call their student(s) out, as excused, in the event that the district keeps schools open, because, as a family, you have concerns about your child safely traveling to or from school.
For the most timely and official information regarding school closures, please follow us on Twitter (@ahsd25), like us on Facebook (, follow us on Instagram (@ahsd25social) and log on to our web site ( Those avenues will be updated in real time as a decision is made. Also, if you haven’t already, please sign up for the District’s emergency text notification system. Simply text “Y” or “Yes” to 67587 to subscribe. If you’re not sure if you’ve previously opted in, you can still follow these instructions without causing any issues. For more on the emergency text notification system, click here.
In the event of a school closure, the District may choose between implementing an eLearning day or making up the day according to the school calendar. In the instance where an eLearning Day is being implemented, your child(ren) would not come to school but rather they would learn from home connecting with their teachers virtually. Please read through this letter (linked here) for details on eLearning Days.
As always, the safety and security of our students and staff remains a top priority of AHSD25, our high school district, and our community.
Lori D. Bein, Ed.D.
Our students are LOVING having their dads here for "Dads On Recess" each Friday! This week was a huge kick ball game! We'll be playing most Fridays from 12:10 - 1:10 so if you'd be interested in giving up part of your lunch one Friday afternoon please email Mario Bonasera at
Ivy Hill Spirit Days
Mark your calendars and don't miss out on the FUN!!
Friday, October 28 - Super Hero Day
Friday, November 18 - World Cup (Soccer Gear) Day
Thursday, December 22 - Pajama Day
Friday, January 27 - Hat Day
Friday, February 24 - MisMatch Day
Friday, March 24 - March Madness (College Gear) Day
Friday, April 28 - Inside Out Day
Friday, June 2 - Tie Dye Day
Please print this calendar and put it on your fridge!! District 25 and District 214 (the high schools) have different holidays so please be sure to send your child on the appropriate days!
The front office staff MUST be notified if your child is going to be late, leave early or be absent from school. There are two ways to do this:
1. ABSENCE HOT LINE: Available 24 hours a day, 7 days each week!
Dial the main office number 847-398-4275 and Press 1 for attendance
2. ONLINE ABSENCE FORM: Available 24 hours a day, 7 days each week!
Click here for the link
Ivy Hill is lucky to have Mrs. Khan and Mrs. Moncada back this year to serve breakfast and lunch to all of our students!
Breakfast will be served at 8:45 each morning - the cost is $1.75. If your child rides the bus, have them come directly to the commons when they arrive at school.
Lunch schedules change each week - beginning on Monday, 8/29, we will be on Schedule B. Click here for the menu. The cost for lunch is $3.25.
The easiest way to pay for breakfast and lunch to set up an account at Call the office for your child's student ID number. You can also send cash. Please put the cash in an envelope with your child's name on it.
Download the Choosi app to help manage your child's account.
Ivy Hill PTA
We’d love to hear from you!
Location: 2211 North Burke Drive, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 398-4275
Twitter: @PrincipalKaese