CODERS Weekly March 19, 2024
Center for Writing in College, Career & Community at MSU
Time for the Teacher Post Survey
Thank you in advance for completing this survey and for asking your students to do this as well. This is a very important aspect of the evaluation. We match the students from Fall to Spring, so even if students are absent, we want to try to capture that data. Thank you for all of your efforts.
Time for the Student Post-Survey
Time for the Student Survey
Here is the link to the student survey.
Press Release for Your Local Paper or School Board Update or Note to the Admin
Please take a moment to copy and paste this press release and send to your local paper. If you prefer that we send, send us the name of your paper and a preferred photo, and we will get that sent out to you. I have sent them to Seymour, Rogersville, and Buffalo. If you prefer we send them, just let me know. If you can email a team picture to kfranklin@missouristate.edu, it would be appreciated!
[Embargoed until February 28, 2024]
Middle School Teams Excel in CODERS Olympiad at Missouri State University
Springfield, MO - February 27, 2024 - Teams from middle schools across the region converged at Missouri State University for the first annual CODERS Olympiad, showcasing their prowess in computer science, coding, and problem-solving. The event, organized by Missouri State University Faculty and the Computer Science, Opportunities & Development in Rural Schools (CODERS) grant from the US Department of Education, saw enthusiastic participation from 17 teams.
The CODERS Olympiad celebrates rural school districts' commitment to integrating computer science into their curriculum, emphasizing the intersection of coding with writing, computational thinking, language, and even music. Dr. Keri Franklin, Professor of English and Project Director for the CODERS grant, lauded the event as a testament to each district's dedication to nurturing the next generation of digital innovators.
Teams showcased their skills in tackling problems using materials from CODERS kits provided by the grant to each participating school. These kits, equipped with microbits, cutebots, robot dogs, and drones, empowered students in grades 4-8 to delve into block coding, problem-solving, computational thinking, and literacy skills.
"The CODERS Olympiad is an opportunity for students to put their knowledge and skills to the test in a fun and competitive environment," remarked Dr. Franklin. "It's inspiring to see the creativity and ingenuity of our young participants as they navigate through challenging tasks."
The top four awardees were as follows: Seymour, first; Buffalo, second; Logan-Rogersville, third; and Purdy, fourth. These teams demonstrated exceptional teamwork, problem-solving abilities, and innovative thinking. Their achievements reflect the dedication of both students and educators to excel in the field of computer science.
The CODERS Olympiad took place on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at Missouri State University, drawing participation from numerous middle schools in the region. As the event concluded, participants departed with newfound inspiration and a deeper appreciation for the exciting possibilities offered by computer science education.
For more information about the CODERS grant and upcoming events, please contact Dr. Keri Franklin at 417-224-6192.
Keri Franklin, PhD
Professor of English; Project Director, Computer Science Opportunities, Development & Education in Rural Schools (CODERS)
Center for Writing in College, Career & Community
Missouri State University
A Team of CODERS!
Private networks and the internet gave businesses more opportunities for commerce and consumers greater choices and access to better price information. However, PCs, ATMs, and mobile devices also became vulnerable to cyber criminals. --courtesy of the Smithsonian
PC's Limited computer, 1985, Smithsonian
This machine was among the first made by Michael Dell. He and other pioneered low-cost computers that gave consumers desktop power and Internet access. Courtesy of the Smithsonian
Logan-Rogersville Video
Teacher Certificates
We will be sending out teacher certificates via email.
We want to send a certificate to you and your principal for your participation. If there is any specific information you need, please let us know. The certificate will be signed and include your name, information about your leadership, and the number of hours of participation. If
June Launch RSVPs
Should your name be on the RSVP list for June?
Should your name be on here? Also, please bring a colleague. We want to continue to grow the coding community within your school.
Who should come?
Feel free to consider bringing colleagues who teach above or below you by grade level.
Teachers up to ninth grade are welcome.
Special education, librarians, administrators, or any tech person you have is also welcome to join.
- Ashley Akins
- Sarah Cable
- Brandy Retasket
- John Moore
- Abbi Coy
- Angela White
- Jen Jackson
- Yolanda Salas
- Leslie Stillings
- Kali Howe
- Aleph Rogers
- Rebecca Picard
- Katie Combs, Hollister (new)
- Holly Neal
- Carissa Willey
- Mrs. Picard, Willow Springs (new)
- Sarah Cable
- Gara Ipock
CODERS Inventory
Shoot an email to kfranklin@missouristate.edu and let us know about your CODERS Inventory. What items do you have in your classroom, what issues have you had, and what gaps need to be filled?
Upcoming Events
RSVP: 2024 Teacher Launch June 4-6, 2024
Tuesday, Jun 4, 2024, 10:00 AM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Opportunities and FYIs
Interested in Attending Interface Conference for Free?
We have one volunteer and one more spot available. Let me know if you are interested in attending Interface. Looking for two CODERS Leaders to attend the conference and lead the exhibit booth for CODERS. Tell administrators and teachers about CODERS. Share information about CODERS. And attend sessions! September 29 through October 1. You can attend one day or one day and two nights. https://dese.mo.gov/college-career-readiness/curriculum/interface-conference. Contact Keri if you are interested in more information.
Interested in attending the MoreNet Conference for Free?
October 22-23. Be the face of CODERS at the Exhibitor Hall at the Hilton Convention Center in Branson.