November Board of Education Notes
November 2024

Meeting Recap
The District 146 Board of Education held its regular monthly meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, November 11 in the Media Center at Central Middle School in Tinley Park.
During the meeting, Board President Darcy Nendza read the the Superintendent’s report on behalf of Dr. Jeff Stawick. The Board heard:
- Veterans Day Assemblies were held in all of the schools with veterans, families, and members of the community welcomed to join the celebrations. The District thanked the veterans for their service and sacrifice.
- November 15 is School Board Members Day in Illinois. The Superintendent thanked the Board for volunteering their time and efforts, and for their commitment to District 146.
- Parent Teacher Conferences were well-attended this year at each of the schools. Summaries from each principal and comments from parents were shared with the Board.
- The District’s Institute Day on November 1 included professional development in vocabulary, personal and professional diversity, and dyslexia.
- The Board previously received each building’s School Improvement Plan. They were asked to contact Dr. Stawick with any questions.
- The Board will be attending the Joint Annual Conference held November 22-24. Information was distributed to members regarding their registration.
- Memorial Principal Joe Trsar earned his Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Northwestern University. The District congratulates Dr. Trsar on this accomplishment.
- This fall, 26 staff members were eligible for a lane change, completing graduate-level coursework or receiving additional endorsements.
The Board also heard the following:
- The President of the Teachers Union informed the Board of activities occurring at each school. She also said teachers are preparing for the end of Trimester 1 and are busy working on report cards.
- The President of the ESP Union announced that the union will host a holiday food drive separate from those hosted at each school building. The drive has the possibility of bringing additional monetary donations to the food pantry the union chooses. Union members are working to make sure their food drive does not compete against student drives.
- Eric Sickbert of DLA Architects presented information on projects at Central Middle School to be completed in 2025, including the replacement of ceiling tiles, lighting, and flooring. The Board will be asked to go to bid at the December meeting.
- Jeff Charleston, Director of Business and CSBO, presented the Preliminary Tax Levy and Supplementary Tax Levy Resolution. The Board will be asked to take action at the December meeting.
- Vern Bettis, Director of Technology, presented a list of surplus technology equipment. The Board will be asked at the December meeting to declare the equipment as surplus so it can be recycled, donated, or sold.
The Board took the following action at the meeting:
- Approved Policy Changes first presented at the October Board meeting.
- Approved the School Maintenance Grant application that, if awarded, would provide $50,000 to go towards replacing the hot water boilers at Central Middle School.
The minutes of the November meeting will be available on BoardDocs once approved by the Board of Education at the next meeting. A recording of the meeting can be viewed on the District's YouTube Channel.
Next Board Meeting
The next regular Board of Education meeting will be held on Monday, December 9, 2024 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Robert Procunier Administration Center, 6611 W. 171st Street in Tinley Park.
Did you know?
November 15 of each year is designated as "School Board Members Day" in Illinois. School Board members are volunteers serving as advocates for every student who spend multiple hours each month focusing on district work, attending meetings, and performing other responsibilities that are rarely highlighted.
You can stream all of our monthly Board of Education meetings live on YouTube. Past meetings are also available to watch at the same link.
Minutes from the most recent meeting will be posted to BoardDocs after the Board of Education approves them at the following month's meeting.
Questions or Comments?
Please complete the form below if you have any questions or comments about this month's Board of Education Meeting, or Board business.
District 146 Board of Education
District Administration
- Dr. Jeff Stawick, Superintendent
- Kelly Voliva, Director of Student Services
- Dr. Wendy Wolgan, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
- Jeff Charleston, Director of Business Services/CSBO
- Vern Bettis, Director of Technology
- Matt Shanahan, Director of Buildings and Grounds
- Brooke Dundas, Coordinator of Bilingual Education
- Brianne Oliver, Special Education Coordinator
- Carey Radke, Curriculum Coordinator
Community Consolidated School District 146
Robert Procunier Administration Center
6611 W. 171st Street
Tinley Park, IL 60477